module ScopedSearch module ClassMethods # Export the scoped_search method fo defining the search options. # This method will create a definition instance for the class if it does not yet exist, # and use the object as block argument and retun value. def scoped_search(*definitions) @scoped_search ||= definitions.each do |definition| if definition[:on].kind_of?(Array) definition[:on].each { |field| @scoped_search.define(definition.merge(:on => field)) } else @scoped_search.define(definition) end end return @scoped_search end end module BackwardsCompatibility # Defines fields to search on using a syntax compatible with scoped_search 1.2 def searchable_on(*fields) options = fields.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? fields.pop : {} # TODO: handle options? fields.each do |field| if relation = self.reflections.keys.detect { |relation| field.to_s =~"^#{relation}_(\\w+)$") } scoped_search(:in => relation, :on => $1.to_sym) else scoped_search(:on => field) end end end end class Exception < StandardError end class DefinitionError < ScopedSearch::Exception end class QueryNotSupported < ScopedSearch::Exception end end # Load all lib files require 'scoped_search/definition' require 'scoped_search/adapters' require 'scoped_search/query_language' require 'scoped_search/query_builder' # Import the search_on method in the ActiveReocrd::Base class ActiveRecord::Base.send(:extend, ScopedSearch::ClassMethods) ActiveRecord::Base.send(:extend, ScopedSearch::BackwardsCompatibility)