# frozen_string_literal: true module RubyJard module Decorators ## # Manipulate and decorate color for texts. # This class translate colors to corresponding escape sequences. # Support 24-bit color (#51617d format) or 256 colors (https://jonasjacek.github.io/colors/) # Example: # - #fafafa => \e[38;2;250;250;250m # - #aaa => \e[38;2;170;170;170m # - 77 => \e[38;2;170;170;170m class ColorDecorator HEX_PATTERN_6 = /^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})$/i.freeze HEX_PATTERN_3 = /^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{1})([A-Fa-f0-9]{1})([A-Fa-f0-9]{1})$/i.freeze XTERM_NUMBER_PATTERN = /^([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$/i.freeze CSI_RESET = "\e[0m" CSI_FOREGROUND_24BIT = "\e[38;2;%d;%d;%dm" CSI_BACKGROUND_24BIT = "\e[48;2;%d;%d;%dm" CSI_FOREGROUND_256 = "\e[38;5;%dm" CSI_BACKGROUND_256 = "\e[48;5;%dm" CSI_ITALIC = "\e[3m" CSI_UNDERLINE = "\e[4m" CSI_BOLD = "\e[1m" STYLES_CSI_MAP = { underline: CSI_UNDERLINE, italic: CSI_ITALIC, bold: CSI_BOLD }.freeze def initialize(color_scheme) @color_scheme = color_scheme end def decorate(style_names, content) attributes = nil if style_names.is_a?(Symbol) styles = @color_scheme.styles_for(style_names) else attributes = translate_styles(style_names) styles = @color_scheme.styles_for(style_names.shift) end foreground = translate_color(styles.shift, true) background = translate_color(styles.shift, false) "#{foreground}#{background}#{attributes}#{content}#{CSI_RESET}" end def translate_color(color, foreground) if (matches = HEX_PATTERN_6.match(color.to_s)) red = matches[1].to_i(16) green = matches[2].to_i(16) blue = matches[3].to_i(16) sequence = foreground ? CSI_FOREGROUND_24BIT : CSI_BACKGROUND_24BIT format sequence, red, green, blue elsif (matches = HEX_PATTERN_3.match(color.to_s)) red = (matches[1] * 2).to_i(16) green = (matches[2] * 2).to_i(16) blue = (matches[3] * 2).to_i(16) sequence = foreground ? CSI_FOREGROUND_24BIT : CSI_BACKGROUND_24BIT format sequence, red, green, blue elsif (matches = XTERM_NUMBER_PATTERN.match(color.to_s)) color = matches[1] sequence = foreground ? CSI_FOREGROUND_256 : CSI_BACKGROUND_256 format sequence, color else '' end end private def translate_styles(styles = []) styles.map { |key| STYLES_CSI_MAP[key] }.compact.join end end end end