require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helper') class MyParser < Parser::Base; end shared_examples_for "parser type registration" do after do Parser::SourceParser.parser_types.delete(:my_parser) Parser::SourceParser.parser_type_extensions.delete(:my_parser) end end describe YARD::Parser::SourceParser do before do Registry.clear end def parse_list(*list) files = do |v| filename, source = *v File.stub!(:read_binary).with(filename).and_return(source) filename end Parser::SourceParser.send(:parse_in_order, *files) end def before_list(&block) Parser::SourceParser.before_parse_list(&block) end def after_list(&block) Parser::SourceParser.after_parse_list(&block) end def before_file(&block) Parser::SourceParser.before_parse_file(&block) end def after_file(&block) Parser::SourceParser.after_parse_file(&block) end describe '.before_parse_list' do before do Parser::SourceParser.before_parse_list_callbacks.clear Parser::SourceParser.after_parse_list_callbacks.clear end it "should handle basic callback support" do before_list do |files, globals| files.should == ['foo.rb', 'bar.rb'] globals.should == end parse_list ['foo.rb', 'foo!'], ['bar.rb', 'class Foo; end']'Foo').should_not be_nil end it "should support multiple callbacks" do checks = [] before_list { checks << :one } before_list { checks << :two } parse_list ['file.rb', ''], ['file2.rb', ''], ['file3.rb', 'class Foo; end']'Foo').should_not be_nil checks.should == [:one, :two] end it "should cancel parsing if it returns false" do checks = [] before_list { checks << :one } before_list { false } before_list { checks << :three } parse_list ['file.rb', ''], ['file2.rb', ''], ['file3.rb', 'class Foo; end']'Foo').should be_nil checks.should == [:one] end it "should not cancel on nil" do checks = [] before_list { checks << :one } before_list { nil } before_list { checks << :two } parse_list ['file.rb', ''], ['file2.rb', ''], ['file3.rb', 'class Foo; end']'Foo').should_not be_nil checks.should == [:one, :two] end it "should pass in globals" do before_list {|f,g| g.x = 1 } before_list {|f,g| g.x += 1 } before_list {|f,g| g.x += 1 } after_list {|f,g| g.x.should == 3 } parse_list ['file.rb', ''], ['file2.rb', ''], ['file3.rb', 'class Foo; end']'Foo').should_not be_nil end end describe '.after_parse_list' do before do Parser::SourceParser.before_parse_list_callbacks.clear Parser::SourceParser.after_parse_list_callbacks.clear end it "should handle basic callback support and maintain files/globals" do before_list do |f,g| = :bar end after_list do |files, globals| files.should == ['foo.rb', 'bar.rb'] == :bar end parse_list ['foo.rb', 'foo!'], ['bar.rb', 'class Foo; end']'Foo').should_not be_nil end it "should support multiple callbacks" do checks = [] after_list { checks << :one } after_list { checks << :two } parse_list ['file.rb', ''], ['file2.rb', ''], ['file3.rb', 'class Foo; end']'Foo').should_not be_nil checks.should == [:one, :two] end it "should not cancel parsing if it returns false" do checks = [] after_list { checks << :one } after_list { false } after_list { checks << :three } parse_list ['file.rb', ''], ['file2.rb', ''], ['file3.rb', 'class Foo; end']'Foo').should_not be_nil checks.should == [:one, :three] end end describe '.before_parse_file' do before do Parser::SourceParser.before_parse_file_callbacks.clear Parser::SourceParser.after_parse_file_callbacks.clear end it "should handle basic callback support" do before_file do |parser| parser.contents.should == 'class Foo; end' parser.file.should =~ /(foo|bar)\.rb/ end parse_list ['foo.rb', 'class Foo; end'], ['bar.rb', 'class Foo; end']'Foo').should_not be_nil end it "should support multiple callbacks" do checks = [] before_file { checks << :one } before_file { checks << :two } parse_list ['file.rb', ''], ['file2.rb', ''], ['file3.rb', 'class Foo; end']'Foo').should_not be_nil checks.should == [:one, :two, :one, :two, :one, :two] end it "should cancel parsing if it returns false" do checks = [] before_file { checks << :one } before_file { false } before_file { checks << :three } parse_list ['file.rb', ''], ['file2.rb', ''], ['file3.rb', 'class Foo; end']'Foo').should be_nil checks.should == [:one, :one, :one] end it "should not cancel on nil" do checks = [] before_file { checks << :one } before_file { nil } before_file { checks << :two } parse_list ['file.rb', ''], ['file2.rb', ''], ['file3.rb', 'class Foo; end']'Foo').should_not be_nil checks.should == [:one, :two, :one, :two, :one, :two] end end describe '.after_parse_file' do before do Parser::SourceParser.before_parse_file_callbacks.clear Parser::SourceParser.after_parse_file_callbacks.clear end it "should handle basic callback support" do after_file do |parser| parser.contents.should == 'class Foo; end' parser.file.should =~ /(foo|bar)\.rb/ end parse_list ['foo.rb', 'class Foo; end'], ['bar.rb', 'class Foo; end']'Foo').should_not be_nil end it "should support multiple callbacks" do checks = [] after_file { checks << :one } after_file { checks << :two } parse_list ['file.rb', ''], ['file2.rb', ''], ['file3.rb', 'class Foo; end']'Foo').should_not be_nil checks.should == [:one, :two, :one, :two, :one, :two] end it "should not cancel parsing if it returns false" do checks = [] after_file { checks << :one } after_file { false } after_file { checks << :three } parse_list ['file.rb', ''], ['file2.rb', ''], ['file3.rb', 'class Foo; end']'Foo').should_not be_nil checks.should == [:one, :three, :one, :three, :one, :three] end end describe '.register_parser_type' do it_should_behave_like "parser type registration" it "should register a subclass of Parser::Base" do parser = mock(:parser) parser.should_receive(:parse) MyParser.should_receive(:new).with('content', '(stdin)').and_return(parser) Parser::SourceParser.register_parser_type(:my_parser, MyParser, 'myparser') Parser::SourceParser.parse_string('content', :my_parser) end it "should require class to be a subclass of Parser::Base" do lambda { Parser::SourceParser.register_parser_type(:my_parser, String) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { Parser::SourceParser.register_parser_type(:my_parser, Parser::Base) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe '.parser_type_for_extension' do it_should_behave_like "parser type registration" it "should find an extension in a registered array of extensions" do Parser::SourceParser.register_parser_type(:my_parser, MyParser, ['a', 'b', 'd']) Parser::SourceParser.parser_type_for_extension('a').should == :my_parser Parser::SourceParser.parser_type_for_extension('b').should == :my_parser Parser::SourceParser.parser_type_for_extension('d').should == :my_parser Parser::SourceParser.parser_type_for_extension('c').should_not == :my_parser end it "should find an extension in a Regexp" do Parser::SourceParser.register_parser_type(:my_parser, MyParser, /abc$/) Parser::SourceParser.parser_type_for_extension('dabc').should == :my_parser Parser::SourceParser.parser_type_for_extension('dabcd').should_not == :my_parser end it "should find an extension in a list of Regexps" do Parser::SourceParser.register_parser_type(:my_parser, MyParser, [/ab$/, /abc$/]) Parser::SourceParser.parser_type_for_extension('dabc').should == :my_parser Parser::SourceParser.parser_type_for_extension('dabcd').should_not == :my_parser end it "should find an extension in a String" do Parser::SourceParser.register_parser_type(:my_parser, MyParser, "abc") Parser::SourceParser.parser_type_for_extension('abc').should == :my_parser Parser::SourceParser.parser_type_for_extension('abcd').should_not == :my_parser end end describe '#parse_string' do it "should parse basic Ruby code" do YARD.parse_string(<<-eof) module Hello class Hi # Docstring # Docstring2 def me; "VALUE" end end end eof == nil"Hello::Hi#me").should_not == nil"Hello::Hi#me").docstring.should == "Docstring\nDocstring2""Hello::Hi#me").docstring.line_range.should == (3..4) end it "should parse Ruby code with metaclasses" do YARD.parse_string(<<-eof) module Hello class Hi class < false, '##' => true}.each do |hash, expected| YARD.parse_string "#{hash}\n# Foo bar\nclass Foo; end" == expected end end it "should remove shebang from initial file comments" do YARD.parse_string "#!/bin/ruby\n# this is a comment\nclass Foo; end" == "this is a comment" end it "should remove encoding line from initial file comments" do YARD.parse_string "# encoding: utf-8\n# this is a comment\nclass Foo; end" == "this is a comment" end it "should add macros on any object" do YARD.parse_string <<-eof # @macro [new] foo # This is a macro # @return [String] the string class Foo # @macro foo def foo; end end eof macro = CodeObjects::MacroObject.find('foo') macro.macro_data.should == "This is a macro\n@return [String] the string"'Foo').docstring.all.should == macro.macro_data'Foo#foo').docstring.all.should == macro.macro_data end end describe '#parse' do it "should parse a basic Ruby file" do parse_file :example1, __FILE__ == nil"Hello::Hi#me").should_not == nil"Hello::Hi#me").docstring.should == "Docstring" end it "should parse a set of file globs" do Dir.should_receive(:[]).with('lib/**/*.rb').and_return([]) YARD.parse('lib/**/*.rb') end it "should parse a set of absolute paths" do Dir.should_not_receive(:[]).and_return([]) File.should_receive(:file?).with('/path/to/file').and_return(true) File.should_receive(:read_binary).with('/path/to/file').and_return("") YARD.parse('/path/to/file') end it "should clean paths before parsing" do File.should_receive(:open).and_return("") parser =, true) parser.parse('a//b//c') parser.file.should == 'a/b/c' end it "should parse files with '*' in them as globs and others as absolute paths" do Dir.should_receive(:[]).with('*.rb').and_return(['a.rb', 'b.rb']) File.should_receive(:file?).with('/path/to/file').and_return(true) File.should_receive(:file?).with('a.rb').and_return(true) File.should_receive(:file?).with('b.rb').and_return(true) File.should_receive(:read_binary).with('/path/to/file').and_return("") File.should_receive(:read_binary).with('a.rb').and_return("") File.should_receive(:read_binary).with('b.rb').and_return("") YARD.parse ['/path/to/file', '*.rb'] end it "should convert directories into globs" do Dir.should_receive(:[]).with('foo/**/*.{rb,c}').and_return(['foo/a.rb', 'foo/bar/b.rb']) File.should_receive(:directory?).with('foo').and_return(true) File.should_receive(:file?).with('foo/a.rb').and_return(true) File.should_receive(:file?).with('foo/bar/b.rb').and_return(true) File.should_receive(:read_binary).with('foo/a.rb').and_return("") File.should_receive(:read_binary).with('foo/bar/b.rb').and_return("") YARD.parse ['foo'] end it "should use Registry.checksums cache if file is cached" do data = 'DATA' hash = Registry.checksum_for(data) cmock = mock(:cmock) cmock.should_receive(:[]).with('foo/bar').and_return(hash) Registry.should_receive(:checksums).and_return(cmock) File.should_receive(:file?).with('foo/bar').and_return(true) File.should_receive(:read_binary).with('foo/bar').and_return(data) YARD.parse('foo/bar') end it "should support excluded paths" do File.should_receive(:file?).with('foo/bar').and_return(true) File.should_receive(:file?).with('foo/baz').and_return(true) File.should_not_receive(:read_binary) YARD.parse(["foo/bar", "foo/baz"], ["foo", /baz$/]) end it "should convert file contents to proper encoding if coding line is present" do valid = [] valid << "# encoding: sjis" valid << "# encoding: utf-8" valid << "# xxxxxencoding: sjis" valid << "# xxxxxencoding: sjis xxxxxx" valid << "# ENCODING: sjis" valid << "#coDiNG: sjis" valid << "# -*- coding: sjis -*-" valid << "# -*- coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil" valid << "### coding: sjis" valid << "# encoding=sjis" valid << "# encoding:sjis" valid << "# encoding = sjis" valid << "# encoding == sjis" valid << "# encoding : sjis" valid << "# encoding :: sjis" valid << "#!/bin/shebang\n# encoding: sjis" valid << "#!/bin/shebang\r\n# coding: sjis" invalid = [] invalid << "#\n# encoding: sjis" invalid << "#!/bin/shebang\n#\n# encoding: sjis" invalid << "# !/bin/shebang\n# encoding: sjis" {:should => valid, :should_not => invalid}.each do |msg, list| list.each do |src| Registry.clear parser = File.should_receive(:read_binary).with('tmpfile').and_return(src) result = parser.parse("tmpfile") if HAVE_RIPPER && RUBY19 ['Shift_JIS', 'Windows-31J', 'UTF-8'].send(msg, include( result.enumerator[0].source.encoding.to_s)) end result.encoding_line.send(msg) == src.split("\n").last end end end it "should convert C file contents to proper encoding if coding line is present" do valid = [] valid << "/* coding: utf-8 */" valid << "/* -*- coding: utf-8; c-file-style: \"ruby\" -*- */" valid << "// coding: utf-8" valid << "// -*- coding: utf-8; c-file-style: \"ruby\" -*-" invalid = [] {:should => valid, :should_not => invalid}.each do |msg, list| list.each do |src| Registry.clear parser = File.should_receive(:read_binary).with('tmpfile.c').and_return(src) result = parser.parse("tmpfile.c") content = result.instance_variable_get("@content") ['UTF-8'].send(msg, include(content.encoding.to_s)) end end end if RUBY19 Parser::SourceParser::ENCODING_BYTE_ORDER_MARKS.each do |encoding, bom| it "should understand #{encoding.upcase} BOM" do parser = src = bom + "class FooBar; end".force_encoding('binary') src.force_encoding('binary') File.should_receive(:read_binary).with('tmpfile').and_return(src) result = parser.parse('tmpfile') Registry.all(:class).first.path.should == "FooBar" result.enumerator[0].source.encoding.to_s.downcase.should == encoding end end if HAVE_RIPPER && RUBY19 end describe '#parse_in_order' do def in_order_parse(*files) paths = {|f| File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'examples', f.to_s + '.rb.txt') } YARD::Parser::SourceParser.parse(paths, [], Logger::DEBUG) end it "should attempt to parse files in order" do msgs = [] log.should_receive(:debug) {|m| msgs << m }.at_least(:once) in_order_parse 'parse_in_order_001', 'parse_in_order_002' msgs[1].should =~ /Processing .+parse_in_order_001.+/ msgs[2].should =~ /Missing object MyModule/ msgs[3].should =~ /Processing .+parse_in_order_002.+/ msgs[4].should =~ /Re-processing .+parse_in_order_001.+/ end if CONTINUATIONS_SUPPORTED it "should attempt to order files by length (process toplevel files first)" do %w(a a/b a/b/c).each do |file| File.should_receive(:file?).with(file).and_return(true) File.should_receive(:read_binary).with(file).ordered.and_return('') end YARD.parse %w(a/b/c a/b a) end end describe '#parse_statements' do it "should display a warning for invalid parser type" do log.should_receive(:warn).with(/unrecognized file/) YARD::Parser::SourceParser.parse_string("int main() { }", :d) end if HAVE_RIPPER it "should display a warning for a syntax error (with new parser)" do err_msg = "Syntax error in `(stdin)`:(1,3): syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting $end" log.should_receive(:warn).with(err_msg) YARD::Parser::SourceParser.parse_string("$$$", :ruby) end end it "should handle groups" do Registry.clear YARD.parse_string <<-eof class A # @group Group Name def foo; end def foo2; end # @endgroup def bar; end # @group Group 2 def baz; end end eof'A').groups.should == ['Group Name', 'Group 2']'A#bar').group.should be_nil'A#foo').group.should == "Group Name"'A#foo2').group.should == "Group Name"'A#baz').group.should == "Group 2" end end end