= Overview {Gem Version}[http://badge.fury.io/rb/pennyworth] {Travis CI Status}[http://travis-ci.org/bkuhlmann/pennyworth] {}[https://codeclimate.com/github/bkuhlmann/pennyworth] Enhances and extends Alfred by providing a Ruby command line interface (CLI). = Features * Adds Ruby support to Alfred. * Adds the following Alfred Workflows: * Pennyworth String Upcase * Pennyworth String Length * Pennyworth String Downcase * Pennyworth String Capitalize = Requirements 1. OSX[http://www.apple.com/osx]. 2. Alfred[http://www.alfredapp.com] (Version 2.x.x or higher). 3. {Alfred Powerpack}[http://www.alfredapp.com/purchase]. 5. rbenv[https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv]. 6. {Ruby 1.9.x}[http://www.ruby-lang.org]. = Setup Type the following from the command line to install: gem install pennyworth You can configure common settings for future gem builds by creating the following file: ~/.pennyworth/settings.yml ...using the following settings (for example): --- :alfred_settings_root: "/Users/bkuhlmann/Dropbox/Cache/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences" = Usage From the command line, type: pennyworth pennyworth -e, [edit] # Edit gem settings in default editor (assumes $EDITOR environment variable). pennyworth -h, [help] # Show this message. pennyworth -i, [install] # Install Alfred Workflows. pennyworth -s, [string] # Manipulate strings. pennyworth -v, [version] # Show version. For string options, type: pennyworth help string -d, [--downcase=one two three] # Downcase a string. -u, [--upcase=one two three] # Upcase a string. -c, [--capitalize=one two three] # Capitalize words in a string. -l, [--length=one two three] # Answer the length of a string. While the command line options are nice, the real power comes from running the following command: pennyworth -i ...which installs the Alfred Workflows to support this gem. You can use the Alfred commands provided by each workflow instead of the CLI. Check each workflows documentation for details by opening Alfred preferences and clicking on the _Workflows_ tab. Each workflow associated with this gem is prefixed with _Pennyworth_. = Tests To test, do the following: 1. cd to the gem root. 2. bundle install 3. bundle exec rspec spec = Contributions Read CONTRIBUTING for details. = Credits Developed by {Brooke Kuhlmann}[http://www.redalchemist.com] at {Red Alchemist}[http://www.redalchemist.com] = License Copyright (c) 2012 {Red Alchemist}[http://www.redalchemist.com]. Read the LICENSE for details. = History Read the CHANGELOG for details. Built with Gemsmith[https://github.com/bkuhlmann/gemsmith].