module DownloadTV ## # Class used for managing the configuration of the application class Configuration attr_reader :content, :config_path def initialize(content = {}, force_change = false) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.config', 'download_tv')) @config_path = content[:path] || File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.config', 'download_tv', 'config') if File.exist? @config_path load_config @content.merge!(content) unless content.empty? @content[:ignored]&.map!(&:downcase) change_configuration if force_change else @content = content change_configuration end end def change_configuration if @content[:myepisodes_user] print "Enter your MyEpisodes username (#{@content[:myepisodes_user]}) : " else print 'Enter your MyEpisodes username: ' end @content[:myepisodes_user] = STDIN.gets.chomp print 'Save cookie? (y)/n: ' @content[:cookie] = !(STDIN.gets.chomp.casecmp? 'n') if @content[:ignored] puts "Enter a comma-separated list of shows to ignore: (#{@content[:ignored]})" else puts 'Enter a comma-separated list of shows to ignore: ' end @content[:ignored] = STDIN.gets.chomp.split(',').map(&:strip).map(&:downcase) STDOUT.flush # When modifying existing config, keeps previous values # When creating new one, sets defaults @content[:auto] ||= true @content[:subs] ||= true @content[:grabber] ||= 'TorrentAPI' @content[:date] ||= - 1 @content[:version] = DownloadTV::VERSION serialize end def serialize File.write(@config_path, JSON.generate(@content)) end def load_config source = @content = JSON.parse(source, symbolize_names: true) @content[:date] = Date.parse(@content[:date]) if @content[:date] change_configuration if !@content[:version] || breaking_changes?(@content[:version]) rescue JSON::ParserError @content = {} change_configuration retry end ## # Returns true if a major or minor update has been detected # Returns false if a patch has been detected # Returns nil if it's the same version def breaking_changes?(version) DownloadTV::VERSION.split('.').zip(version.split('.')).find_index { |x, y| y > x }&.< 2 end def print_config @content.each { |k, v| puts "#{k}: #{v}" } end end end