# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Spree::CheckoutController, type: :controller do let(:token) { 'some_token' } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:order) { FactoryBot.create(:order_with_totals) } let(:address_params) do address = FactoryBot.build(:address) address.attributes.except("created_at", "updated_at") end before do allow(controller).to receive_messages try_spree_current_user: user allow(controller).to receive_messages current_order: order end context "#edit" do it 'should check if the user is authorized for :edit' do expect(controller).to receive(:authorize!).with(:edit, order, token) request.cookie_jar.signed[:guest_token] = token get :edit, params: { state: 'address' } end it "should redirect to the cart path unless checkout_allowed?" do allow(order).to receive_messages checkout_allowed?: false get :edit, params: { state: "delivery" } expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.cart_path) end it "should redirect to the cart path if current_order is nil" do allow(controller).to receive(:current_order).and_return(nil) get :edit, params: { state: "delivery" } expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.cart_path) end it "should redirect to cart if order is completed" do allow(order).to receive_messages(completed?: true) get :edit, params: { state: "address" } expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.cart_path) end # Regression test for https://github.com/spree/spree/issues/2280 it "should redirect to current step trying to access a future step" do order.update_column(:state, "address") get :edit, params: { state: "delivery" } expect(response).to redirect_to spree.checkout_state_path("address") end context "when entering the checkout" do before do # The first step for checkout controller is address # Transitioning into this state first is required order.update_column(:state, "address") end it "should associate the order with a user" do order.update_column :user_id, nil expect(order).to receive(:associate_user!).with(user) get :edit end end end context "#update" do it 'should check if the user is authorized for :edit' do expect(controller).to receive(:authorize!).with(:edit, order, token) request.cookie_jar.signed[:guest_token] = token post :update, params: { state: 'address', order: { bill_address_attributes: address_params } } end context "save successful" do def post_address post :update, params: { state: "address", order: { bill_address_attributes: address_params, use_billing: true } } end let!(:payment_method) { create(:payment_method) } before do # Must have *a* shipping method and a payment method so updating from address works allow(order).to receive_messages ensure_available_shipping_rates: true order.line_items << FactoryBot.create(:line_item) end context "with the order in the cart state", partial_double_verification: false do before do order.update! user: user order.update_column(:state, "cart") end it "should assign order" do post :update, params: { state: "address", order: { bill_address_attributes: address_params } } expect(assigns[:order]).not_to be_nil end it "should advance the state" do post_address expect(order.reload.state).to eq("delivery") end it "should redirect the next state" do post_address expect(response).to redirect_to spree.checkout_state_path("delivery") end context "current_user respond to save address method" do it "calls persist order address on user" do expect(user).to receive(:persist_order_address) post :update, params: { state: "address", order: { bill_address_attributes: address_params, use_billing: true }, save_user_address: "1" } end end context "current_user doesnt respond to persist_order_address" do it "doesnt raise any error" do post :update, params: { state: "address", order: { bill_address_attributes: address_params, use_billing: true }, save_user_address: "1" } end end end context "with the order in the address state", partial_double_verification: false do before do order.update! user: user order.update_columns(ship_address_id: create(:address).id, state: "address") end context 'landing to address page' do it "tries to associate user addresses to order" do expect(order).to receive(:assign_default_user_addresses) get :edit end end context "with a billing and shipping address", partial_double_verification: false do subject do post :update, params: { state: "address", order: { bill_address_attributes: order.bill_address.attributes.except("created_at", "updated_at").compact, ship_address_attributes: order.ship_address.attributes.except("created_at", "updated_at").compact, use_billing: false } } end it "doesn't change bill address" do expect { subject }.not_to change { order.reload.ship_address.id } end it "doesn't change ship address" do expect { subject }.not_to change { order.reload.bill_address.id } end end end # This is the only time that we need the 'set_payment_parameters_amount' # controller code, because otherwise the transition to 'confirm' will # trigger the 'add_store_credit_payments' transition code which will do # the same thing here. # Perhaps we can just remove 'set_payment_parameters_amount' entirely at # some point? context "when there is a checkout step between payment and confirm", partial_double_verification: false do before do @old_checkout_flow = Spree::Order.checkout_flow Spree::Order.class_eval do insert_checkout_step :new_step, after: :payment end end after do Spree::Order.checkout_flow(&@old_checkout_flow) end let(:order) { create(:order_with_line_items) } let(:payment_method) { create(:credit_card_payment_method) } let(:params) do { state: 'payment', order: { payments_attributes: [ { payment_method_id: payment_method.id.to_s, source_attributes: attributes_for(:credit_card) } ] } } end before do order.update! user: user 3.times { order.next! } # should put us in the payment state end it 'sets the payment amount' do post :update, params: params order.reload expect(order.state).to eq('new_step') expect(order.payments.size).to eq(1) expect(order.payments.first.amount).to eq(order.total) end end context "when in the payment state", partial_double_verification: false do let(:order) { create(:order_with_line_items) } let(:payment_method) { create(:credit_card_payment_method) } let(:params) do { state: 'payment', order: { payments_attributes: [ { payment_method_id: payment_method.id.to_s, source_attributes: attributes_for(:credit_card) } ] } } end before do order.update! user: user 3.times { order.next! } # should put us in the payment state end context 'with a permitted payment method' do it 'sets the payment amount' do post :update, params: params order.reload expect(order.state).to eq('confirm') expect(order.payments.size).to eq(1) expect(order.payments.first.amount).to eq(order.total) end end context 'with an unpermitted payment method' do before { payment_method.update!(available_to_users: false) } it 'sets the payment amount' do expect { post :update, params: params }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) expect(order.state).to eq('payment') expect(order.payments).to be_empty end end context 'trying to change the address' do let(:params) do { state: 'payment', order: { payments_attributes: [ { payment_method_id: payment_method.id.to_s, source_attributes: attributes_for(:credit_card) } ], ship_address_attributes: { zipcode: 'TEST' } } } end it 'does not change the address' do expect do post :update, params: params end.not_to change { order.reload.ship_address.zipcode } end end end context "when in the confirm state" do before do order.update! user: user order.update_column(:state, "confirm") # An order requires a payment to reach the complete state # This is because payment_required? is true on the order create(:payment, amount: order.total, order: order) order.create_proposed_shipments order.payments.reload end # This inadvertently is a regression test for https://github.com/spree/spree/issues/2694 it "should redirect to the order view" do post :update, params: { state: "confirm" } expect(response).to redirect_to spree.order_path(order) end it "should populate the flash message" do post :update, params: { state: "confirm" } expect(flash.notice).to eq(I18n.t('spree.order_processed_successfully')) end it "should remove completed order from current_order" do post :update, params: { state: "confirm" } expect(assigns(:current_order)).to be_nil expect(assigns(:order)).to eql controller.current_order end end end context "save unsuccessful" do before do order.update! user: user allow(order).to receive_messages valid?: false end it "should not assign order" do post :update, params: { state: "address", order: { email: '' } } expect(assigns[:order]).not_to be_nil end it "should not change the order state" do expect do post :update, params: { state: 'address', order: { bill_address_attributes: address_params } } end.not_to change { order.reload.state } end it "should render the edit template" do post :update, params: { state: 'address', order: { bill_address_attributes: address_params } } expect(response).to render_template :edit end end context "when current_order is nil" do before { allow(controller).to receive_messages current_order: nil } it "should not change the state if order is completed" do expect(order).not_to receive(:update_attribute) post :update, params: { state: "confirm" } end it "should redirect to the cart_path" do post :update, params: { state: "confirm" } expect(response).to redirect_to spree.cart_path end end context "Spree::Core::GatewayError" do before do order.update! user: user allow(order).to receive(:next).and_raise(Spree::Core::GatewayError.new("Invalid something or other.")) post :update, params: { state: "address", order: { bill_address_attributes: address_params } } end it "should render the edit template and display exception message" do expect(response).to render_template :edit expect(flash.now[:error]).to eq(I18n.t('spree.spree_gateway_error_flash_for_checkout')) expect(assigns(:order).errors[:base]).to include("Invalid something or other.") end end context "fails to transition from address" do let(:order) do FactoryBot.create(:order_with_line_items).tap do |order| order.next! expect(order.state).to eq('address') end end before do allow(controller).to receive_messages current_order: order allow(controller).to receive_messages check_authorization: true end context "when the order is invalid" do before do allow(order).to receive_messages valid?: true, next: nil order.errors.add :base, 'Base error' order.errors.add :adjustments, 'error' end it "due to the order having errors" do put :update, params: { state: order.state, order: { bill_address_attributes: address_params } } expect(flash[:error]).to eq("Base error\nAdjustments error") expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.checkout_state_path('address')) end end context "when the country is not a shippable country" do let(:foreign_address) { create(:address, country_iso_code: "CA") } before do order.update(shipping_address: foreign_address) end it "due to no available shipping rates for any of the shipments" do put :update, params: { state: "address", order: { bill_address_attributes: address_params } } expect(flash[:error]).to eq(I18n.t('spree.items_cannot_be_shipped')) expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.checkout_state_path('address')) end end end context "when GatewayError is raised" do let(:order) do FactoryBot.create(:order_with_line_items).tap do |order| until order.state == 'payment' order.next! end # So that the confirmation step is skipped and we get straight to the action. payment_method = FactoryBot.create(:simple_credit_card_payment_method) payment = FactoryBot.create(:payment, payment_method: payment_method, amount: order.total) order.payments << payment order.next! end end before do allow(controller).to receive_messages current_order: order allow(controller).to receive_messages check_authorization: true end it "fails to transition from payment to complete" do allow_any_instance_of(Spree::Payment).to receive(:process!).and_raise(Spree::Core::GatewayError.new(I18n.t('spree.payment_processing_failed'))) put :update, params: { state: order.state, order: {} } expect(flash[:error]).to eq(I18n.t('spree.payment_processing_failed')) end end context "when InsufficientStock error is raised" do before do allow(controller).to receive_messages current_order: order allow(controller).to receive_messages check_authorization: true allow(controller).to receive_messages ensure_sufficient_stock_lines: true end context "when the order has no shipments" do let(:order) { Spree::TestingSupport::OrderWalkthrough.up_to(:address) } before do allow(order).to receive_messages shipments: [] # Order#next is the tipical failure point here: allow(order).to receive(:next).and_raise(Spree::Order::InsufficientStock) end it "redirects the customer to the cart page with an error message" do put :update, params: { state: order.state, order: { bill_address_attributes: address_params } } expect(flash[:error]).to eq(I18n.t('spree.insufficient_stock_for_order')) expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.cart_path) end end context "when the order has shipments" do let(:order) { Spree::TestingSupport::OrderWalkthrough.up_to(:payment) } context "when items become somehow not available anymore" do before { Spree::StockItem.update_all backorderable: false } it "redirects the customer to the address checkout page with an error message" do put :update, params: { state: order.state, order: {} } error = I18n.t('spree.inventory_error_flash_for_insufficient_shipment_quantity', unavailable_items: order.products.first.name) expect(flash[:error]).to eq(error) expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.checkout_state_path(state: :address)) end end end end end context "When last inventory item has been purchased" do let(:product) { mock_model(Spree::Product, name: "Amazing Object") } let(:variant) { mock_model(Spree::Variant) } let(:line_item) { mock_model Spree::LineItem, insufficient_stock?: true, amount: 0, name: "Amazing Item" } let(:order) { create(:order) } before do allow(order).to receive_messages(line_items: [line_item], state: "payment") stub_spree_preferences(track_inventory_levels: true) end context "and back orders are not allowed" do before do post :update, params: { state: "payment" } end it "should redirect to cart" do expect(response).to redirect_to spree.cart_path end it "should set flash message for no inventory" do expect(flash[:error]).to eq("Amazing Item became unavailable.") end end end context "order doesn't have a delivery step" do before do allow(order).to receive_messages(checkout_steps: ["cart", "address", "payment"]) allow(order).to receive_messages state: "address" allow(controller).to receive_messages check_authorization: true end it "doesn't set a default shipping address on the order" do expect(order).to_not receive(:ship_address=) post :update, params: { state: order.state, order: { bill_address_attributes: address_params } } end it "doesn't remove unshippable items before payment" do expect { post :update, params: { state: "payment" } }.to_not change { order.line_items } end end it "does remove unshippable items before payment" do allow(order).to receive_messages payment_required?: true allow(controller).to receive_messages check_authorization: true expect { post :update, params: { state: "payment", order: { email: "johndoe@example.com" } } }.to change { order.line_items.to_a.size }.from(1).to(0) end context 'trying to apply a coupon code' do let(:order) { create(:order_with_line_items, state: 'payment', guest_token: 'a token') } let(:coupon_code) { "coupon_code" } before { cookies.signed[:guest_token] = order.guest_token } context "when coupon code is empty" do let(:coupon_code) { "" } it 'does not try to apply coupon code' do expect(Spree::PromotionHandler::Coupon).not_to receive :new put :update, params: { state: order.state, order: { coupon_code: coupon_code } } expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.checkout_state_path('confirm')) end end end end