module InlineForms class InlineFormsGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase Rails::Generators::GeneratedAttribute.class_eval do # attributes are in the form name:type (f.i. price:integer) # we want to extend the types to our list of types # but some of the old types are still needed # f.i. price:integer turns into a text_field # def migration_type # convert any type into a migration type # each helper adds to this list # be aware that the standard list overwrites the customized list if we merge like this! SPECIAL_MIGRATION_TYPES.merge(DEFAULT_MIGRATION_TYPES).merge(RELATION_TYPES).merge(SPECIAL_RELATION_TYPES)[type] || :unknown end def field_type # convert standard types to one of ours SPECIAL_MIGRATION_TYPES.merge(RELATION_TYPES).merge(SPECIAL_RELATION_TYPES).has_key?(type) ? type : DEFAULT_FIELD_TYPES[type] || :unknown end def migration_name # convert some to _id ( relation? || field_type == :dropdown) ? name + '_id' : name end def belongs_to? relation? || field_type == :dropdown end def has_many? field_type == :associated end def relation? RELATION_TYPES.has_key?(field_type) end def special_relation? SPECIAL_RELATION_TYPES.has_key?(field_type) end end argument :attributes, :type => :array, :banner => "[name:form_element]..." source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) def copy_stylesheet copy_file File.expand_path('../../../../public/stylesheets', __FILE__) + "/inline_forms.css", "public/stylesheets/inline_forms.css" unless File.exists?('public/stylesheets/inline_forms.css') end def generate_model template "model.erb", "app/models/#{model_file_name}.rb" end def generate_controller template "controller.erb", "app/controllers/#{controller_file_name}.rb" end def generate_route route "resources :#{resource_name}" end def generate_migration template "migration.erb", "db/migrate/#{time_stamp}_inline_forms_create_#{table_name}.rb" end def add_tab copy_file "_inline_forms_tabs.html.erb", "app/views/_inline_forms_tabs.html.erb" unless File.exists?('app/views/_inline_forms_tabs.html.erb') inject_into_file "app/views/_inline_forms_tabs.html.erb", " <%= tab.#{name.underscore} '#{name}', #{name.pluralize.underscore + '_path'} %>\n", :after => "<% tabs_tag :open_tabs => { :id => \"tabs\" } do |tab| %>\n" end private def model_file_name name.underscore end def resource_name name.pluralize.underscore end def controller_name name.pluralize + 'Controller' end def controller_file_name controller_name.underscore end def table_name name.pluralize.underscore end def time_stamp"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # found it here end end end