# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Christopher Walters () # Author:: Christopher Brown () # Author:: Tim Hinderliter () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'chef/config' require 'chef/mixin/params_validate' require 'chef/log' require 'chef/platform' require 'chef/node' require 'chef/role' require 'chef/file_cache' require 'chef/run_context' require 'chef/runner' require 'chef/run_status' require 'chef/cookbook/cookbook_collection' require 'chef/cookbook/file_vendor' require 'chef/cookbook/file_system_file_vendor' require 'chef/version' class Chef # == Chef::Client # The main object in a Chef run. Preps a Chef::Node and Chef::RunContext, # syncs cookbooks if necessary, and triggers convergence. class Client SANE_PATHS = %w[/usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /sbin /bin] # Clears all notifications for client run status events. # Primarily for testing purposes. def self.clear_notifications @run_start_notifications = nil @run_completed_successfully_notifications = nil @run_failed_notifications = nil end # The list of notifications to be run when the client run starts. def self.run_start_notifications @run_start_notifications ||= [] end # The list of notifications to be run when the client run completes # successfully. def self.run_completed_successfully_notifications @run_completed_successfully_notifications ||= [] end # The list of notifications to be run when the client run fails. def self.run_failed_notifications @run_failed_notifications ||= [] end # Add a notification for the 'client run started' event. The notification # is provided as a block. The current Chef::RunStatus object will be passed # to the notification_block when the event is triggered. def self.when_run_starts(¬ification_block) run_start_notifications << notification_block end # Add a notification for the 'client run success' event. The notification # is provided as a block. The current Chef::RunStatus object will be passed # to the notification_block when the event is triggered. def self.when_run_completes_successfully(¬ification_block) run_completed_successfully_notifications << notification_block end # Add a notification for the 'client run failed' event. The notification # is provided as a block. The current Chef::RunStatus is passed to the # notification_block when the event is triggered. def self.when_run_fails(¬ification_block) run_failed_notifications << notification_block end # Callback to fire notifications that the Chef run is starting def run_started self.class.run_start_notifications.each do |notification| notification.call(run_status) end end # Callback to fire notifications that the run completed successfully def run_completed_successfully self.class.run_completed_successfully_notifications.each do |notification| notification.call(run_status) end end # Callback to fire notifications that the Chef run failed def run_failed self.class.run_failed_notifications.each do |notification| notification.call(run_status) end end attr_accessor :node attr_accessor :rest attr_accessor :runner attr_reader :run_status # Creates a new Chef::Client. def initialize @node = nil @run_status = nil @runner = nil end # Do a full run for this Chef::Client. Calls: # # * build_node - Get the last known state, merge with local changes # * register - If not in solo mode, make sure the server knows about this client # * sync_cookbooks - If not in solo mode, populate the local cache with the node's cookbooks # * converge - Bring this system up to date # # === Returns # true:: Always returns true. def run run_context = nil Chef::Log.info("*** Chef #{Chef::VERSION} ***") enforce_path_sanity build_node begin run_status.start_clock Chef::Log.info("Starting Chef Run for #{node.name}") run_started run_context = setup_run_context converge(run_context) save_updated_node run_status.stop_clock Chef::Log.info("Chef Run complete in #{run_status.elapsed_time} seconds") run_completed_successfully true rescue Exception => e run_status.stop_clock run_status.exception = e run_failed Chef::Log.debug("Re-raising exception: #{e.class} - #{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n ")}") raise ensure run_status = nil end true end # Configures the Chef::Cookbook::FileVendor class to fetch file from the # server or disk as appropriate, creates the run context for this run, and # sanity checks the cookbook collection. #===Returns # Chef::RunContext:: the run context for this run. def setup_run_context Chef::Cookbook::FileVendor.on_create { |manifest| Chef::Cookbook::FileSystemFileVendor.new(manifest, Chef::Config[:cookbook_path]) } run_context = Chef::RunContext.new(node, Chef::CookbookCollection.new(Chef::CookbookLoader.new(Chef::Config[:cookbook_path]))) run_status.run_context = run_context run_context.load(@run_list_expansion) assert_cookbook_path_not_empty(run_context) run_context end def save_updated_node end def node_name name = Chef::Config[:node_name] Chef::Config[:node_name] = name unless name msg = "Unable to determine node name: configure node_name or configure the system's hostname and fqdn" raise Chef::Exceptions::CannotDetermineNodeName, msg end name end # Builds a new node object for this client. Starts with querying for the FQDN of the current # host (unless it is supplied). # # === Returns # node:: Returns the created node object, also stored in @node def build_node Chef::Log.debug("Building node object for #{node_name}") @node = Chef::Node.build(node_name) # Allow user to override the environment of a node by specifying # a config parameter. if Chef::Config[:environment] && !Chef::Config[:environment].chop.empty? @node.chef_environment(Chef::Config[:environment]) end # tom: no longer using json_attribs with consume_external_attrs, # preferring to load from a node.rb # # consume_external_attrs may add items to the run_list. Save the # expanded run_list, which we will pass to the server later to # determine which versions of cookbooks to use. @node.reset_defaults_and_overrides @node.find_file(node_name) @run_list_expansion = @node.expand!('disk') # @run_list_expansion is a RunListExpansion. # # Convert @expanded_run_list, which is an # Array of Hashes of the form # {:name => NAME, :version_constraint => Chef::VersionConstraint }, # into @expanded_run_list_with_versions, an # Array of Strings of the form # "#{NAME}@#{VERSION}" @expanded_run_list_with_versions = @run_list_expansion.recipes.with_version_constraints_strings Chef::Log.info("Run List is [#{@node.run_list}]") Chef::Log.info("Run List expands to [#{@expanded_run_list_with_versions.join(', ')}]") @run_status = Chef::RunStatus.new(@node) @node end # Converges the node. # # === Returns # true:: Always returns true def converge(run_context) Chef::Log.debug("Converging node #{node_name}") @runner = Chef::Runner.new(run_context) runner.converge true end def enforce_path_sanity(env=ENV) if Chef::Config[:enforce_path_sanity] && RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mswin|mingw32|windows/ existing_paths = env["PATH"].split(':') SANE_PATHS.each do |sane_path| unless existing_paths.include?(sane_path) env_path = env["PATH"].dup env_path << ':' unless env["PATH"].empty? env_path << sane_path env["PATH"] = env_path end end end end private def directory_not_empty?(path) File.exists?(path) && (Dir.entries(path).size > 2) end def is_last_element?(index, object) object.kind_of?(Array) ? index == object.size - 1 : true end def assert_cookbook_path_not_empty(run_context) # Check for cookbooks in the path given # Chef::Config[:cookbook_path] can be a string or an array # if it's an array, go through it and check each one, raise error at the last one if no files are found Chef::Log.debug "Loading from cookbook_path: #{Array(Chef::Config[:cookbook_path]).map { |path| File.expand_path(path) }.join(', ')}" Array(Chef::Config[:cookbook_path]).each_with_index do |cookbook_path, index| if directory_not_empty?(cookbook_path) break else msg = "No cookbook found in #{Chef::Config[:cookbook_path].inspect}, make sure cookbook_path is set correctly." Chef::Log.fatal(msg) raise Chef::Exceptions::CookbookNotFound, msg if is_last_element?(index, Chef::Config[:cookbook_path]) end end end end end # HACK cannot load this first, but it must be loaded. require 'chef/cookbook_loader' require 'chef/cookbook_version'