# # = test/bio/tc_pathway.rb - Unit test for Bio::Pathway # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2006 # Mitsuteru C. Nakao # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id: test_reference.rb,v 2008/06/17 12:24:41 ngoto Exp $ # require 'pathname' libpath = Pathname.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), [".."] * 3, "lib")).cleanpath.to_s $:.unshift(libpath) unless $:.include?(libpath) require 'test/unit' require 'bio/reference' require 'bio/compat/references' module Bio class TestReference < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup hash = {'authors' => [ "Hoge, J.P.", "Fuga, F.B." ], 'title' => "Title of the study.", 'journal' => "Theor. J. Hoge", 'volume' => 12, 'issue' => 3, 'pages' => "123-145", 'year' => 2001, 'pubmed' => 12345678, 'medline' => 98765432, 'abstract' => "Hoge fuga. hoge fuga.", 'url' => "http://example.com", 'mesh' => ['Hoge'], 'affiliations' => ['Tokyo']} @obj = Bio::Reference.new(hash) end def test_authors ary = [ "Hoge, J.P.", "Fuga, F.B." ] assert_equal(ary, @obj.authors) end def test_journal str = 'Theor. J. Hoge' assert_equal(str, @obj.journal) end def test_volume str = 12 assert_equal(str, @obj.volume) end def test_issue str = 3 assert_equal(str, @obj.issue) end def test_pages str = '123-145' assert_equal(str, @obj.pages) end def test_year str = 2001 assert_equal(str, @obj.year) end def test_pubmed str = 12345678 assert_equal(str, @obj.pubmed) end def test_abstract str = 'Hoge fuga. hoge fuga.' assert_equal(str, @obj.abstract) end def test_url str = 'http://example.com' assert_equal(str, @obj.url) end def test_mesh str = ['Hoge'] assert_equal(str, @obj.mesh) end def test_affiliations str = ['Tokyo'] assert_equal(str, @obj.affiliations) end def test_format_general str = 'Hoge, J.P., Fuga, F.B. (2001). "Title of the study." Theor. J. Hoge 12:123-145.' assert_equal(str, @obj.format) assert_equal(str, @obj.format('general')) assert_equal(str, @obj.general) end def test_format_endnote str = "%0 Journal Article\n%A Hoge, J.P.\n%A Fuga, F.B.\n%D 2001\n%T Title of the study.\n%J Theor. J. Hoge\n%V 12\n%N 3\n%P 123-145\n%M 12345678\n%U http://example.com\n%X Hoge fuga. hoge fuga.\n%K Hoge\n%+ Tokyo" assert_equal(str, @obj.format('endnote')) assert_equal(str, @obj.endnote) end def test_format_bibitem str = "\\bibitem{PMID:12345678}\nHoge, J.P., Fuga, F.B.\nTitle of the study.,\n{\\em Theor. J. Hoge}, 12(3):123--145, 2001." assert_equal(str, @obj.format('bibitem')) assert_equal(str, @obj.bibitem) end def test_format_bibtex str =<<__END__ @article{PMID:12345678, author = {Hoge, J.P. and Fuga, F.B.}, title = {Title of the study.}, journal = {Theor. J. Hoge}, year = {2001}, volume = {12}, number = {3}, pages = {123--145}, url = {http://example.com}, } __END__ assert_equal(str, @obj.format('bibtex')) assert_equal(str, @obj.bibtex) end def test_format_bibtex_with_arguments str =<<__END__ @inproceedings{YourArticle, author = {Hoge, J.P. and Fuga, F.B.}, title = {Title of the study.}, year = {2001}, volume = {12}, number = {3}, pages = {123--145}, booktitle = {Theor. J. Hoge}, month = {December}, } __END__ assert_equal(str, @obj.format('bibtex', 'inproceedings', 'YourArticle', { 'journal' => false, 'url' => false, 'booktitle' => @obj.journal, 'month' => 'December'})) assert_equal(str, @obj.bibtex('inproceedings', 'YourArticle', { 'journal' => false, 'url' => false, 'booktitle' => @obj.journal, 'month' => 'December'})) end def test_format_rd str = "== Title of the study.\n\n* Hoge, J.P. and Fuga, F.B.\n\n* Theor. J. Hoge 2001 12:123-145 [PMID:12345678]\n\nHoge fuga. hoge fuga." assert_equal(str, @obj.format('rd')) assert_equal(str, @obj.rd) end def test_format_nature str = 'Hoge, J.P. & Fuga, F.B. Title of the study. Theor. J. Hoge 12, 123-145 (2001).' assert_equal(str, @obj.format('Nature')) assert_equal(str, @obj.format('nature')) assert_equal(str, @obj.nature) end def test_format_science str = 'J.P. Hoge, F.B. Fuga, Theor. J. Hoge 12 123 (2001).' assert_equal(str, @obj.format('Science')) assert_equal(str, @obj.format('science')) assert_equal(str, @obj.science) end def test_format_genome_biol str = 'Hoge JP, Fuga FB: Title of the study. Theor J Hoge 2001, 12:123-145.' assert_equal(str, @obj.format('genome biol')) assert_equal(str, @obj.genome_biol) end def test_format_genome_res str = "Hoge, J.P. and Fuga, F.B. 2001.\n Title of the study. Theor. J. Hoge 12: 123-145." assert_equal(str, @obj.format('genome res')) assert_equal(str, @obj.genome_res) end def test_format_nar str = 'Hoge, J.P. and Fuga, F.B. (2001) Title of the study. Theor. J. Hoge, 12, 123-145.' assert_equal(str, @obj.format('nar')) assert_equal(str, @obj.nar) end def test_format_current str = 'Hoge JP, Fuga FB: Title of the study. Theor J Hoge 2001, 12:123-145.' assert_equal(str, @obj.format('current biology')) end def test_format_trends str = 'Hoge, J.P. and Fuga, F.B. (2001) Title of the study. Theor. J. Hoge 12, 123-145' assert_equal(str, @obj.trends) end def test_format_cell str = 'Hoge, J.P. and Fuga, F.B. (2001). Title of the study. Theor. J. Hoge 12, 123-145.' assert_equal(str, @obj.format('cell')) end end class NullStderr def initialize @log = [] end def write(*arg) #p arg @log.push([ :write, *arg ]) nil end def method_missing(*arg) #p arg @log.push arg nil end end class TestReferences < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup # To suppress warning messages, $stderr is replaced by dummy object. @stderr_orig = $stderr $stderr = NullStderr.new hash = {} ary = [Bio::Reference.new(hash), Bio::Reference.new(hash)] @obj = Bio::References.new(ary) end def teardown # bring back $stderr $stderr = @stderr_orig end def test_append hash = {} ref = Bio::Reference.new(hash) assert(@obj.append(ref)) end def test_each @obj.each do |ref| assert(ref) end end end end