#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'term/ansicolor' include Term::ANSIColor curriculum = <<-EOF Curriculum vitae/Résumé of #{red}#{bold}Davide Barison#{reset} ------------------------------------ #{bold}Personal information:#{reset} address | via Papa Giovanni XXIII 4, Masera` di Padova (PD), ITALY - 35020 telephone | +39 328 65 98 021 email | davide@megiston.it | nationality | Italian date of birth | 16/03/1984 sex | M #{bold}Education:#{reset} 2003 | High School Degree - Computer science High School | (Technical institute Francesco Severi of Padua (PD) ITALY) 2008 | Bachelor's degree in Computer Science | (University of Padua ITALY) | vote: 91/110 #{bold}Job and training experience: #{reset} from 15-06-01 | High school internship in OM Businaro snc (Albignasego Padua). to 30-07-01 | In this stage i developed my first static website (html+css) | from 15-06-02 | High school internship in Ottogalli spa of Padua to 30-07-02 | In this stage i developed my first dynamic website (php,mysql,html) | from 7-1-08 | University exam of software engeenering in collaboration with Serenissima Informatica (PD) to 1-06-08 | This application is cv/resume management written in java(Struts framework,hibernate). | https://sourceforge.net/projects/mogeci | from 1-07-08 | University internship at Intec srl (www.intec.cc) of padua. to 01-09-08 | In this internship i developed the company website. | Written in ruby on rails 1.2.6 over mysql | Front-end and back-end. This application support Internationalization of database contents | 2009-2011 | I work as freelancer in Padua with another guy. | We delevelop and sell web application based on ruby on rails. | I'm specialized on front-end and web user-interface development #{bold}Personal skills: #{reset} languages | Italian native speaker | English (very basic speaker, good understanding) | programming | C/C++ (good) | Ruby (very good) | Javascript molto buono (very good) | Java (base/obsolete exp) | Python (base) | PHP (base/obsolete exp) | html/html5 (very good) (i use haml) | css (very good) (compass & css framworks) | database | Mysql (very good) | Mongodb (base) | oracle (poor) | Server admin | *nix (very good) | Apache - nginx (very good) | other | git (very good) | photoshop (good) | illustrator (poor) | rails (very good) | cucumber integration test (good) | driver license | B (Automobile) #{bold}Extras:#{reset} Special skills | I'm independent | Good experience in team work. | When i start a project i finish it. | I don't have fixed working hours. When the work goes hard, i can work saturday and sunday. | I'm open to new technlogies. | I read and study every day from more than 100 blogs. | When i have a technical problem, i search on google before ask at other people. | Very good speaker with clients and seller man (in italian language). | curiosity | I'm using debian gnu/linux since 1999. | I'm obsessed about web app performance (server/side - client/side) also when is not necessary. | I was a volunteer of green cross of Padua (like red cross). #{bold}Contacts:#{reset} twitter | http://twitter.com/#!/davidebarison web | http://barison.org skype | dbarison EOF puts curriculum