class String
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 267 def add_comment(key, value) if has_comment?(key) sub(/ *#{key}: .*?$/, "#{key}: #{value}") else lines = split(/\n/) lines.insert(meta_insert_point, "<!--\n#{key}: #{value}\n-->") lines.join("\n") end end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 249 def add_mmd(key, value) if match(/(\A|\n) *#{key}: *\S+/i) sub(/^ *#{key}:.*?\n/i, "#{key}: #{value}\n") else lines = split(/\n/) lines.insert(meta_insert_point, "#{key}: #{value}") lines.join("\n") end end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 231 def add_yaml(key, value) sub(/^---.*?\n(---|\.\.\.)/m) do m = Regexp.last_match yaml = YAML.load(m[0]) yaml[key] = value "#{YAML.dump(yaml)}\n---\n" end end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 153 def append(string) "#{self}\n#{string}" end
Test if a string is a boolean
@return [Boolean] test result
# File lib/conductor/string.rb, line 108 def bool? dup.force_encoding("utf-8").match?(/^(?:y(?:es)?|no?|t(?:rue)?|f(?:alse)?)$/) end
Convert a string boolean to symbol
@return [Symbol] symbolized version
# File lib/conductor/string.rb, line 41 def bool_to_symbol case self when /(NOT|!!)/ :not when /(AND|&&)/ :and else :or end end
Test a string to see if it’s a UTC date
@return [Boolean] test result
# File lib/conductor/string.rb, line 57 def date? dup.force_encoding("utf-8").match?(/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}( \d\d:\d\d)?$/) end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 277 def delete_meta(key) case meta_type when :yaml delete_yaml(key) when :mmd delete_mmd(key) end end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 259 def delete_mmd(key) sub(/^ *#{key}:.*?\n/i, "") end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 240 def delete_yaml(key) sub(/^---.*?\n(---|\.\.\.)/m) do m = Regexp.last_match yaml = YAML.load(m[0]) yaml.delete(key) "#{YAML.dump(yaml)}\n---\n" end end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 50 def first_h1 first = 0 split(/\n/).each_with_index do |line, idx| if line =~ /^(# *\S|={2,} *$)/ first = idx break end end first end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 61 def first_h2 first = 0 split(/\n/).each_with_index do |line, idx| if line =~ /^(## *\S|-{2,} *$)/ first = idx break end end first end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 186 def get_title title = nil case meta_type when :yaml m = match(/^---.*?\n(---|\.\.\.)/m) yaml = YAML.load(m[0]) title = yaml["title"] when :mmd split(/\n/).each do |line| if line =~ /^ *title: *(\S.*?)$/i title = Regexp.last_match(1) break end end else m = match(/title: (.*?)$/i) title = m ? m[0] : nil end title ||= title_from_slug.titleize title end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 263 def has_comment?(key) match(/^<!--.*?#{key}: \S.*?-->/m) end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 95 def insert_css(path) path.sub!(/(\.css)?$/, '.css') if path =~ %r{^[~/]} path = File.expand_path(path) elsif"~/.config/conductor/css")) new_path = File.expand_path("~/.config/conductor/css/#{path}") path = new_path if File.exist?(new_path) elsif"~/.config/conductor/files")) new_path = File.expand_path("~/.config/conductor/files/#{path}") path = new_path if File.exist?(new_path) end if File.exist?(path) content = yui = content = yui.compress(content) lines = split(/\n/) insert_point = meta_insert_point insert_at = insert_point.positive? ? insert_point + 1 : 0 lines.insert(insert_at, "#{content.wrap_style}\n\n") lines.join("\n") else warn "File not found (#{path})" self end end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 123 def insert_file(path, type = :file, position = :end) path.strip! if path =~ %r{^[~/]} path = File.expand_path(path) elsif"~/.config/conductor/files")) new_path = File.expand_path("~/.config/conductor/files/#{path}") path = new_path if File.exist?(new_path) end out = case type when :code "<<(#{path})" when :raw "<<{#{path}}" else "<<[#{path}]" end out = "\n#{out}\n" case position when :start "#{out}\n#{self}" when :h1 split(/\n/).insert(first_h1 + 1, out).join("\n") else "#{self}\n#{out}" end end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 157 def insert_script(path) path.strip! path = "#{path}.js" unless path =~ /\.js$/ if path =~ %r{^[~/]} path = File.expand_path(path) else new_path = if"~/.config/conductor/javascript")) File.expand_path("~/.config/conductor/javascript/#{path}") elsif"~/.config/conductor/javascripts")) File.expand_path("~/.config/conductor/javascripts/#{path}") else File.expand_path("~/.config/conductor/scripts/#{path}") end path = new_path if File.exist?(new_path) end %(#{self}\n<script type="javascript" src="#{path}"></script>\n) end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 211 def insert_title title = get_title lines = split(/\n/) insert_point = meta_insert_point insert_at = insert_point.positive? ? insert_point + 1 : 0 lines.insert(insert_at, "# #{title}\n") lines.join("\n") end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 72 def insert_toc(max = nil, after = :h1) lines = split(/\n/) max = max && max.to_i.positive? ? " max#{max}" : "" line = case after.to_sym when :h2 first_h2.positive? ? first_h2 + 1 : 0 when :h1 first_h1.positive? ? first_h1 + 1 : 0 else 0 end lines.insert(line, "\n<!--toc#{max}-->\n").join("\n") end
Test if a string starts with MMD metadata
@return [Boolean] test result
# File lib/conductor/string.rb, line 126 def meta? dup.force_encoding('utf-8').match?(/^\w+: +\S+/m) end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 24 def meta_insert_point insert_point = 0 case meta_type when :yaml lines = split(/\n/) lines.shift lines.each_with_index do |line, idx| next unless line =~ /^(...|---) *$/ insert_point = idx + 1 break end when :mmd lines = split(/\n/) lines.each_with_index do |line, idx| next if line =~ /^ *[ \w]+: +\S+/ insert_point = idx break end end insert_point end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 12 def meta_type lines = split(/\n/) case lines[0] when /^--- *$/ :yaml when /^ *[ \w]+: +\S+/ :mmd else :none end end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 5 def normalize_filter parts = match(/(?<filter>[\w_]+)(?:\((?<paren>.*?)\))?$/i) filter = parts["filter"].downcase.gsub(/_/, "") params = parts["paren"]&.split(/ *, */) [filter, params] end
# File lib/conductor/string.rb, line 25 def normalize_include_type case self when /^c/ :code when /^r/ :raw else :file end end
# File lib/conductor/string.rb, line 14 def normalize_position case self when /^(be|s|t)/ :start when /h1/ :h1 else :end end end
Test if a string is a number
@return [Boolean] test result
# File lib/conductor/string.rb, line 99 def number? to_f.positive? end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 300 def replace(regex, pattern) sub(regex.to_rx, pattern.to_pattern) end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 296 def replace_all(regex, pattern) gsub(regex.to_rx, pattern.to_pattern) end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 220 def set_meta(key, value, style: :comment) case style when :yaml add_yaml(key, value) when :mmd add_mmd(key, value) else # comment or none add_comment(key, value) end end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 286 def strip_meta case meta_type when :yaml sub(/^---.*?(---|...)/m, "") when :mmd lines = split(/\n/) lines[meta_insert_point..] end end
Remove time from string
@return [String] string with time removed
# File lib/conductor/string.rb, line 85 def strip_time dup.force_encoding("utf-8").sub(/ \d{1,2}(:\d\d)? *([ap]m)?/i, "") end
Test a string to see if it includes a time
@return [Boolean] test result
# File lib/conductor/string.rb, line 66 def time? dup.force_encoding("utf-8").match(/ \d{1,2}(:\d\d)? *([ap]m)?/i) end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 178 def title_from_slug filename = File.basename(Conductor::Env.env[:filepath]).sub(/\.[a-z]+$/i, "") filename.sub!(/-?\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}-?/, "") filename.sub!(/\bdot\b/, ".") filename.sub!(/ dash /, "-") filename end
Titlecase a string
@return Titleized string
# File lib/conductor/string.rb, line 10 def titleize split(/(\W)/).map(&:capitalize).join end
Returns a bool representation of the string.
@return [Boolean] Bool representation of the object.
# File lib/conductor/string.rb, line 145 def to_bool case self.force_encoding('utf-8') when /^[yt]/i true else false end end
Convert a natural language string to a Date
@return [Date] Resulting Date object
# File lib/conductor/string.rb, line 76 def to_date Chronic.parse(dup.force_encoding("utf-8")) end
# File lib/conductor/string.rb, line 89 def to_day(time = :end) t = time == :end ? "23:59" : "00:00" Chronic.parse("#{strip_time} #{t}") end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 315 def to_pattern gsub(/\$(\d+)/, '\\\\\1').gsub(/(^["']|["']$)/, "") end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 304 def to_rx if self =~ %r{^/(.*?)/([im]+)?$} m = Regexp.last_match regex = m[1] flags = m[2], flags) else end end
# File lib/conductor/filter.rb, line 87 def wrap_style if match(%r{<style>.*?</style>}m) self else "<style>#{self}</style>" end end
Test if string starts with YAML
@return [Boolean] test result
# File lib/conductor/string.rb, line 117 def yaml? dup.force_encoding('utf-8').match?(/^---/m) end