require "thor" require "hasmenu/version" require "hasmenu/printer" require "hasmenu/formatter" require "hasmenu/spellchecker" require "hasmenu/validator" require "hasmenu/builder" require "hasmenu/reporter" module Hasmenu class Cli < Thor map %w(--version -v) => :__print_version desc "--version, -v", "Print the version" def __print_version puts Hasmenu::VERSION end desc "format ", "Format Has.Menu data" option :location, aliases: :l, desc: "Path to data repository" def format(path) end map "f" => :format desc "spellcheck ", "Run spellcheck on Has.Menu data" option :dicts, aliases: :d, desc: "Path to dictionary files" option :except, aliases: :e, desc: "Exception file id" def spellcheck(path) end map "sc" => :spellcheck desc "validate ", "Run validation on Has.Menu data" option :schema, aliases: :s, desc: "Path to schema files" def validate(type, path), options).perform(path) end map "v" => :validate desc "build [uid] [menu-uid]", "Build one or more restaurant menus from chain menu" option :location, aliases: :l, desc: "Path to data repository" def build(type, uid = nil, menu_uid = nil), options).build(uid, menu_uid) end map "b" => :build desc "report ", "Report the status and metrics from the repository" option :location, aliases: :l, desc: "Path to data repository" def report(type), options).report end map "r" => :report end end