# frozen_string_literal: true require "bundler" require "bundler/gem_tasks" Bundler.setup ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__))) $: << File.join(ROOT, 'spec/shared/lib') require "rake" require "rspec/core/rake_task" require 'mrss/spec_organizer' require 'rubygems/package' require 'rubygems/security/policies' def signed_gem?(path_to_gem) Gem::Package.new(path_to_gem, Gem::Security::HighSecurity).verify true rescue Gem::Security::Exception => e false end $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) require "mongoid/version" tasks = Rake.application.instance_variable_get('@tasks') tasks['release:do'] = tasks.delete('release') task :gem => :build task :build do system "gem build mongoid.gemspec" end task :install => :build do system "sudo gem install mongoid-#{Mongoid::VERSION}.gem" end task :release do raise "Please use ./release.sh to release" end RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new("spec") do |spec| spec.pattern = "spec/**/*_spec.rb" end RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new('spec:progress') do |spec| spec.rspec_opts = %w(--format progress) spec.pattern = "spec/**/*_spec.rb" end CLASSIFIERS = [ [%r,^mongoid/attribute,, :attributes], [%r,^mongoid/association/[or],, :associations_referenced], [%r,^mongoid/association,, :associations], [%r,^mongoid,, :unit], [%r,^integration,, :integration], [%r,^rails,, :rails], ] RUN_PRIORITY = %i( unit attributes associations_referenced associations integration rails ) def spec_organizer Mrss::SpecOrganizer.new( root: ROOT, classifiers: CLASSIFIERS, priority_order: RUN_PRIORITY, ) end task :ci do spec_organizer.run end task :bucket, %i(buckets) do |task, args| buckets = args[:buckets] buckets = if buckets.nil? || buckets.empty? [nil] else buckets.split(':').map do |bucket| if bucket.empty? nil else bucket.to_sym end end end spec_organizer.run_buckets(*buckets) end task :default => :spec desc "Generate all documentation" task :docs => 'docs:yard' namespace :docs do desc "Generate yard documention" task :yard do out = File.join('yard-docs', Mongoid::VERSION) FileUtils.rm_rf(out) system "yardoc -o #{out} --title mongoid-#{Mongoid::VERSION}" end end namespace :release do task :check_private_key do unless File.exist?('gem-private_key.pem') raise "No private key present, cannot release" end end end desc 'Verifies that all built gems in pkg/ are valid' task :verify do gems = Dir['pkg/*.gem'] if gems.empty? puts 'There are no gems in pkg/ to verify' else gems.each do |gem| if signed_gem?(gem) puts "#{gem} is signed" else abort "#{gem} is not signed" end end end end