module Freyr class Command extend Forwardable ROOT_PIDS = '/var/run/freyr' FREYR_PIDS = ENV['USER'] == 'root' ? ROOT_PIDS : File.expand_path('.freyr', '~') if !File.exist?(FREYR_PIDS) Dir.mkdir(FREYR_PIDS) elsif ! File.delete(FREYR_PIDS) Dir.mkdir(FREYR_PIDS) end ServiceInfo::ATTRS.each do |meth| define_method(meth) do |*args| @service.__send__(meth,*args) if @service end end attr_reader :command, :name, :service def initialize(name, command=nil, args = {}) if name.is_a?(Service) @service = name @name = @command = service.start_command @env = service.env else @name = name @command = command @env = args[:env] end end def pid_file File.join(file_dir,"#{@name}.pid") end def file_dir admin? ? ROOT_PIDS : FREYR_PIDS end def read_pid return unless File.exist?(pid_file) p = p ? p.to_i : nil end def pid(force = false) @pid = nil if force @pid ||= read_pid end def alive? return unless pid Process.getpgid(pid) true rescue Errno::ESRCH retried = false unless defined?(retried) if !retried && @pid = pid_from_procname save retried = true retry end if pid(true) File.delete(pid_file) unless admin? && !is_root? end false end def delete_if_dead return if admin? && !is_root? File.delete(pid_file) unless alive? end def save if File.exist?(pid_file) old_pid = read_pid begin Process.kill('KILL', old_pid) if old_pid && old_pid.to_s != @pid.to_s rescue Errno::ESRCH end end, 'w') {|f| f.write(@pid)} end def run! return unless command kill! if alive? require_admin total_time = pid = spawn(command) @pid = pid Process.detach(@pid) if proc_match puts "Waiting for pid from match of #{proc_match.inspect}" start = until (pid = pid_from_procname) || ( > 40 print '.'; STDOUT.flush sleep(0.2) end raise "\nCouldnt find pid after 40 seconds" unless pid puts '*' @pid = pid end puts "PID of new #{name} process is #{@pid}" save if ping pinger = puts '',"Waiting for response from #{pinger.url}" # Move this pinger code somewhere else start = begin print '.'; STDOUT.flush sleep(0.6) end until pinger.server_probably_launched? || ( > 40 || !alive? if alive? if pinger.response puts '*',"Last response recieved with code #{pinger.response.code}" else puts 'x',"Couldn't reach #{name} service" end else puts 'x' end end if alive? puts "Launch took about #{(} seconds" @pid else puts "#{name} service wasn't launched correctly. For details see: #{log}" delete_if_dead end end def update_pid if @pid = pid_from_procname save @pid end end def pid_from_procname return unless proc_match pids = `ps -eo pid,command`.split("\n").inject({}) do |r, pid| if m = pid.match(/^\s*(\d+)\s(.+)$/) r[m[2]] = m[1].to_i end r end if procline = pids.keys.find {|p| p.match(proc_match)} pids[procline] end end def kill!(sig=nil) require_admin sig ||= stop_sig || 'KILL' if pid(true) Process.kill(sig, pid) end end def restart! require_admin if restart chdir system(restart) update_pid elsif restart_sig kill!(restart_sig) else run! end end def admin? sudo end private def require_admin raise AdminRequired if admin? && !is_root? end def is_root? ENV['USER'] == 'root' end def chdir Dir.chdir File.expand_path(dir||'/') end def spawn(command) fork do # File.umask self.umask if self.umask # uid_num = Etc.getpwnam(self.uid).uid if uid # gid_num = Etc.getgrnam(self.gid).gid if gid # ::Dir.chroot(self.chroot) if self.chroot ::Process.setsid # ::Process.groups = [gid_num] if self.gid # ::Process::Sys.setgid(gid_num) if self.gid # ::Process::Sys.setuid(uid_num) if self.uid chdir $0 = "freyr - #{name} (#{command})" STDIN.reopen "/dev/null" if log_cmd STDOUT.reopen IO.popen(log_cmd, "a") elsif log STDOUT.reopen log, "a" end if err_log_cmd STDERR.reopen IO.popen(err_log_cmd, "a") elsif err_log && (log_cmd || err_log != log) STDERR.reopen err_log, "a" else STDERR.reopen STDOUT end # close any other file descriptors --- I think this is for anything after stderr 3.upto(256){|fd| IO::new(fd).close rescue nil} if @env && @env.is_a?(Hash) @env.each do |(key, value)| ENV[key] = value end end exec(command) unless command.empty? end end end class AdminRequired < Errno::EACCES; end end