module CamaleonCms class PostDecorator < CamaleonCms::ApplicationDecorator include CamaleonCms::CustomFieldsConcern delegate_all def the_title(locale = nil) r = { title: object.title.to_s.translate(get_locale(locale)), post: object } h.hooks_run('post_the_title', r) r[:title] end # return the excerpt of this post def the_excerpt(qty_chars = 200) excerpt = object.get_meta('summary').to_s.translate(get_locale) # r = {content: (excerpt.present? ? excerpt : object.content_filtered.to_s.translate(get_locale).strip_tags.gsub(/ |\n/, " ").truncate(qty_chars)), post: object} r = { content: (if excerpt.present? excerpt else h.cama_strip_shortcodes(object.content_filtered.to_s.translate(get_locale).strip_tags.gsub( / |\n/, ' ' ).truncate(qty_chars)) end), post: object } h.hooks_run('post_the_excerpt', r) r[:content] end # return the content of this post def the_content r = { content: object.content.to_s.translate(get_locale), post: object } h.hooks_run('post_the_content', r) h.do_shortcode(r[:content], self) end # return thumbnail image for this post # default: default image if thumbails not exist # if default is empty, post_type default thumb will be returned def the_thumb_url(default = nil) th = object.get_meta('thumb') if th.present? th else default || object.post_type.get_option('default_thumb', nil) || h.asset_url('camaleon_cms/image-not-found.png') end end alias the_image_url the_thumb_url # check if this page has registered the thumbnail def has_thumb? object.get_meta('thumb').present? end # return the path for this page # sample: /my-page.html def the_path(*args) args = args.extract_options! args[:as_path] = true the_url(args) end # return front url for this post # sample: # args: # locale: language (default current language) # as_path: return the path instead of full url, sample: /my-page.html # Also, you can pass extra attributes as params for the url, sample: page.the_url(my_param: 'value', other: "asd") # => # Return String URL def the_url(*args) args = args.extract_options! args[:locale] = get_locale unless args.include?(:locale) args[:format] = args[:format] || 'html' args[:slug] = the_slug(args[:locale]) p = args.delete(:as_path).present? ? 'path' : 'url' # l = _calc_locale(args[:locale]) ptype = object.post_type.decorate p_url_format = ptype.contents_route_format p_url_format = 'hierarchy_post' if ptype.manage_hierarchy? case p_url_format when 'post_of_post_type' args[:label] = I18n.t('', default: 'group') args[:post_type_id] = args[:title] = ptype.the_title(args[:locale]).parameterize.presence || ptype.the_slug when 'post_of_category' if ptype.manage_categories? cat = begin object.categories.first.decorate rescue StandardError ptype.default_category.decorate end args[:label_cat] = I18n.t('routes.category', default: 'category') args[:category_id] = args[:title] = cat.the_title(args[:locale]).parameterize args[:title] = cat.the_slug unless args[:title].present? else p_url_format = 'post' end when 'post_of_posttype' args[:post_type_title] = ptype.the_title(args[:locale]).parameterize.presence || ptype.the_slug when 'post_of_category_post_type' if ptype.manage_categories? cat = begin object.categories.first.decorate rescue StandardError ptype.default_category.decorate end args[:label_cat] = I18n.t('routes.category', default: 'category') args[:post_type_title] = ptype.the_title(args[:locale]).parameterize.presence || ptype.the_slug args[:category_id] = args[:title] = cat.the_title(args[:locale]).parameterize args[:title] = cat.the_slug unless args[:title].present? else p_url_format = 'post' end when 'hierarchy_post' if object.post_parent.present? slugs = ([args[:slug]] + { |parent| parent.decorate.the_slug(args[:locale]) }).reverse args[:slug] = slugs.slice(1..-1).join('/') args[:parent_title] = slugs.first else p_url_format = 'post' end end h.cama_url_to_fixed("cama_#{p_url_format}_#{p}", args) end # return a hash of frontend urls for this post # sample: {es: '', en: ''} def the_urls(*args) args = args.extract_options! res = {} h.current_site.the_languages.each do |l| args[:locale] = l res[l] = the_url(args.clone) end res end # return edit url for this post def the_edit_url args = h.cama_current_site_host_port({}) h.edit_cama_admin_post_type_post_url(, object, args) end # create the html link with edit link # return html link # attrs: Hash of link tag attributes, sample: {id: "myid", class: "sss" } def the_edit_link(title = nil, attrs = {}) return '' unless h.cama_current_user.present? attrs = { target: '_blank', style: 'font-size:11px !important;cursor:pointer;' }.merge(attrs) h.link_to("→ #{title || h.ct('edit', default: 'Edit')}".html_safe, the_edit_url, attrs) end # show thumbnail image as html def the_thumb(img_args = {}) r = { image: h.image_tag(the_thumb_url, img_args), post: object } h.hooks_run('post_the_thumb', r) r[:image] end # show link and thumbnail included as html # link_args: html attributes for link # img_args: html attributes for image def the_link_thumb(link_args = {}, img_args = {}) h.link_to(the_thumb(img_args), the_url, link_args) end def the_status case status when 'published' color = 'info' status = I18n.t('camaleon_cms.admin.post_type.published', default: 'Published') when 'draft', 'draft_child' color = 'warning' status = I18n.t('camaleon_cms.admin.table.draft', default: 'Draft') when 'trash' color = 'danger' status = I18n.t('camaleon_cms.admin.table.trash', default: 'Trash') when 'pending' color = 'default' status = I18n.t('camaleon_cms.admin.table.pending', default: 'Pending') else color = 'default' status = self.status end "#{status.titleize}" end # return the user object who created this post def the_author end # return all categories assigned for this post filtered by permissions + hidden posts + roles + etc... def the_categories object.categories end # return all post_tags assigned for this post def the_tags object.post_tags end # return all comments for this post filtered by permissions + hidden posts + roles + etc... def the_comments object.comments.main.approveds.eager_load(:user) end # check if the post can be visited by current visitor def can_visit? r = { flag: true, post: object } h.hooks_run('post_can_visit', r) r[:flag] && object.status == 'published' end # add_post_type: true/false to include post type link # children: true/false (show/hide last item link) # show_categories: true/false, true: add categories tree to the breadcrumb def generate_breadcrumb(show_categories = true, add_post_type = true) p_type = object.post_type f_cat = object.categories.first if f_cat.present? && show_categories f_cat.decorate.generate_breadcrumb(add_post_type, true) else p_type.decorate.generate_breadcrumb(add_post_type, true) end if object.post_parent.present? && p_type.manage_hierarchy? object.parents.reverse.each do |p| p = p.decorate h.breadcrumb_add(p.the_title, p.published? ? p.the_url : nil) end end h.breadcrumb_add(the_title) end # return the post type of this post def the_post_type object.post_type.decorate end # looks for the next post item related to parent element based on post_order attribute # @param _parent: parent decorated model, like: (PostType *default), Category, PostTag, Site # @samples: my_post.the_next_post(), my_post.the_next_post(@category), my_post.the_next_post(current_site) def the_next_post(_parent = nil) (_parent.presence || the_post_type).the_posts.where( "#{CamaleonCms::Post.table_name}.post_order > :position OR (#{CamaleonCms::Post.table_name}.post_order = :position and #{CamaleonCms::Post.table_name}.created_at > :created_at)", { position: object.post_order, created_at: object.created_at } ).where.not(id: end # looks for the next post item related to parent element based on post_order attribute # @param _parent: parent decorated model, like: (PostType *default), Category, PostTag, Site # @samples: my_post.the_prev_post(), my_post.the_prev_post(@category), my_post.the_prev_post(current_site) def the_prev_post(_parent = nil) (_parent.presence || the_post_type).the_posts.where("#{CamaleonCms::Post.table_name}.post_order < :position OR (#{CamaleonCms::Post.table_name}.post_order = :position and #{CamaleonCms::Post.table_name}.created_at < :created_at)", { position: object.post_order, created_at: object.created_at }).where.not(id: post_order: :asc, created_at: :asc ).last.try(:decorate) end # return the title with hierarchy prefixed # sample: title paren 1 - title parent 2 -.. -... # if add_parent_title: true will add parent title like: —— item 1.1.1 | item 1.1 def the_hierarchy_title return the_title unless object.post_parent.present? res = '—' * object.parents.count res << " #{the_title}" res << " | #{object.parent.decorate.the_title}" if object.show_title_with_parent res.html_safe end # return all related posts of current post def the_related_posts ptype = the_post_type ptype.the_posts.joins(:categories).where(CamaleonCms::TermRelationship.table_name.to_s => { term_taxonomy_id: the_categories.pluck(:id) }).distinct end # fix for "Using Draper::Decorator without inferred source class" def self.object_class_name 'CamaleonCms::Post' end end end