module DirectiveRecord module Query class SQL def initialize(base) @base = base end def to_sql(*args) options = to_options(args) validate_options! options original_options = options.deep_dup original_options.reject!{|k, v| v.nil?} check_path_delimiter! options optimize_query! options prepare_options! options normalize_options! options, original_options parse_joins! options prepend_base_alias! options finalize_options! options flatten_options! options compose_sql options end def to_trend_sql(q1, q2, join_column_count, options) i = join_column_count + 1 select = "q1.*, q2.c#{i}, (((q1.c#{i} - q2.c#{i}) / ABS(q2.c#{i})) * 100) AS trend" on = (1..join_column_count).to_a.collect{|x| "q1.c#{x} = q2.c#{x}"}.join(" AND ") order = "\nORDER BY #{options[:order]}" if options[:order] limit = "\nLIMIT #{options[:limit]}" if options[:limit] offset = "\nOFFSET #{options[:offset]}" if options[:offset] <<-SQL SELECT #{select} FROM (\n#{q1}\n) q1 INNER JOIN (\n#{q2}\n) q2 ON #{on}#{order}#{limit}#{offset} SQL end private def path_delimiter; end def aggregate_delimiter raise NotImplementedError end def select_aggregate_sql(method, path) "#{method.to_s.upcase}(#{path})" end def select_aggregate_sql_alias(method, path) quote_alias("#{method}#{aggregate_delimiter}#{path}") end def base @base end def base_alias @base_alias ||= quote_alias(base.table_name.split("_").collect{|x| x[0]}.join("")) end def quote_alias(sql_alias) sql_alias end def to_options(args) options = args.extract_options!.deep_dup options.reverse_merge! :select => (args.empty? ? "*" : args) [:select, :where, :group_by, :order_by].each do |key| if value = options[key] options[key] = [value].flatten end end options end def validate_options!(options) options.assert_valid_keys :connection, :select, :subselect, :where, :ignore_where, :group_by, :order_by, :limit, :offset, :aggregates, :numerize_aliases, :dataset, :period, :optimize end def optimize_query!(options) select = options[:select] if options[:optimize] && (select != %w(id)) && select.any?{|x| x.match(/^\w+(\.\w+)+$/)} order_by = options[:order_by] || [] select = ["id"] +{|x| x.match(/ AS (\w+)$/) && order_by.any?{|y| y.include?(quote_alias($1))}} ids = base.connection.select_values(to_sql(options.merge(:select => select))).uniq + [0] options[:where] = ["id IN (#{ids.join(", ")})"] options.delete :limit options.delete :offset end end def check_path_delimiter!(options) unless path_delimiter [:select, :where, :having, :group_by, :order_by].each do |key| if value = options[key] value.collect! do |val| base.reflections.keys.inject(val) do |v, association| v.gsub(/\b#{association}\.([a-z_\.]+)/) { "#{association}_#{$1.gsub(".", "_")}" } end end end end end end def prepare_options!(options); end def normalize_options!(options, original_options) normalize_select!(options) normalize_subselect!(options, original_options) normalize_from!(options) normalize_where!(options) normalize_group_by!(options) normalize_order_by!(options) options.reject!{|k, v| v.blank?} end def normalize_select!(options) options[:select].uniq! options[:scales] = options[:select].inject({}) do |hash, sql| if scale = column_for(sql).try(:scale) hash[sql] = scale end hash end options[:aggregated] = {} options[:aliases] = {} options[:select] = options[:select].inject([]) do |array, path| sql, sql_alias = ((path == ".*") ? "#{base_alias}.*" : path), nil if aggregate_method = (options[:aggregates] || {})[path] sql = select_aggregate_sql(aggregate_method, path) sql_alias = options[:aggregated][path] = select_aggregate_sql_alias(aggregate_method, path) end if scale = options[:scales][path] sql = "ROUND(#{sql}, #{scale})" sql_alias ||= quote_alias(path) end unless sql_alias sql.match(/^(.*) AS (.*)$/) sql = $1 if $1 sql_alias = $2 end if options[:numerize_aliases] c_alias = "c#{array.size + 1}" options[:aggregated][sql_alias] = c_alias if !aggregate_method && sql_alias sql_alias = options[:aliases][prepend_base_alias(sql_alias || sql)] = c_alias end sql.gsub!(/sub:(\w+)\./) { "#{quote_alias($1)}." } if sql.is_a?(String) options[:aliases][sql] = sql_alias if sql_alias array << [sql, sql_alias].compact.join(" AS ") array end end def normalize_subselect!(options, original_options) options[:subselect] = options[:subselect].sort_by{|name, (klass, opts)| opts[:join] ? 0 : 1}.collect do |name, (klass, opts)| qry_options = original_options.deep_dup qry_options.reject!{|k, v| [:subselect, :numerize_aliases, :limit, :offset, :order_by, :join, :flatten].include?(k)} opts.each do |key, value| value = [value].flatten if key == :select qry_options[key] = value elsif [:join, :flatten].include?(key) # do nothing elsif key.to_s.match(/include_(\w+)/) (qry_options[$1.to_sym] || []).select!{|x| value.any?{|y| x.include?(y)}} elsif key.to_s.match(/exclude_(\w+)/) (qry_options[$1.to_sym] || []).reject!{|x| value.any?{|y| x.include?(y)}} else qry_options[key].concat value end end base_alias = quote_alias(klass.table_name.split("_").collect{|x| x[0]}.join("")) query_alias = quote_alias(name) if opts[:join] && !qry_options[:group_by].blank? joins = qry_options[:group_by].collect do |path| column = path.gsub(/\.\w+$/, "_id").strip column.match(/(.*) AS (\w+)$/) select_sql, select_alias = $1, $2 qry_options[:select].unshift(column) "#{query_alias}.#{select_alias || column} = #{select_sql || "#{base_alias}.#{column}"}" end prefix = "LEFT JOIN\n " postfix = " ON #{joins.join(" AND ")}" else prefix = " , " end query = klass.to_qry(qry_options).gsub(/\n\s*/, " ").gsub(/#{base_alias}[\s\.]/, "") if opts[:flatten] qry_alias = quote_alias("_#{name}") dup_options = qry_options.deep_dup normalize_select!(dup_options) prepend_base_alias!(dup_options) select = dup_options[:select].collect do |sql| sql_alias = sql.match(/ AS (.*?)$/).captures[0] "SUM(#{qry_alias}.#{sql_alias}) AS #{sql_alias}" end query = "SELECT #{select.join(", ")} FROM (#{query}) #{qry_alias}" end "#{prefix}(#{query}) #{query_alias}#{postfix}" end if options[:subselect] end def normalize_from!(options) options[:from] = "#{base.table_name} #{base_alias}" end def normalize_where!(options) regexp, aliases = /^\S+/, options[:aliases].invert where, having = (options[:where] || []).partition do |statement| !options[:aggregated].keys.include?(statement.strip.match(regexp).to_s) && statement.gsub(/((?|>=|>|<=|<|<>|!=|is|like|rlike|regexp|in|between|not|sounds|soundex)(\b|\s|$)/i path = $1.strip if (options[:aggregates] || {})[path] normalize_select!(opts = options.deep_dup.merge(:select => [path])) options[:select].concat(opts[:select]).uniq! options[:aggregated].merge!(opts[:aggregated]) false else !(aliases[path] || path).match(/\b(count|sum|min|max|avg)\(/i) end end end unless (attrs = base.scope_attributes).blank? sql = base.send(:sanitize_sql_for_conditions, attrs, "").gsub(/``.`(\w+)`/) { $1 } where << sql end options[:where], options[:having] = where, having.collect do |statement| statement.strip.gsub(regexp){|path| options[:aggregated][path] || path} end [:where, :having].each do |key| if options[key].empty? options.delete key end end end def normalize_group_by!(options) options[:group_by].collect! do |x| if x.match(/^(.*?) AS (\w+)$/) if options[:select].any?{|x| x.include?("#{$1} AS ")} $1 else options[:select] << x $2 end else x end end if options[:group_by] end def normalize_order_by!(options) return unless options[:order_by] options[:order_by].collect! do |x| segments = x.split " " direction = segments.pop if %w(asc desc).include?(segments[-1].downcase) path = segments.join " " scale = options[:scales][path] select = begin if aggregate_method = (options[:aggregates] || {})[path] select_aggregate_sql(aggregate_method, path) else path end end "#{scale ? "ROUND(#{select}, #{scale})" : select} #{direction.upcase if direction}".strip end options[:order_by].compact! end def column_for(path) segments = path.split(".") column = segments.pop model = segments.inject(base) do |klass, association| klass.reflect_on_association(association.to_sym).klass end model.columns_hash[column] rescue nil end def parse_joins!(options) return if (paths = extract_paths(options)).empty? regexp = /INNER JOIN `([^`]+)`( `[^`]+`)? ON `[^`]+`.`([^`]+)` = `[^`]+`.`([^`]+)`/ options[:joins] = paths.collect do |path| joins, associations = [], [] path.split(".").inject(base) do |klass, association| association = association.to_sym table_joins = klass.joins(association).to_sql.scan regexp concerns_bridge_table = table_joins.size == 2 bridge_table_as = nil table_joins.each_with_index do |table_join, index| concerns_bridge_table_join = concerns_bridge_table && index == 0 join_table, possible_alias, join_table_column, table_column = table_join table_as = (klass == base) ? base_alias : quote_alias(associations.join(path_delimiter)) join_table_as = quote_alias((associations + [association]).join(path_delimiter)) if concerns_bridge_table if concerns_bridge_table_join join_table_as = bridge_table_as = quote_alias("#{(associations + [association]).join(path_delimiter)}_bridge_table") else table_as = bridge_table_as end end joins.push "LEFT JOIN #{join_table} #{join_table_as} ON #{join_table_as}.#{join_table_column} = #{table_as}.#{table_column}" end associations << association klass.reflect_on_association(association).klass end joins end.flatten.uniq.join("\n") end def extract_paths(options) [:select, :where, :group_by, :having, :order_by].inject([]) do |paths, key| if value = options[key] value = value.join " " if value.is_a?(Array) paths.concat value.gsub(/((?