# encoding: utf-8 class LogStash::Inputs::RabbitMQ # MarchHare-based implementation for JRuby module MarchHareImpl def register require "hot_bunnies" require "java" @vhost ||= "" # 5672. Will be switched to 5671 by Bunny if TLS is enabled. @port ||= 5672 @key ||= "#" @settings = { :vhost => @vhost, :host => @host, :port => @port, :user => @user, :automatic_recovery => false } @settings[:pass] = @password.value if @password @settings[:tls] = @ssl if @ssl proto = if @ssl "amqps" else "amqp" end @connection_url = "#{proto}://#{@user}@#{@host}:#{@port}#{vhost}/#{@queue}" @logger.info("Registering input #{@connection_url}") end def run(output_queue) @output_queue = output_queue @break_out_of_the_loop = java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean.new(false) # MarchHare does not raise exceptions when connection goes down with a blocking # consumer running (it uses callbacks, as the RabbitMQ Java client does). # # However, MarchHare::Channel will make sure to unblock all blocking consumers # on any internal shutdown, so #consume will return and another loop iteration # will run. # # This is very similar to how the Bunny implementation works and is sufficient # for our needs: it recovers successfully after RabbitMQ is kill -9ed, the # network device is shut down, etc. MK. until @break_out_of_the_loop.get do begin setup consume rescue MarchHare::Exception, java.lang.Throwable, com.rabbitmq.client.AlreadyClosedException => e n = 10 @logger.error("RabbitMQ connection error: #{e}. Will reconnect in #{n} seconds...") sleep n retry rescue LogStash::ShutdownSignal => ss shutdown_consumer end n = 10 @logger.error("RabbitMQ connection error: #{e}. Will reconnect in #{n} seconds...") end end def teardown shutdown_consumer @ch.close if @ch && @ch.open? @connection.close if @connection && @connection.open? finished end # # Implementation # protected def setup return if terminating? @conn = MarchHare.connect(@settings) @logger.info("Connected to RabbitMQ #{@connection_url}") @ch = @conn.create_channel.tap do |ch| ch.prefetch = @prefetch_count end @arguments_hash = Hash[*@arguments] @q = @ch.queue(@queue, :durable => @durable, :auto_delete => @auto_delete, :exclusive => @exclusive, :passive => @passive, :arguments => @arguments) # exchange binding is optional for the input if @exchange @q.bind(@exchange, :routing_key => @key) end end def consume return if terminating? # we manually build a consumer here to be able to keep a reference to it # in an @ivar even though we use a blocking version of HB::Queue#subscribe @consumer = @q.build_consumer(:block => true) do |metadata, data| @codec.decode(data) do |event| decorate(event) @output_queue << event if event end @ch.ack(metadata.delivery_tag) if @ack end @q.subscribe_with(@consumer, :manual_ack => @ack, :block => true) end def shutdown_consumer @break_out_of_the_loop.set(true) @consumer.cancel @consumer.gracefully_shut_down end end # MarchHareImpl end