describe KnapsackPro::Config::Env do before { stub_const("ENV", {}) } describe '.ci_node_total' do subject { described_class.ci_node_total } context 'when ENV exists' do context 'when KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL has value' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL' => '5' }) } it { should eq 5 } end context 'when CI environment has value' do before do expect(described_class).to receive(:ci_env_for).with(:node_total).and_return(4) end it { should eq 4 } end context 'when both KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL and CI environment have value' do let(:logger) { instance_double(Logger, info: nil) } before do stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL' => env_value }) expect(described_class).to receive(:ci_env_for).with(:node_total).and_return(ci_value) allow(KnapsackPro).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) end context 'when values are different' do let(:env_value) { '5' } let(:ci_value) { 4 } it { should eq 5 } it 'logs a warning' do expect(logger).to receive(:info).with( 'You have set the environment variable KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL to 5 which could be automatically determined from the CI environment as 4.' ) subject end end context 'when values are the same' do let(:env_value) { '5' } let(:ci_value) { 5 } it 'does not log a warning' do expect(logger).not_to receive(:info) subject end end end end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should eq 1 } end end describe '.ci_node_index' do subject { described_class.ci_node_index } context 'when ENV exists' do context 'when KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX has value' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX' => '3' }) } it { should eq 3 } end context 'when CI environment has value' do before do expect(described_class).to receive(:ci_env_for).with(:node_index).and_return(2) end it { should eq 2 } end context 'when both KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX and CI environment have value' do let(:logger) { instance_double(Logger, info: nil) } before do stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX' => env_value }) expect(described_class).to receive(:ci_env_for).with(:node_index).and_return(ci_value) allow(KnapsackPro).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) end context 'when values are different' do let(:env_value) { '3' } let(:ci_value) { 2 } it { should eq 3 } it 'logs a warning' do expect(logger).to receive(:info).with( 'You have set the environment variable KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX to 3 which could be automatically determined from the CI environment as 2.' ) subject end end context 'when values are the same' do let(:env_value) { '3' } let(:ci_value) { 3 } it 'does not log a warning' do expect(logger).not_to receive(:info) subject end end end context 'when order of loading envs does matter' do context 'when GitLab CI' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'CI_NODE_INDEX' => '2', 'GITLAB_CI' => 'true' }) } it { should eq 1 } end end end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should eq 0 } end end describe '.ci_node_build_id' do subject { described_class.ci_node_build_id } context 'when ENV exists' do context 'when KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_BUILD_ID has value' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_BUILD_ID' => '7' }) } it { should eq '7' } end context 'when CI environment has value' do before do expect(described_class).to receive(:ci_env_for).with(:node_build_id).and_return('8') end it { should eq '8' } end context 'when both KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_BUILD_ID and CI environment have value' do let(:logger) { instance_double(Logger, info: nil) } before do stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_BUILD_ID' => env_value }) expect(described_class).to receive(:ci_env_for).with(:node_build_id).and_return(ci_value) allow(KnapsackPro).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) end context 'when values are different' do let(:env_value) { '7' } let(:ci_value) { '8' } it { should eq '7' } it 'logs a warning' do expect(logger).to receive(:info).with( 'You have set the environment variable KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_BUILD_ID to 7 which could be automatically determined from the CI environment as 8.' ) subject end end context 'when values are the same' do let(:env_value) { '7' } let(:ci_value) { '7' } it 'does not log a warning' do expect(logger).not_to receive(:info) subject end end end end context "when ENV does not exist" do it 'raises' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(/Missing environment variable KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_BUILD_ID/) end end end describe '.ci_node_retry_count' do subject { described_class.ci_node_retry_count } context 'when ENV exists' do context 'when KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_RETRY_COUNT has value' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_RETRY_COUNT' => '1' }) } it { should eq 1 } end context 'when CI environment has value' do before do expect(described_class).to receive(:ci_env_for).with(:node_retry_count).and_return('2') end it { should eq 2 } end context 'when both KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_RETRY_COUNT and CI environment have value' do let(:logger) { instance_double(Logger, info: nil) } before do stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_RETRY_COUNT' => env_value }) expect(described_class).to receive(:ci_env_for).with(:node_retry_count).and_return(ci_value) allow(KnapsackPro).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) end context 'when values are different' do let(:env_value) { '1' } let(:ci_value) { 2 } it { should eq 1 } it 'logs a warning' do expect(logger).to receive(:info).with( 'You have set the environment variable KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_RETRY_COUNT to 1 which could be automatically determined from the CI environment as 2.' ) subject end end context 'when values are the same' do let(:env_value) { '7' } let(:ci_value) { '7' } it 'does not log a warning' do expect(logger).not_to receive(:info) subject end end end end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should eq 0 } end end describe '.max_request_retries' do subject { described_class.max_request_retries } context 'when ENV exists' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_MAX_REQUEST_RETRIES' => '2' }) } it { should eq 2 } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.commit_hash' do subject { described_class.commit_hash } context 'when ENV exists' do context 'when KNAPSACK_PRO_COMMIT_HASH has value' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_COMMIT_HASH' => '3fa64859337f6e56409d49f865d13fd7' }) } it { should eq '3fa64859337f6e56409d49f865d13fd7' } end context 'when CI environment has value' do before do expect(described_class).to receive(:ci_env_for).with(:commit_hash).and_return('fe61a08118d0d52e97c38666eba1eaf3') end it { should eq 'fe61a08118d0d52e97c38666eba1eaf3' } end context 'when both KNAPSACK_PRO_COMMIT_HASH and CI environment have value' do let(:logger) { instance_double(Logger, info: nil) } before do stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_COMMIT_HASH' => env_value }) expect(described_class).to receive(:ci_env_for).with(:commit_hash).and_return(ci_value) allow(KnapsackPro).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) end context 'when values are different' do let(:env_value) { '3fa64859337f6e56409d49f865d13fd7' } let(:ci_value) { 'fe61a08118d0d52e97c38666eba1eaf3' } it { should eq '3fa64859337f6e56409d49f865d13fd7' } it 'logs a warning' do expect(logger).to receive(:info).with( 'You have set the environment variable KNAPSACK_PRO_COMMIT_HASH to 3fa64859337f6e56409d49f865d13fd7 which could be automatically determined from the CI environment as fe61a08118d0d52e97c38666eba1eaf3.' ) subject end end context 'when values are the same' do let(:env_value) { '3fa64859337f6e56409d49f865d13fd7' } let(:ci_value) { '3fa64859337f6e56409d49f865d13fd7' } it 'does not log a warning' do expect(logger).not_to receive(:info) subject end end end end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be nil } end end describe '.branch' do subject { described_class.branch } context 'when ENV exists' do context 'when KNAPSACK_PRO_BRANCH has value' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_BRANCH' => 'master' }) } it { should eq 'master' } end context 'when CI environment has value' do before do expect(described_class).to receive(:ci_env_for).with(:branch).and_return('feature-branch') end it { should eq 'feature-branch' } end context 'when both KNAPSACK_PRO_BRANCH and CI environment have value' do let(:logger) { instance_double(Logger, info: nil) } before do stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_BRANCH' => env_value }) expect(described_class).to receive(:ci_env_for).with(:branch).and_return(ci_value) allow(KnapsackPro).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) end context 'when values are different' do let(:env_value) { 'master' } let(:ci_value) { 'feature-branch' } it { should eq 'master' } it 'logs a warning' do expect(logger).to receive(:info).with( 'You have set the environment variable KNAPSACK_PRO_BRANCH to master which could be automatically determined from the CI environment as feature-branch.' ) subject end end context 'when values are the same' do let(:env_value) { 'master' } let(:ci_value) { 'master' } it 'does not log a warning' do expect(logger).not_to receive(:info) subject end end end end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be nil } end end describe '.project_dir' do subject { described_class.project_dir } context 'when ENV exists' do context 'when KNAPSACK_PRO_PROJECT_DIR has value' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_PROJECT_DIR' => '/home/user/myapp' }) } it { should eq '/home/user/myapp' } end context 'when CI environment has value' do before do expect(described_class).to receive(:ci_env_for).with(:project_dir).and_return('/home/runner/myapp') end it { should eq '/home/runner/myapp' } end context 'when both KNAPSACK_PRO_PROJECT_DIR and CI environment have value' do let(:logger) { instance_double(Logger, info: nil) } before do stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_PROJECT_DIR' => env_value }) expect(described_class).to receive(:ci_env_for).with(:project_dir).and_return(ci_value) allow(KnapsackPro).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) end context 'when values are different' do let(:env_value) { '/home/user/myapp' } let(:ci_value) { '/home/runner/myapp' } it { should eq '/home/user/myapp' } it 'logs a warning' do expect(logger).to receive(:info).with( 'You have set the environment variable KNAPSACK_PRO_PROJECT_DIR to /home/user/myapp which could be automatically determined from the CI environment as /home/runner/myapp.' ) subject end end context 'when values are the same' do let(:env_value) { '/home/user/myapp' } let(:ci_value) { '/home/user/myapp' } it 'does not log a warning' do expect(logger).not_to receive(:info) subject end end end end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be nil } end end describe '.user_seat' do subject { described_class.user_seat } context 'when ENV exists' do context 'when KNAPSACK_PRO_USER_SEAT has value' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_USER_SEAT' => 'John Doe' }) } it { should eq 'John Doe' } end context 'when CI environment has value' do before do expect(described_class).to receive(:ci_env_for).with(:user_seat).and_return('Jane Doe') end it { should eq 'Jane Doe' } end context 'when both KNAPSACK_PRO_USER_SEAT and CI environment have value' do let(:logger) { instance_double(Logger, info: nil) } before do stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_USER_SEAT' => env_value }) expect(described_class).to receive(:ci_env_for).with(:user_seat).and_return(ci_value) allow(KnapsackPro).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) end context 'when values are different' do let(:env_value) { 'John Doe' } let(:ci_value) { 'Jane Doe' } it { should eq 'John Doe' } it 'logs a warning' do expect(logger).to receive(:info).with( 'You have set the environment variable KNAPSACK_PRO_USER_SEAT to John Doe which could be automatically determined from the CI environment as Jane Doe.' ) subject end end context 'when values are the same' do let(:env_value) { 'John Doe' } let(:ci_value) { 'John Doe' } it 'does not log a warning' do expect(logger).not_to receive(:info) subject end end end end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be nil } end end describe '.masked_seat_hash' do subject { described_class.masked_user_seat } before do expect(described_class).to receive(:user_seat).at_least(1).and_return(user_seat) end context 'when the user seat is a name' do let(:user_seat) { 'John Doe' } it { expect(subject).to eq 'Jo** Do*' } end context 'when the user seat is an e-mail' do let(:user_seat) { '' } it { expect(subject).to eq 'jo**.do*@ex*****.co*' } end context 'when the user seat is nil' do let(:user_seat) { nil } it { expect(subject).to be_nil } end end describe '.test_file_pattern' do subject { described_class.test_file_pattern } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:test_file_pattern) { 'custom_spec/**{,/*/**}/*_spec.rb' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_FILE_PATTERN' => test_file_pattern }) } it { should eq test_file_pattern } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.slow_test_file_pattern' do subject { described_class.slow_test_file_pattern } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:slow_test_file_pattern) { 'spec/features/*_spec.rb' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_SLOW_TEST_FILE_PATTERN' => slow_test_file_pattern }) } it { should eq slow_test_file_pattern } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.test_file_exclude_pattern' do subject { described_class.test_file_exclude_pattern } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:test_file_exclude_pattern) { 'spec/features/*_spec.rb' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_FILE_EXCLUDE_PATTERN' => test_file_exclude_pattern }) } it { should eq test_file_exclude_pattern } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.test_file_list' do subject { described_class.test_file_list } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:test_file_list) { 'spec/features/dashboard_spec.rb,spec/models/user.rb:10,spec/models/user.rb:29' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_FILE_LIST' => test_file_list }) } it { should eq test_file_list } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.test_file_list_source_file' do subject { described_class.test_file_list_source_file } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:test_file_list_source_file) { 'spec/fixtures/test_file_list_source_file.txt' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_FILE_LIST_SOURCE_FILE' => test_file_list_source_file }) } it { should eq test_file_list_source_file } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.test_dir' do subject { described_class.test_dir } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:test_dir) { 'spec' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_DIR' => test_dir }) } it { should eql test_dir } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.repository_adapter' do subject { described_class.repository_adapter } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:repository_adapter) { 'git' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_REPOSITORY_ADAPTER' => repository_adapter }) } it { should eq repository_adapter } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.recording_enabled' do subject { described_class.recording_enabled } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:recording_enabled) { 'true' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_RECORDING_ENABLED' => recording_enabled }) } it { should eq recording_enabled } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.regular_mode?' do subject { described_class.regular_mode? } before do expect(described_class).to receive(:recording_enabled?).and_return(recording_enabled) end context 'when recording is enabled' do let(:recording_enabled) { true } it { should be true } end context 'when recording is not enabled' do let(:recording_enabled) { false } it { should be false } end end describe '.recording_enabled?' do subject { described_class.recording_enabled? } before do expect(described_class).to receive(:recording_enabled).and_return(recording_enabled) end context 'when enabled' do let(:recording_enabled) { 'true' } it { should be true } end context 'when disabled' do let(:recording_enabled) { nil } it { should be false } end end describe '.queue_recording_enabled' do subject { described_class.queue_recording_enabled } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:queue_recording_enabled) { 'true' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_QUEUE_RECORDING_ENABLED' => queue_recording_enabled }) } it { should eq queue_recording_enabled } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.queue_recording_enabled?' do subject { described_class.queue_recording_enabled? } before do expect(described_class).to receive(:queue_recording_enabled).and_return(queue_recording_enabled) end context 'when enabled' do let(:queue_recording_enabled) { 'true' } it { should be true } end context 'when disabled' do let(:queue_recording_enabled) { nil } it { should be false } end end describe '.queue_id' do subject { described_class.queue_id } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:queue_id) { 'fake-queue-id' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_QUEUE_ID' => queue_id }) } it { should eq queue_id } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do before { stub_const("ENV", {}) } it do expect { subject }.to raise_error('Missing Queue ID') end end end describe '.subset_queue_id' do subject { described_class.subset_queue_id } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:subset_queue_id) { 'fake-subset-queue-id' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_SUBSET_QUEUE_ID' => subset_queue_id }) } it { should eq subset_queue_id } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it do expect { subject }.to raise_error('Missing Subset Queue ID') end end end describe '.fallback_mode_enabled' do subject { described_class.fallback_mode_enabled } context 'when ENV exists' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_FALLBACK_MODE_ENABLED' => 'false' }) } it { should eq 'false' } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be true } end end describe '.fallback_mode_enabled?' do subject { described_class.fallback_mode_enabled? } context 'when ENV exists' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_FALLBACK_MODE_ENABLED' => 'false' }) } it { should be false } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be true } end end describe '.test_files_encrypted' do subject { described_class.test_files_encrypted } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:test_files_encrypted) { 'true' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_FILES_ENCRYPTED' => test_files_encrypted }) } it { should eq test_files_encrypted } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.test_files_encrypted?' do subject { described_class.test_files_encrypted? } before do expect(described_class).to receive(:test_files_encrypted).and_return(test_files_encrypted) end context 'when enabled' do let(:test_files_encrypted) { 'true' } it { should be true } end context 'when disabled' do let(:test_files_encrypted) { nil } it { should be false } end end describe '.branch_encrypted' do subject { described_class.branch_encrypted } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:branch_encrypted) { 'true' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_BRANCH_ENCRYPTED' => branch_encrypted }) } it { should eq branch_encrypted } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.branch_encrypted?' do subject { described_class.branch_encrypted? } before do expect(described_class).to receive(:branch_encrypted).and_return(branch_encrypted) end context 'when enabled' do let(:branch_encrypted) { 'true' } it { should be true } end context 'when disabled' do let(:branch_encrypted) { nil } it { should be false } end end describe '.salt' do subject { described_class.salt } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:salt) { '123' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_SALT' => salt }) } it { should eq salt } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it do expect { subject }.to raise_error('Missing environment variable KNAPSACK_PRO_SALT') end end end describe '.endpoint' do subject { described_class.endpoint } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:endpoint) { '' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_ENDPOINT' => endpoint }) } it { should eq endpoint } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do context 'when default mode' do it { should eq '' } end context 'when development mode' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_MODE' => 'development' }) } it { should eq 'http://api.knapsackpro.test:3000' } end context 'when test mode' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_MODE' => 'test' }) } it { should eq '' } end context 'when production mode' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_MODE' => 'production' }) } it { should eq '' } end context 'when unknown mode' do before do expect(described_class).to receive(:mode).and_return(:fake) end it do expect { subject }.to raise_error('Missing environment variable KNAPSACK_PRO_ENDPOINT') end end end end describe '.fixed_test_suite_split?' do subject { described_class.fixed_test_suite_split? } context 'when ENV exists' do context 'when KNAPSACK_PRO_FIXED_TEST_SUITE_SPLIT=true' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_FIXED_TEST_SUITE_SPLIT' => 'true' }) } it { should be true } end context 'when KNAPSACK_PRO_FIXED_TEST_SUITE_SPLIT=false' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_FIXED_TEST_SUITE_SPLIT' => 'false' }) } it { should be false } end end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do before { stub_const("ENV", {}) } it { should be true } end end describe '.fixed_queue_split?' do subject { described_class.fixed_queue_split? } after(:each) { described_class.remove_instance_variable(:@fixed_queue_split) } context 'when ENV exists' do context 'when KNAPSACK_PRO_FIXED_QUEUE_SPLIT=false' do [ ['AppVeyor', { 'APPVEYOR' => '123' }], ['Buildkite', { 'BUILDKITE' => 'true' }], ['CircleCI', { 'CIRCLECI' => 'true' }], ['Cirrus CI', { 'CIRRUS_CI' => 'true' }], ['Codefresh', { 'CF_BUILD_ID' => '123' }], ['Codeship', { 'CI_NAME' => 'codeship' }], ['GitHub Actions', { 'GITHUB_ACTIONS' => 'true' }], ['GitLab CI', { 'GITLAB_CI' => 'true' }], ['Heroku CI', { 'HEROKU_TEST_RUN_ID' => '123' }], ['Semaphore CI 1.0', { 'SEMAPHORE_BUILD_NUMBER' => '123' }], ['Semaphore CI 2.0', { 'SEMAPHORE' => 'true', 'SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID' => '123' }], ['Travis CI', { 'TRAVIS' => 'true' }], ['Unsupported CI', {}], ].each do |ci, env| it "on #{ci} it is false" do stub_const("ENV", env.merge({ 'KNAPSACK_PRO_FIXED_QUEUE_SPLIT' => 'false' })) logger = instance_double(Logger) allow(KnapsackPro).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) ci_env = if ci_env == false expect(logger).not_to receive(:info) else expect(logger).to receive(:info).with( 'You have set the environment variable KNAPSACK_PRO_FIXED_QUEUE_SPLIT to false which could be automatically determined from the CI environment as true.' ) end expect(subject).to eq(false) end end end context 'when KNAPSACK_PRO_FIXED_QUEUE_SPLIT=true' do [ ['AppVeyor', { 'APPVEYOR' => '123' }], ['Buildkite', { 'BUILDKITE' => 'true' }], ['CircleCI', { 'CIRCLECI' => 'true' }], ['Cirrus CI', { 'CIRRUS_CI' => 'true' }], ['Codefresh', { 'CF_BUILD_ID' => '123' }], ['Codeship', { 'CI_NAME' => 'codeship' }], ['GitHub Actions', { 'GITHUB_ACTIONS' => 'true' }], ['GitLab CI', { 'GITLAB_CI' => 'true' }], ['Heroku CI', { 'HEROKU_TEST_RUN_ID' => '123' }], ['Semaphore CI 1.0', { 'SEMAPHORE_BUILD_NUMBER' => '123' }], ['Semaphore CI 2.0', { 'SEMAPHORE' => 'true', 'SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID' => '123' }], ['Travis CI', { 'TRAVIS' => 'true' }], ['Unsupported CI', {}], ].each do |ci, env| it "on #{ci} it is true" do stub_const("ENV", env.merge({ 'KNAPSACK_PRO_FIXED_QUEUE_SPLIT' => 'true' })) logger = instance_double(Logger) allow(KnapsackPro).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) ci_env = if ci_env == true expect(logger).not_to receive(:info) else expect(logger).to receive(:info).with( 'You have set the environment variable KNAPSACK_PRO_FIXED_QUEUE_SPLIT to true which could be automatically determined from the CI environment as false.' ) end expect(subject).to eq(true) end end end end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do [ ['AppVeyor', { 'APPVEYOR' => '123' }, false], ['Buildkite', { 'BUILDKITE' => 'true' }, true], ['CircleCI', { 'CIRCLECI' => 'true' }, false], ['Cirrus CI', { 'CIRRUS_CI' => 'true' }, false], ['Codefresh', { 'CF_BUILD_ID' => '123' }, false], ['Codeship', { 'CI_NAME' => 'codeship' }, true], ['GitHub Actions', { 'GITHUB_ACTIONS' => 'true' }, true], ['GitLab CI', { 'GITLAB_CI' => 'true' }, true], ['Heroku CI', { 'HEROKU_TEST_RUN_ID' => '123' }, false], ['Semaphore CI 1.0', { 'SEMAPHORE_BUILD_NUMBER' => '123' }, false], ['Semaphore CI 2.0', { 'SEMAPHORE' => 'true', 'SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID' => '123' }, false], ['Travis CI', { 'TRAVIS' => 'true' }, true], ['Unsupported CI', {}, true], ].each do |ci, env, expected| it "on #{ci} it is #{expected}" do stub_const("ENV", env) logger = instance_double(Logger) expect(KnapsackPro).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) expect(logger).to receive(:info).with("KNAPSACK_PRO_FIXED_QUEUE_SPLIT is not set. Using default value: #{expected}. Learn more at #{KnapsackPro::Urls::FIXED_QUEUE_SPLIT}") expect(subject).to eq(expected) end end end end describe '.cucumber_queue_prefix' do subject { described_class.cucumber_queue_prefix } context 'when ENV exists' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_CUCUMBER_QUEUE_PREFIX' => 'bundle exec spring' }) } it { should eq 'bundle exec spring' } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do before { stub_const("ENV", {}) } it { should eq 'bundle exec' } end end describe '.rspec_split_by_test_examples' do subject { described_class.rspec_split_by_test_examples } context 'when ENV exists' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_RSPEC_SPLIT_BY_TEST_EXAMPLES' => true }) } it { should eq true } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do before { stub_const("ENV", {}) } it { should be false } end end describe '.rspec_split_by_test_examples?' do subject { described_class.rspec_split_by_test_examples? } context 'when ENV exists' do context 'when KNAPSACK_PRO_RSPEC_SPLIT_BY_TEST_EXAMPLES=true' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_RSPEC_SPLIT_BY_TEST_EXAMPLES' => 'true' }) } it { should be true } end context 'when KNAPSACK_PRO_RSPEC_SPLIT_BY_TEST_EXAMPLES=false' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_RSPEC_SPLIT_BY_TEST_EXAMPLES' => 'false' }) } it { should be false } end end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do before { stub_const("ENV", {}) } it { should be false } end end describe '.rspec_test_example_detector_prefix' do subject { described_class.rspec_test_example_detector_prefix } context 'when ENV exists' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_RSPEC_TEST_EXAMPLE_DETECTOR_PREFIX' => '' }) } it { should eq '' } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do before { stub_const("ENV", {}) } it { should eq 'bundle exec' } end end describe '.slow_test_file_threshold' do subject { described_class.slow_test_file_threshold } context 'when ENV exists' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_SLOW_TEST_FILE_THRESHOLD' => '2' }) } it 'returns seconds' do expect(subject).to eq 2.0 expect(subject).to be_a Float end end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do before { stub_const("ENV", {}) } it { should be_nil } end end describe '.slow_test_file_threshold?' do subject { described_class.slow_test_file_threshold? } context 'when ENV exists' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_SLOW_TEST_FILE_THRESHOLD' => '2' }) } it { should be true } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do before { stub_const("ENV", {}) } it { should be false } end end describe '.test_suite_token' do subject { described_class.test_suite_token } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:token) { 'xyz' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN' => 'xyz' }) } it { should eq token } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it do expect { subject }.to raise_error('Missing environment variable KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN. You should set environment variable like KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_RSPEC (note there is suffix _RSPEC at the end). knapsack_pro gem will set KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN based on KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_RSPEC value. If you use other test runner than RSpec then use proper suffix.') end end end describe '.test_suite_token_rspec' do subject { described_class.test_suite_token_rspec } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:test_suite_token_rspec) { 'rspec-token' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_RSPEC' => test_suite_token_rspec }) } it { should eq test_suite_token_rspec } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.test_suite_token_minitest' do subject { described_class.test_suite_token_minitest } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:test_suite_token_minitest) { 'minitest-token' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_MINITEST' => test_suite_token_minitest }) } it { should eq test_suite_token_minitest } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.test_suite_token_test_unit' do subject { described_class.test_suite_token_test_unit } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:test_suite_token_test_unit) { 'test-unit-token' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_TEST_UNIT' => test_suite_token_test_unit }) } it { should eq test_suite_token_test_unit } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.test_suite_token_cucumber' do subject { described_class.test_suite_token_cucumber } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:test_suite_token_cucumber) { 'cucumber-token' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_CUCUMBER' => test_suite_token_cucumber }) } it { should eq test_suite_token_cucumber } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.test_suite_token_spinach' do subject { described_class.test_suite_token_spinach } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:test_suite_token_spinach) { 'spinach-token' } before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_SPINACH' => test_suite_token_spinach }) } it { should eq test_suite_token_spinach } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.mode' do subject { described_class.mode } context 'when ENV exists' do context 'when development mode' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_MODE' => 'development' }) } it { should eq :development } end context 'when test mode' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_MODE' => 'test' }) } it { should eq :test } end context 'when production mode' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_MODE' => 'production' }) } it { should eq :production } end context 'when fake mode' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_MODE' => 'fake' }) } it do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context 'when blank mode' do before { stub_const("ENV", { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_MODE' => '' }) } it do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should eq :production } end end describe '.log_level' do subject { described_class.log_level } context 'when ENV set to fatal' do let(:log_level) { 'fatal' } before { stub_const('ENV', { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_LOG_LEVEL' => log_level }) } it { should eql ::Logger::FATAL } end context 'when ENV set to error' do let(:log_level) { 'error' } before { stub_const('ENV', { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_LOG_LEVEL' => log_level }) } it { should eql ::Logger::ERROR } end context 'when ENV set to warn' do let(:log_level) { 'warn' } before { stub_const('ENV', { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_LOG_LEVEL' => log_level }) } it { should eql ::Logger::WARN } end context 'when ENV set to info' do let(:log_level) { 'info' } before { stub_const('ENV', { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_LOG_LEVEL' => log_level }) } it { should eql ::Logger::INFO } end context 'when ENV set with capital letters' do let(:log_level) { 'WARN' } before { stub_const('ENV', { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_LOG_LEVEL' => log_level }) } it { should eql ::Logger::WARN } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should eql ::Logger::INFO } end end describe '.log_dir' do subject { described_class.log_dir } context 'when ENV set to directory path' do let(:log_dir) { 'log' } before { stub_const('ENV', { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_LOG_DIR' => log_dir }) } it { should eql 'log' } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.test_runner_adapter' do subject { described_class.test_runner_adapter } context 'when ENV exists' do let(:test_runner_adapter) { 'RSpecAdapter' } before { stub_const('ENV', { 'KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_RUNNER_ADAPTER' => test_runner_adapter }) } it { should eql 'RSpecAdapter' } end context "when ENV doesn't exist" do it { should be_nil } end end describe '.set_test_runner_adapter' do let(:adapter_class) { KnapsackPro::Adapters::RSpecAdapter } subject { described_class.set_test_runner_adapter(adapter_class) } it 'sets test runner adapter' do subject expect(described_class.test_runner_adapter).to eql 'RSpecAdapter' end end describe '.detected_ci' do [ ['AppVeyor', { 'APPVEYOR' => '123' }, KnapsackPro::Config::CI::AppVeyor], ['Buildkite', { 'BUILDKITE' => 'true' }, KnapsackPro::Config::CI::Buildkite], ['CircleCI', { 'CIRCLECI' => 'true' }, KnapsackPro::Config::CI::Circle], ['Cirrus CI', { 'CIRRUS_CI' => 'true' }, KnapsackPro::Config::CI::CirrusCI], ['Codefresh', { 'CF_BUILD_ID' => '123' }, KnapsackPro::Config::CI::Codefresh], ['Codeship', { 'CI_NAME' => 'codeship' }, KnapsackPro::Config::CI::Codeship], ['GitHub Actions', { 'GITHUB_ACTIONS' => 'true' }, KnapsackPro::Config::CI::GithubActions], ['GitLab CI', { 'GITLAB_CI' => 'true' }, KnapsackPro::Config::CI::GitlabCI], ['Heroku CI', { 'HEROKU_TEST_RUN_ID' => '123' }, KnapsackPro::Config::CI::Heroku], ['Semaphore CI 1.0', { 'SEMAPHORE_BUILD_NUMBER' => '123' }, KnapsackPro::Config::CI::Semaphore], ['Semaphore CI 2.0', { 'SEMAPHORE' => 'true', 'SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID' => '123' }, KnapsackPro::Config::CI::Semaphore2], ['Travis CI', { 'TRAVIS' => 'true' }, KnapsackPro::Config::CI::Travis], ['Unsupported CI', {}, KnapsackPro::Config::CI::Base], ].each do |ci, env, expected| it "detects #{ci}" do stub_const("ENV", env) expect(described_class.detected_ci).to eq(expected) end end end describe '.ci?' do [ ['CI from env', { 'CI' => 'True' }, true], ['Travis CI', { 'TRAVIS' => 'true' }, true], ['missing CI from ENV or development', {}, false], ].each do |ci, env, expected| it "detects #{ci}" do stub_const("ENV", env) expect( eq(expected) end end end describe '.ci_provider' do [ ['AppVeyor', { 'APPVEYOR' => '123' }], ['Azure Pipelines', { 'SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI' => '123' }], ['AWS CodeBuild', { 'CODEBUILD_BUILD_ARN' => '123' }], ['Bamboo', { 'bamboo_planKey' => '123' }], ['Bitbucket Pipelines', { 'BITBUCKET_COMMIT' => '123' }], ['', { 'BUDDY' => 'true' }], ['Buildkite', { 'BUILDKITE' => 'true' }], ['CircleCI', { 'CIRCLECI' => 'true' }], ['Cirrus CI', { 'CIRRUS_CI' => 'true' }], ['Codefresh', { 'CF_BUILD_ID' => '123' }], ['Codeship', { 'CI_NAME' => 'codeship' }], ['', { 'DRONE' => 'true' }], ['GitHub Actions', { 'GITHUB_ACTIONS' => 'true' }], ['Gitlab CI', { 'GITLAB_CI' => 'true' }], ['Google Cloud Build', { 'BUILDER_OUTPUT' => '123' }], ['Heroku CI', { 'HEROKU_TEST_RUN_ID' => '123' }], ['Jenkins', { 'JENKINS_URL' => '123' }], ['Semaphore CI 1.0', { 'SEMAPHORE_BUILD_NUMBER' => '123' }], ['Semaphore CI 2.0', { 'SEMAPHORE' => 'true', 'SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID' => '123' }], ['TeamCity', { 'TEAMCITY_VERSION' => '123' }], ['Travis CI', { 'TRAVIS' => 'true' }], ['Other', { 'CI' => 'true'}], [nil, {}], ].each do |ci, env| it "detects #{ci || 'missing CI from env or development'}" do stub_const("ENV", env) expect(described_class.ci_provider).to eq(ci) end end end end