require 'spec_helper' describe ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index do let(:index) { :user } let(:indices_path) { double('indices path', :join => '') } let(:config) { double('config', :settings => {}, :indices_location => indices_path, :next_offset => 8) } before :each do ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.stub :instance => config end describe '#append_source' do let(:model) { double('model', :primary_key => :id) } let(:source) { double('source') } before :each do ActiveSupport::Inflector.stub(:constantize => model) ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::SQLSource.stub :new => source config.stub :next_offset => 17 end it "adds a source to the index" do index.sources.should_receive(:<<).with(source) index.append_source end it "creates the source with the index's offset" do ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::SQLSource.should_receive(:new). with(model, hash_including(:offset => 17)).and_return(source) index.append_source end it "returns the new source" do index.append_source.should == source end it "defaults to the model's primary key" do model.stub :primary_key => :sphinx_id ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::SQLSource.should_receive(:new). with(model, hash_including(:primary_key => :sphinx_id)). and_return(source) index.append_source end it "uses a custom column when set" do model.stub :primary_key => :sphinx_id ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::SQLSource.should_receive(:new). with(model, hash_including(:primary_key => :custom_sphinx_id)). and_return(source) index =, :primary_key => :custom_sphinx_id index.append_source end it "defaults to id if no primary key is set" do model.stub :primary_key => nil ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::SQLSource.should_receive(:new). with(model, hash_including(:primary_key => :id)). and_return(source) index.append_source end end describe '#delta?' do it "defaults to false" do index.should_not be_delta end it "reflects the delta? option" do index = :user, :delta? => true index.should be_delta end end describe '#delta_processor' do it "creates an instance of the delta processor option" do processor = double('processor') processor_class = double('processor class', :new => processor) index = :user, :delta_processor => processor_class index.delta_processor.should == processor end end describe '#document_id_for_key' do it "calculates the document id based on offset and number of indices" do config.stub_chain(:indices, :count).and_return(5) config.stub :next_offset => 7 index.document_id_for_key(123).should == 622 end end describe '#interpret_definition!' do let(:block) { double('block') } before :each do index.definition_block = block end it "interprets the definition block" do ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Interpreter.should_receive(:translate!). with(index, block) index.interpret_definition! end it "only interprets the definition block once" do ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Interpreter.should_receive(:translate!). once index.interpret_definition! index.interpret_definition! end end describe '#model' do let(:model) { double('model') } it "translates symbol references to model class" do ActiveSupport::Inflector.stub(:constantize => model) index.model.should == model end it "memoizes the result" do ActiveSupport::Inflector.should_receive(:constantize).with('User').once. and_return(model) index.model index.model end end describe '#morphology' do context 'with a render' do it "defaults to nil" do begin index.render rescue Riddle::Configuration::ConfigurationError end index.morphology.should be_nil end it "reads from the settings file if provided" do config.settings['morphology'] = 'stem_en' begin index.render rescue Riddle::Configuration::ConfigurationError end index.morphology.should == 'stem_en' end end end describe '#name' do it "uses the core suffix by default" do index = :user == 'user_core' end it "uses the delta suffix when delta? is true" do index = :user, :delta? => true == 'user_delta' end end describe '#offset' do before :each do config.stub :next_offset => 4 end it "uses the next offset value from the configuration" do index.offset.should == 4 end it "uses the reference to get a unique offset" do config.should_receive(:next_offset).with(:user).and_return(2) index.offset end end describe '#render' do it "interprets the provided definition" do index.should_receive(:interpret_definition!).at_least(:once) begin index.render rescue Riddle::Configuration::ConfigurationError # Ignoring underlying validation error. end end end end