# Hydra::Image # # Default content datastreams: MASTER, MAX, THUMBNAIL, SCREEN # # Sample Usages: # # Generate an image and then assign an image to it: # hi = Hydra::Image.new(:derivatives=>true) # f = File.new("/path/to/image.tiff") # hi.image=f # # Generate an image from a url: # hi = Hydra::Image.new(:file=>"http://example.com/some_image.jpg", :derivatives=>true) # # # Generate an image from a file: # f = File.new("/path/to/image.tiff") # hi = Hydra::Image.new(:file=>f, :derivatives=>true) # # Generate an image with alternate resizing: # hi = Hydra::Image.new(:file=>file) # hi.derivations = {:thumbnail=> {:op => "resize", :newWidth => 75 } # hi.send(:generate_derivatives) # require "hydra" require "httparty" module Hydra class Image < ActiveFedora::Base =begin TODO This doesn't seem to be used anywhere. Commenting out until I hear back. Justin 2011-12-21 include Hydra::ModelMethods include HTTParty class Hydra::Image::NoFileError < RuntimeError; end; class Hydra::Image::UnknownImageType < RuntimeError; end; DEFAULT_IMAGE_DATASTREAMS = ["MASTER","MAX","THUMBNAIL","SCREEN"] DS_DEFAULTS = { :max => {:op => "convert", :convertTo => "jpg"}, :thumbnail => {:op => "resize",:newWidth=> 100}, :screen => {:op => "resize", :newWidth => 960} } attr_accessor :derivations, :generate_derived_images def initialize( attrs={}) existing_image = true if attrs[:pid] @generate_derived_images = attrs[:derivatives] ? attrs[:derivatives] : false super unless existing_image if attrs.has_key?(:file) #&& attrs[:file].class == File self.image = attrs[:file] attrs.delete(:file) elsif attrs.has_key?(:stream) && attrs.has_key?(:image_type) data = attrs[:stream] attrs.delete(:stream) self.image = data, attrs[:image_type] else #raise Hydra::Image::NoFileError, "No file indicated." end end end has_relationship "parts", :is_part_of, :inbound => true # Uses the Hydra Rights Metadata Schema for tracking access permissions & copyright has_metadata :name => "rightsMetadata", :type => Hydra::RightsMetadata # A place to put extra metadata values has_metadata :name => "properties", :type => ActiveFedora::MetadataDatastream do |m| m.field 'collection', :string m.field 'depositor', :string end def image=(image_data) delete_file_datastreams case image_data when File master_from_file image_data when Array needs_cleanup = true image_file = string_to_file(image_data[0],"MASTER",image_data[1]) master_from_file image_file when String master_from_url image_data else raise Hydra::Image::UnknownImageType, "Specified image is neither a file nor an appropriate image blob: #{image_data.class.to_s}" end save File.delete(image_file.path) if needs_cleanup generate_derivatives if @generate_derived_images end def ds_options if @derivations return DS_DEFAULTS.merge( @derivations ) else return DS_DEFAULTS end end def derivative_datastream ds_name opts = ds_options[ds_name] ds_location = derivation_url(ds_name, opts) ds = ActiveFedora::Datastream.new(:dsid => ds_name.to_s.upcase, :label => ds_name.to_s.upcase, :dsLocation => ds_location, :controlGroup => "M", :mimeType => "image/jpeg") add_datastream(ds) save end DEFAULT_IMAGE_DATASTREAMS.each do |m| class_eval <<-EOM def has_#{m.downcase}? self.datastreams.keys.include? "#{m}" end def #{m.downcase} datastreams["#{m}"].content if has_#{m.downcase}? end EOM end private def master_from_file image_file add_file_datastream(image_file,:dsid=>"MASTER",:label=>"MASTER") end def master_from_url url puts "creating datastream object for: #{url}" mime_types = MIME::Types.of(url.split(/\//).last) mime_type ||= mime_types.empty? ? "application/octet-stream" : mime_types.first.content_type ds = ActiveFedora::Datastream.new(:dsid=> "MASTER", :label => "MASTER", :controlGroup => "M", :dsLocation => url, :mimeType=>mime_type) add_datastream(ds) save end def generate_derivatives DEFAULT_IMAGE_DATASTREAMS.each {|ds| derivative_datastream ds.downcase.to_sym unless ds == "MASTER"} end def delete_file_datastreams DEFAULT_IMAGE_DATASTREAMS.each {|ds_name| datastreams[ds_name].delete if datastreams.has_key? ds_name} end def derivation_url ds_name, opts={} source_ds_name = ds_name == :max ? "MASTER" : "MAX" if ds_name == :max && datastreams["MASTER"].mimeType == "image/jpeg" url = datastream_url(source_ds_name) else opts_array=[] opts.merge!(:url => datastream_url(source_ds_name)).each{|k,v| opts_array << "#{k}=#{v}" } url = "#{admin_site}imagemanip/ImageManipulation?" + opts_array.join("&") end return url end def admin_site Fedora::Repository.instance.send(:connection).site.to_s.gsub(/fedora$/,"") end def string_to_file blob, suffix, ext=nil file_name = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") ext = "jpg" unless suffix == "MASTER" f = File.new("#{Rails.root}/tmp/#{file_name}-#{suffix}.#{ext}","w") f.write blob f.close return f end def datastream_url ds_name="MASTER" "#{admin_site}fedora/objects/#{pid}/datastreams/#{ds_name}/content" end =end end end