# Copyright (C) 2011 AMEE UK Ltd. - http://www.amee.com # Released as Open Source Software under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE.txt for details. # :title: Module: AMEE::DataAbstraction::Exceptions module AMEE module DataAbstraction module Exceptions # Throw this exception when there is a general syntax error in a DSL block. class DSL < Exception; end # Throw this exception when user specifies a suggested UI for a term which # is not supported. class InvalidInterface < Exception ; end # Throw this exception when user tries to set a value for a term with a #read-only value. class FixedValueInterference < Exception; end # Throw this exception when someone tries to access a term which is not # defined for a calculation. class NoSuchTerm < Exception; end # Throw this exception when trying to create a PI for a calculation which # already has a corresponding PI. class AlreadyHaveProfileItem < Exception; end # Throw this exception when a locally stored calculation and the information # on the AMEE server have got out of sync. class Syncronization < Exception; end # Throw this exception if something went wrong making a profile item. class DidNotCreateProfileItem < Exception; end # Throw this exception when someone tries to specify a "usage" twice when # defining a PrototypeCalculation using the DSL. class TwoUsages < Exception; end # Throw this exception when an invalid value is set for a term class ChoiceValidation < Exception; end # Throw this exception when inappropriate units are set for a term. class InvalidUnits < Exception; end end end end