StaticMatic 0.9.0
The biggest change is that all the "local" links generated (pages/stylesheets/images) are relative now that we know the current page. So the use_relative_path_for_* configuration settings were removed. This will cause your configuration.rb to blow up unless you remove them.
What's New
- added StaticMatic::VERSION.requirements_met?
- added LICENSE and CHANGELOG files
- can now specify relative paths when only specifying a title - link("../other/How to download")
- add src_dir/stylesheets directory to sass load path so you can use @import styles.sass
- added sass_options hash to configuration so you can configure sass (ie: :style => :compact)
- added configuration.use_extensions_for_page_links (defaults to true) when false will strip index.html and .html off the end of links for pretty urls
- made all "local" links (pages/stylesheets/images) relative to the current page and removed use_relative_path_for_* configuration settings
- stylesheets helper can now take a list of stylesheets to include and the order as well as options (ie: :media => :print)
- added clean and clobber tasks to Rakefile
- added StaticMatic::VERSION in version.rb
- added package task to Rakefile and made it the default
What's Fixed
- clear all instance variables in @scope except @staticmatic
- no longer add \n after the tag in the tag helper
- mailto: links were getting a / inserted in front of the mailto:
See what changed in 0.8.10