require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/trulia4r' # Firstly Read the Trulia API Docs and register for your API Key # # Initialize a new Trulia client client ='apikey') # Initialize a new LocationInfo object # Refer to the API Docs here: loc = # Available methods on the LocationInfo object cities = loc.get_cities_in_state('MA') counties = loc.get_counties_in_state('MA') neighs = loc.get_neighborhoods_in_city('Boston', 'MA') states = loc.get_states zips = loc.get_zip_codes_in_state('MA') # The following is available to all of the above if zip.success? puts # Returns just the data portion of the response puts zips.body # Returns the full body of the response else puts zips.error # Error message for the response end # Initialize a new TruliaStats object # Refer to the API Docs here: stats = # Available methods on the TruliaStats object # Each method takes the following optional params: # startDate The first date for which you wish to receive statistics. YYYY-MM-DD (Defaults to last valid day) # endDate The last date for which you wish to receive statistics. YYYY-MM-DD (Defaults to last valid day) # statType The type of statistic you wish to receive. Valid types: {"all", "traffic", "listings"} (Defaults to "all") city_stats = stats.get_city_stats('Boston', 'MA') county_stats = stats.get_county_stats('Suffolk', 'MA', :startDate => '2008-12-31', :endDate => '2009-01-31') neigh_stats = stats.get_neighborhood_stats('3448', :statType => "traffic", :startDate => '2008-07-01') state_stats = stats.get_state_stats('MA', :statType => "listings") zip_stats = stats.get_zip_code_stats('02213') if zip_stats.success? puts zip_stats.body # Returns the entire body of the reponse puts # Returns the full data portion of the response puts zip_stats.listing_stats # Returns only the listings stats puts zip_stats.traffic_stats # Returns only the traffic stats puts zip_stats.location # Returns just the location data else puts zip_stats.error # Error message for the response end