=begin rdoc Application This handles user interaction =end module PoolParty class Application class << self attr_accessor :verbose, :options # The application options def options(opts={}) @options ||= make_options(opts) end # Make the options with the config_file overrides included # Default config file assumed to be at config/config.yml def make_options(opts={}) loading_options = opts.delete(:optsparse) || {} loading_options.merge!( {:argv => opts.delete(:argv)} ) config_file_location = (default_options[:config_file] || opts[:config_file]) # If the config_file options are specified and not empty unless config_file_location.nil? || config_file_location.empty? require "yaml" # Try loading the file if it exists filedata = File.open("#{config_file_location}").read if File.file?("#{config_file_location}") # We want the command-line to overwrite the config file default_options.merge!( YAML.load(filedata) ) if filedata end default_options.merge!(opts) load_options!(loading_options) # Load command-line options default_options.merge!(local_user_data) unless local_user_data == {} OpenStruct.new(default_options) end # Load options via commandline def load_options!(opts={}) require 'optparse' OptionParser.new do |op| op.banner = opts[:banner] if opts[:banner] op.on('-A key', '--access-key key', "Ec2 access key (ENV['ACCESS_KEY'])") { |key| default_options[:access_key] = key } op.on('-S key', '--secret-access-key key', "Ec2 secret access key (ENV['SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'])") { |key| default_options[:secret_access_key] = key } op.on('-I ami', '--image-id id', "AMI instance (default: 'ami-4a46a323')") {|id| default_options[:ami] = id } op.on('-k keypair', '--keypair name', "Keypair name (ENV['KEYPAIR_NAME'])") { |key| default_options[:keypair] = key } op.on('-b bucket', '--bucket bucket', "Application bucket") { |bucket| default_options[:shared_bucket] = bucket } op.on('-D ec2 directory', '--ec2-dir dir', "Directory with ec2 data (default: '~/.ec2')") {|id| default_options[:ec2_dir] = id } op.on('-r names', '--services names', "Monitored services (default: '')") {|id| default_options[:services] = id } op.on('-c file', '--config-file file', "Config file (default: '')") {|file| default_options[:config_file] = file } op.on('-l plugin_dir', '--plugin-dir dir', "Plugin directory (default: '')") {|file| default_options[:plugin_dir] = file } op.on('-p port', '--host_port port', "Run on specific host_port (default: 7788)") { |host_port| default_options[:host_port] = host_port } op.on('-m monitors', '--monitors names', "Monitor instances using (default: 'web,memory,cpu')") {|s| default_options[:monitor_load_on] = s } op.on('-o port', '--client_port port', "Run on specific client_port (default: 7788)") { |client_port| default_options[:client_port] = client_port } op.on('-O os', '--os os', "Configure for os (default: ubuntu)") { |os| default_options[:os] = os } op.on('-e env', '--environment env', "Run on the specific environment (default: development)") { |env| default_options[:environment] = env } op.on('-a address', '--public-ip address', "Associate this public address with the master node") {|s| default_options[:public_ip] = s} op.on('-s size', '--size size', "Run specific sized instance") {|s| default_options[:size] = s} op.on('-a name', '--name name', "Application name") {|n| default_options[:app_name] = n} op.on('-u username', '--username name', "Login with the user (default: root)") {|s| default_options[:user] = s} op.on('-d user-data','--user-data data', "Extra data to send each of the instances (default: "")") { |data| default_options[:user_data] = data } op.on('-i', '--install-on-boot', 'Install the PoolParty and custom software on boot (default: false)') {|b| default_options[:install_on_load] = true} op.on('-t seconds', '--polling-time', "Time between polling in seconds (default 50)") {|t| default_options[:polling_time] = t } op.on('-v', '--[no-]verbose', 'Run verbosely (default: false)') {|v| default_options[:verbose] = true} op.on('-n number', '--minimum-instances', "The minimum number of instances to run at all times (default 1)") {|i| default_options[:minimum_instances] = i.to_i} op.on('-x number', '--maximum-instances', "The maximum number of instances to run (default 3)") {|x| default_options[:maximum_instances] = x.to_i} op.on_tail("-V", "Show version") do puts Application.version exit end op.on_tail("-h", "-?", "Show this message") do puts op exit end end.parse!(opts[:argv] ? opts.delete(:argv) : ARGV.dup) end # Basic default options # All can be overridden by the command line # or in a config.yml file def default_options @default_options ||= { :app_name => "application_name", :host_port => 80, :client_port => 8001, :environment => 'development', :verbose => false, :logging => true, :size => "m1.small", :polling_time => "30.seconds", :user_data => "", :heavy_load => 0.80, :light_load => 0.15, :minimum_instances => 2, :maximum_instances => 4, :public_ip => "", :access_key => ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], :secret_access_key => ENV["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_ID"], :config_file => if ENV["CONFIG_FILE"] && !ENV["CONFIG_FILE"].empty? ENV["CONFIG_FILE"] elsif File.file?("config/config.yml") "config/config.yml" else nil end, :username => "root", :ec2_dir => ENV["EC2_HOME"], :keypair => ENV["KEYPAIR_NAME"], :ami => 'ami-4a46a323', :shared_bucket => "", :expand_when => "web_usage < 1.5\n memory > 0.85", :contract_when => "cpu < 0.20\n memory < 0.10", :os => "ubuntu", :plugin_dir => "vendor", :install_on_load => false } end # Services monitored by Heartbeat def master_managed_services "cloud_master_takeover" end alias_method :managed_services, :master_managed_services def launching_user_data {:polling_time => polling_time, :access_key => access_key, :secret_access_key => secret_access_key, :user_data => user_data}.to_yaml end def local_user_data @local_user_data ||= begin @@timer.timeout(5.seconds) do YAML.load(open("").read) end rescue Exception => e {} end end # Keypair path # Idiom: # /Users/username/.ec2/id_rsa-name def keypair_path "#{ec2_dir}/id_rsa#{keypair ? "-#{keypair}" : "" }" end # Are we in development or test mode %w(development production test).each do |env| eval <<-EOE def #{env}? environment == '#{env}' end EOE end def environment=(env) environment = env end def maintain_pid_path "/var/run/pool_maintain.pid" end %w(scp_instances_script reconfigure_instances_script).each do |file| define_method "sh_#{file}" do File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../..", "config", "#{file}.sh") end end # Standard configuration files %w(haproxy monit heartbeat heartbeat_authkeys).each do |file| define_method "#{file}_config_file" do File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../..", "config", "#{file}.conf") end end def version PoolParty::Version::STRING end def install_on_load?(bool=false) options.install_on_load == true || bool end # Call the options from the Application def method_missing(m,*args) options.methods.include?("#{m}") ? options.send(m,args) : super end end end end