require "spec_helper" describe PrivatePub do before(:each) do PrivatePub.reset_config end it "defaults server to localhost:9292/faye" do PrivatePub.config[:server].should == "http://localhost:9292/faye" end it "defaults signature_expiration to 1 hour" do PrivatePub.config[:signature_expiration].should == 60 * 60 end it "defaults subscription timestamp to current time in milliseconds" do time = Time.stub!(:now).and_return(time) PrivatePub.subscription[:timestamp].should == (time.to_f * 1000).round end it "loads a simple configuration file via load_config" do PrivatePub.load_config("spec/fixtures/private_pub.yml", "production") PrivatePub.config[:server].should == "" PrivatePub.config[:secret_token].should == "PRODUCTION_SECRET_TOKEN" PrivatePub.config[:signature_expiration].should == 600 end it "supports a nil signature_expiration via a blank value in the configuration file" do PrivatePub.load_config("spec/fixtures/private_pub.yml", :no_signature_expiration) PrivatePub.config[:signature_expiration].should be_nil end it "raises an exception if an invalid environment is passed to load_config" do lambda { PrivatePub.load_config("spec/fixtures/private_pub.yml", :test) }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it "includes channel and custom time in subscription" do subscription = PrivatePub.subscription(:timestamp => 123, :channel => "hello") subscription[:timestamp].should == 123 subscription[:channel].should == "hello" end it "does a sha1 digest of channel, timestamp, and secret token" do PrivatePub.config[:secret_token] = "token" subscription = PrivatePub.subscription(:timestamp => 123, :channel => "channel") subscription[:signature].should == Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("tokenchannel123") end it "publishes to server using Net::HTTP" do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:post_form).with(URI.parse(PrivatePub.config[:server]), "hello world").and_return(:result) PrivatePub.publish("hello world").should == :result end it "has a FayeExtension instance" do PrivatePub.faye_extension.should be_kind_of(PrivatePub::FayeExtension) end it "says signature has expired when time passed in is greater than expiration" do PrivatePub.config[:signature_expiration] = 30*60 time = PrivatePub.subscription[:timestamp] - 31*60*1000 PrivatePub.signature_expired?(time).should be_true end it "says signature has not expired when time passed in is less than expiration" do PrivatePub.config[:signature_expiration] = 30*60 time = PrivatePub.subscription[:timestamp] - 29*60*1000 PrivatePub.signature_expired?(time).should be_false end it "says signature has not expired when expiration is nil" do PrivatePub.config[:signature_expiration] = nil PrivatePub.signature_expired?(0).should be_false end end