require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe "YARD::Handlers::Ruby::#{RUBY18 ? "Legacy::" : ""}YieldHandler" do before(:all) { parse_file :yield_handler_001, __FILE__ } it "should only parse yield blocks in methods" do P(:Testing).tag(:yield).should be_nil P(:Testing).tag(:yieldparam).should be_nil end it "should handle an empty yield statement" do P('Testing#mymethod').tag(:yield).should be_nil P('Testing#mymethod').tag(:yieldparam).should be_nil end it "should not document a yield statement in a method with either @yield or @yieldparam" do P('Testing#mymethod2').tag(:yield).types.should == ['a', 'b'] P('Testing#mymethod2').tag(:yield).text.should == "Blah" P('Testing#mymethod2').tags(:yieldparam).size.should == 2 P('Testing#mymethod3').tag(:yield).types.should == ['a', 'b'] P('Testing#mymethod3').tags(:yieldparam).size.should == 0 P('Testing#mymethod4').tag(:yieldparam).name.should == '_self' P('Testing#mymethod4').tag(:yieldparam).text.should == 'BLAH' end it "should handle any arbitrary yield statement" do P('Testing#mymethod5').tag(:yield).types.should == [':a', 'b', '_self', '\'file\', \'w\')', 'CONSTANT'] end it "should handle parentheses" do P('Testing#mymethod6').tag(:yield).types.should == ['b', 'a'] end it "should only document the first yield statement in a method (limitation of yield handler)" do P('Testing#mymethod7').tag(:yield).types.should == ['a'] end it "should handle `self` keyword and list object type as yieldparam for _self" do P('Testing#mymethod8').tag(:yield).types.should == ['_self'] P('Testing#mymethod8').tag(:yieldparam).types.should == ['Testing'] P('Testing#mymethod8').tag(:yieldparam).text.should == "the object that the method was called on" end it "should handle `super` keyword and document it under _super" do P('Testing#mymethod9').tag(:yield).types.should == ['_super'] P('Testing#mymethod9').tag(:yieldparam).types.should be_nil P('Testing#mymethod9').tag(:yieldparam).text.should == "the result of the method from the superclass" end end