module GovukMirrorer class Configurer class NoRootUrlSpecifiedError < Exception ; end def require 'optparse' options = { :site_root => ENV['MIRRORER_SITE_ROOT'], :request_interval => 0.1, } do |o| o.banner = "Usage: govuk_mirrorer [options]" o.on('--site-root URL', "Base URL to mirror from", " falls back to MIRRORER_SITE_ROOT env variable") {|root| options[:site_root] = root } o.on('--request-interval INTERVAL', Float, "Specify the delay between requests in seconds", " defaults to 0.1") {|interval| options[:request_interval] = interval } o.separator "Logging:" o.on('--logfile FILE', "Enable logging to a file") { |file| options[:log_file] = file } o.on('--syslog [FACILITY]', "Enable logging to syslog", " optionally override the default facility (local3)") do |facility| options[:syslog] = facility || "local3" end o.on('--loglevel LEVEL', 'DEBUG/INFO/WARN/ERROR, it defaults to INFO') do |level| options[:log_level] = level end o.on('-v', '--verbose', 'sets loglevel to DEBUG') { |level| options[:log_level] = 'DEBUG' } o.separator "" o.on('-h', '--help') { puts o; exit } o.parse!(args) end # Error if site_root nil or blank raise NoRootUrlSpecifiedError if options[:site_root].nil? or options[:site_root].empty? options end end end