@name = File.basename(File.expand_path(".")) gem_group :development do gem 'shelly', '>= 0.0.62' end # check if user has account on shelly `shelly list` if $? != 0 say_custom "shellycloud", "Please log in or register with Shelly Cloud." say_custom "shellycloud", "You can do that by running `shelly login` or `shelly register`" exit 1 end required_dbs = %w[postgresql mongodb redis] required_app_servers = %w[thin] selected_db = required_dbs.find { |db| scroll? db } unless selected_db say_custom "shellycloud", "Please include a DB choice from: #{required_dbs.join ", "}" exit_now = true end selected_app_server = required_app_servers.find { |app| scroll? app } unless selected_app_server say_custom "shellycloud", "Please include an App Server choice from: #{required_app_servers.join ", "}" exit_now = true end exit 1 if exit_now after_everything do framework_env = multiple_choice "Which framework environment?", [ ['Production', 'production'], ['Staging', 'staging'] ] app_name = (@repo_name && @repo_name.size > 0) ? @repo_name : @name app_name.gsub!(/\W/, '') # only letters and numbers app_name.gsub!("_", "-") virtual_server_size = "large" if framework_env == "production" say_custom "shellycloud", "Using large virtual servers for production environment" else say_custom "shellycloud", "Using small virtual servers for staging environment" virtual_server_size = "small" end code_name = "#{app_name}-#{framework_env}" name = File.basename(".") command = "bundle exec shelly add --code_name #{code_name} " command += "--databases=#{selected_db} " if selected_db command += "--size=#{virtual_server_size}" run command say_custom "shellycloud", "Adding Cloudfile to your repo" run "git add Cloudfile" run "git commit -m 'Added Cloudfile'" say_custom "shellycloud", "Pushing code to Shelly Cloud" sleep(5) # sleep for ssh key to generate on shelly run "git push #{code_name} master" say_custom "shellycloud", "Your application in now configured for Shelly Cloud" say_custom "shellycloud", "You can start it by running `shelly start`." say_custom "shellycloud", "For more information, check https://shellycloud.com/documentation" end __END__ name: Shelly Cloud description: Ruby Cloud Hosting in Europe author: grk category: deployment exclusive: deployment requires: [compile_assets, serve_static_assets, git, thin] run_after: [git]