/* ** mrdb.c - mruby debugger ** */ #include #include #include #include #include "mruby.h" #include "mruby/dump.h" #include "mruby/debug.h" #include "mruby/class.h" #include "mruby/opcode.h" #include "mruby/variable.h" #include "mrdb.h" #include "apibreak.h" #include "apilist.h" void mrdb_state_free(mrb_state *); static mrb_debug_context *_debug_context = NULL; static mrdb_state *_mrdb_state = NULL; struct _args { FILE *rfp; char* fname; char* srcpath; int argc; char** argv; mrb_bool mrbfile : 1; }; typedef struct debug_command { const char *cmd1; const char *cmd2; uint8_t len1; uint8_t len2; uint8_t div; debug_command_id id; debug_command_func func; } debug_command; static const debug_command debug_command_list[] = { {"break", NULL, 1, 0, 0, DBGCMD_BREAK, dbgcmd_break}, /* b[reak] */ {"continue", NULL, 1, 0, 0, DBGCMD_CONTINUE, dbgcmd_continue}, /* c[ontinue] */ {"delete", NULL, 1, 0, 1, DBGCMD_DELETE, dbgcmd_delete}, /* d[elete] */ {"disable", NULL, 3, 0, 1, DBGCMD_DISABLE, dbgcmd_disable}, /* dis[able] */ {"enable", NULL, 2, 0, 1, DBGCMD_ENABLE, dbgcmd_enable}, /* en[able] */ {"eval", NULL, 2, 0, 0, DBGCMD_EVAL, dbgcmd_eval}, /* ev[al] */ {"help", NULL, 1, 0, 1, DBGCMD_HELP, dbgcmd_help}, /* h[elp] */ {"info", "breakpoints", 1, 1, 1, DBGCMD_INFO_BREAK, dbgcmd_info_break}, /* i[nfo] b[reakpoints] */ {"list", NULL, 1, 0, 1, DBGCMD_LIST, dbgcmd_list}, /* l[ist] */ {"print", NULL, 1, 0, 0, DBGCMD_PRINT, dbgcmd_print}, /* p[rint] */ {"quit", NULL, 1, 0, 0, DBGCMD_QUIT, dbgcmd_quit}, /* q[uit] */ {"run", NULL, 1, 0, 0, DBGCMD_RUN, dbgcmd_run}, /* r[un] */ {"step", NULL, 1, 0, 1, DBGCMD_STEP, dbgcmd_step}, /* s[tep] */ {NULL} }; static void usage(const char *name) { static const char *const usage_msg[] = { "switches:", "-b load and execute RiteBinary (mrb) file", "-d specify source directory", "--version print the version", "--copyright print the copyright", NULL }; const char *const *p = usage_msg; printf("Usage: %s [switches] programfile\n", name); while (*p) { printf(" %s\n", *p++); } } static int parse_args(mrb_state *mrb, int argc, char **argv, struct _args *args) { char **origargv = argv; static const struct _args args_zero = { 0 }; *args = args_zero; for (argc--,argv++; argc > 0; argc--,argv++) { char *item; if (argv[0][0] != '-') break; item = argv[0] + 1; switch (*item++) { case 'b': args->mrbfile = TRUE; break; case 'd': if (item[0]) { goto append_srcpath; } else if (argc > 1) { argc--; argv++; item = argv[0]; append_srcpath: if (!args->srcpath) { size_t buflen; char *buf; buflen = strlen(item) + 1; buf = (char *)mrb_malloc(mrb, buflen); memcpy(buf, item, buflen); args->srcpath = buf; } else { size_t srcpathlen; size_t itemlen; srcpathlen = strlen(args->srcpath); itemlen = strlen(item); args->srcpath = (char *)mrb_realloc(mrb, args->srcpath, srcpathlen + itemlen + 2); args->srcpath[srcpathlen] = '\n'; memcpy(args->srcpath + srcpathlen + 1, item, itemlen + 1); } } else { printf("%s: No path specified for -d\n", *origargv); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } break; case '-': if (strcmp((*argv) + 2, "version") == 0) { mrb_show_version(mrb); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (strcmp((*argv) + 2, "copyright") == 0) { mrb_show_copyright(mrb); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } default: return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (args->rfp == NULL) { if (*argv == NULL) { printf("%s: Program file not specified.\n", *origargv); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { args->rfp = fopen(argv[0], args->mrbfile ? "rb" : "r"); if (args->rfp == NULL) { printf("%s: Cannot open program file. (%s)\n", *origargv, *argv); return EXIT_FAILURE; } args->fname = argv[0]; argc--; argv++; } } args->argv = (char **)mrb_realloc(mrb, args->argv, sizeof(char*) * (argc + 1)); memcpy(args->argv, argv, (argc+1) * sizeof(char*)); args->argc = argc; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static void cleanup(mrb_state *mrb, struct _args *args) { if (args->rfp) fclose(args->rfp); if (args->srcpath) mrb_free(mrb, args->srcpath); if (args->argv) mrb_free(mrb, args->argv); mrdb_state_free(mrb); mrb_close(mrb); } static mrb_debug_context* mrb_debug_context_new(mrb_state *mrb) { mrb_debug_context *dbg = mrb_malloc(mrb, sizeof(mrb_debug_context)); memset(dbg, 0, sizeof(mrb_debug_context)); dbg->xm = DBG_INIT; dbg->xphase = DBG_PHASE_BEFORE_RUN; dbg->next_bpno = 1; return dbg; } mrb_debug_context* mrb_debug_context_get(mrb_state *mrb) { if (!_debug_context) { _debug_context = mrb_debug_context_new(mrb); } return _debug_context; } void mrb_debug_context_set(mrb_debug_context *dbg) { _debug_context = dbg; } void mrb_debug_context_free(mrb_state *mrb) { if (_debug_context) { mrb_debug_delete_break_all(mrb, _debug_context); mrb_free(mrb, _debug_context); _debug_context = NULL; } } static mrdb_state* mrdb_state_new(mrb_state *mrb) { mrdb_state *mrdb = mrb_malloc(mrb, sizeof(mrb_state)); memset(mrdb, 0, sizeof(mrb_state)); mrdb->dbg = mrb_debug_context_get(mrb); mrdb->command = mrb_malloc(mrb, MAX_COMMAND_LINE+1); mrdb->print_no = 1; return mrdb; } mrdb_state* mrdb_state_get(mrb_state *mrb) { if (!_mrdb_state) { _mrdb_state = mrdb_state_new(mrb); } return _mrdb_state; } void mrdb_state_set(mrdb_state *mrdb) { _mrdb_state = mrdb; } void mrdb_state_free(mrb_state *mrb) { mrb_debug_context_free(mrb); if (_mrdb_state) { mrb_free(mrb, _mrdb_state->command); mrb_free(mrb, _mrdb_state); _mrdb_state = NULL; } } static char* get_command(mrb_state *mrb, mrdb_state *mrdb) { int i; int c; for (i=0; icommand[i] = c; } if (i == 0 && feof(stdin)) { clearerr(stdin); strcpy(mrdb->command, "quit"); i += sizeof("quit") - 1; } if (i == MAX_COMMAND_LINE) { for ( ; (c=getchar()) != EOF && c !='\n'; i++) ; } if (i > MAX_COMMAND_LINE) { printf("command line too long.\n"); i = 0; /* discard command data */ } mrdb->command[i] = '\0'; return mrdb->command; } static char* pick_out_word(mrb_state *mrb, char **pp) { char *ps; for (ps=*pp; ISBLANK(*ps); ps++) ; if (*ps == '\0') { return NULL; } if (*ps == '\"' || *ps == '\'') { *pp = strchr(ps+1, *ps); if (*pp) (*pp)++; } else { *pp = strpbrk(ps, " \t"); } if (!*pp) { *pp = ps + strlen(ps); } if (**pp != '\0') { **pp = '\0'; (*pp)++; } return ps; } static debug_command* parse_command(mrb_state *mrb, mrdb_state *mrdb, char *buf) { debug_command *cmd = NULL; char *p = buf; size_t wlen; /* get word #1 */ mrdb->words[0] = pick_out_word(mrb, &p); if (!mrdb->words[0]) { return NULL; } mrdb->wcnt = 1; /* set remain parameter */ for ( ; *p && ISBLANK(*p); p++) ; if (*p) { mrdb->words[mrdb->wcnt++] = p; } /* check word #1 */ for (cmd=(debug_command*)debug_command_list; cmd->cmd1; cmd++) { wlen = strlen(mrdb->words[0]); if (wlen >= cmd->len1 && strncmp(mrdb->words[0], cmd->cmd1, wlen) == 0) { break; } } if (cmd->cmd2) { if (mrdb->wcnt > 1) { /* get word #2 */ mrdb->words[1] = pick_out_word(mrb, &p); if (mrdb->words[1]) { /* update remain parameter */ for ( ; *p && ISBLANK(*p); p++) ; if (*p) { mrdb->words[mrdb->wcnt++] = p; } } } /* check word #1,#2 */ for ( ; cmd->cmd1; cmd++) { wlen = strlen(mrdb->words[0]); if (wlen < cmd->len1 || strncmp(mrdb->words[0], cmd->cmd1, wlen)) { continue; } if (!cmd->cmd2) break; /* word #1 only */ if (mrdb->wcnt == 1) continue; /* word #2 not specified */ wlen = strlen(mrdb->words[1]); if (wlen >= cmd->len2 && strncmp(mrdb->words[1], cmd->cmd2, wlen) == 0) { break; /* word #1 and #2 */ } } } /* divide remain parameters */ if (cmd->cmd1 && cmd->div) { p = mrdb->words[--mrdb->wcnt]; for ( ; mrdb->wcntwcnt++) { mrdb->words[mrdb->wcnt] = pick_out_word(mrb, &p); if (!mrdb->words[mrdb->wcnt]) { break; } } } return cmd->cmd1 ? cmd : NULL; } static void print_info_stopped_break(mrb_state *mrb, mrdb_state *mrdb) { mrb_debug_breakpoint bp; int32_t ret; uint16_t lineno; const char *file; const char *method_name; const char *class_name; ret = mrb_debug_get_break(mrb, mrdb->dbg, mrdb->dbg->stopped_bpno, &bp); if(ret == 0) { switch(bp.type) { case MRB_DEBUG_BPTYPE_LINE: file = bp.point.linepoint.file; lineno = bp.point.linepoint.lineno; printf("Breakpoint %d, at %s:%d\n", bp.bpno, file, lineno); break; case MRB_DEBUG_BPTYPE_METHOD: method_name = bp.point.methodpoint.method_name; class_name = bp.point.methodpoint.class_name; if(class_name == NULL) { printf("Breakpoint %d, %s\n", bp.bpno, method_name); } else { printf("Breakpoint %d, %s:%s\n", bp.bpno, class_name, method_name); } if(mrdb->dbg->isCfunc) { printf("Stopped before calling the C function.\n"); } break; default: break; } } } static void print_info_stopped_step_next(mrb_state *mrb, mrdb_state *mrdb) { const char* file = mrdb->dbg->prvfile; uint16_t lineno = mrdb->dbg->prvline; printf("%s:%d\n", file, lineno); } static void print_info_stopped_code(mrb_state *mrb, mrdb_state *mrdb) { char* file = mrb_debug_get_source(mrb, mrdb, mrdb->srcpath, mrdb->dbg->prvfile); uint16_t lineno = mrdb->dbg->prvline; if(file != NULL) { mrb_debug_list(mrb, mrdb->dbg, file, lineno, lineno); mrb_free(mrb, file); } } static void print_info_stopped(mrb_state *mrb, mrdb_state *mrdb) { switch(mrdb->dbg->bm) { case BRK_BREAK: print_info_stopped_break(mrb, mrdb); print_info_stopped_code(mrb, mrdb); break; case BRK_STEP: case BRK_NEXT: print_info_stopped_step_next(mrb, mrdb); print_info_stopped_code(mrb, mrdb); break; default: break; } } static debug_command* get_and_parse_command(mrb_state *mrb, mrdb_state *mrdb) { debug_command *cmd = NULL; char *p; int i; while (!cmd) { for (p=NULL; !p || *p=='\0'; ) { printf("(%s:%d) ", mrdb->dbg->prvfile, mrdb->dbg->prvline); fflush(stdout); p = get_command(mrb, mrdb); } cmd = parse_command(mrb, mrdb, p); #ifdef _DBG_MRDB_PARSER_ for (i=0; iwcnt; i++) { printf("%d: %s\n", i, mrdb->words[i]); } #endif if (!cmd) { printf("invalid command ("); for (i=0; iwcnt; i++) { if (i>0) { printf(" "); } printf("%s", mrdb->words[i]); } puts(")"); } } return cmd; } static int32_t check_method_breakpoint(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_irep *irep, mrb_code *pc, mrb_value *regs) { struct RClass* c; mrb_sym sym; int32_t bpno; mrb_bool isCfunc; mrb_debug_context *dbg = mrb_debug_context_get(mrb); isCfunc = FALSE; bpno = dbg->method_bpno; dbg->method_bpno = 0; switch(GET_OPCODE(*pc)) { case OP_SEND: case OP_SENDB: c = mrb_class(mrb, regs[GETARG_A(*pc)]); sym = irep->syms[GETARG_B(*pc)]; break; case OP_SUPER: c = mrb->c->ci->target_class->super; sym = mrb->c->ci->mid; break; default: sym = 0; break; } if(sym != 0) { dbg->method_bpno = mrb_debug_check_breakpoint_method(mrb, dbg, c, sym, &isCfunc); if(isCfunc) { bpno = dbg->method_bpno; dbg->method_bpno = 0; } } dbg->isCfunc = isCfunc; return bpno; } static void mrb_code_fetch_hook(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_irep *irep, mrb_code *pc, mrb_value *regs) { const char *file; int32_t line; int32_t bpno; mrb_debug_context *dbg = mrb_debug_context_get(mrb); mrb_assert(dbg); dbg->irep = irep; dbg->pc = pc; dbg->regs = regs; if(dbg->xphase == DBG_PHASE_RESTART) { dbg->root_irep = irep; dbg->prvfile = NULL; dbg->prvline = 0; dbg->xm = DBG_RUN; dbg->xphase = DBG_PHASE_RUNNING; } file = mrb_debug_get_filename(irep, (uint32_t)(pc - irep->iseq)); line = mrb_debug_get_line(irep, (uint32_t)(pc - irep->iseq)); switch (dbg->xm) { case DBG_STEP: case DBG_NEXT: // temporary if (!file || (dbg->prvfile == file && dbg->prvline == line)) { return; } dbg->method_bpno = 0; dbg->bm = BRK_STEP; break; case DBG_RUN: bpno = check_method_breakpoint(mrb, irep, pc, regs); if (bpno > 0) { dbg->stopped_bpno = bpno; dbg->bm = BRK_BREAK; break; } if (dbg->prvfile != file || dbg->prvline != line) { bpno = mrb_debug_check_breakpoint_line(mrb, dbg, file, line); if (bpno > 0) { dbg->stopped_bpno = bpno; dbg->bm = BRK_BREAK; break; } } dbg->prvfile = file; dbg->prvline = line; return; case DBG_INIT: dbg->root_irep = irep; dbg->bm = BRK_INIT; if (!file || line < 0) { puts("Cannot get debugging information."); } break; default: return; } dbg->prvfile = file; dbg->prvline = line; if(dbg->bm == BRK_BREAK && --dbg->ccnt > 0) { return; } dbg->break_hook(mrb, dbg); dbg->xphase = DBG_PHASE_RUNNING; } static mrdb_exemode mrb_debug_break_hook(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_debug_context *dbg) { debug_command *cmd; dbgcmd_state st = DBGST_CONTINUE; mrdb_state *mrdb = mrdb_state_get(mrb); print_info_stopped(mrb, mrdb); while (1) { cmd = get_and_parse_command(mrb, mrdb); mrb_assert(cmd); st = cmd->func(mrb, mrdb); if( (st == DBGST_CONTINUE) || (st == DBGST_RESTART) ) break; } return dbg->xm; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { mrb_state *mrb = mrb_open(); int n = -1; struct _args args; mrb_value v; mrdb_state *mrdb; mrdb_state *mrdb_backup; mrb_debug_context* dbg_backup; debug_command *cmd; l_restart: if (mrb == NULL) { fputs("Invalid mrb_state, exiting mruby\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* parse command parameters */ n = parse_args(mrb, argc, argv, &args); if (n == EXIT_FAILURE || args.rfp == NULL) { cleanup(mrb, &args); usage(argv[0]); return n; } /* initialize debugger information */ mrdb = mrdb_state_get(mrb); mrb_assert(mrdb && mrdb->dbg); mrdb->srcpath = args.srcpath; if(mrdb->dbg->xm == DBG_QUIT) { mrdb->dbg->xphase = DBG_PHASE_RESTART; } else { mrdb->dbg->xphase = DBG_PHASE_BEFORE_RUN; } mrdb->dbg->xm = DBG_INIT; mrdb->dbg->ccnt = 1; /* setup hook functions */ mrb->code_fetch_hook = mrb_code_fetch_hook; mrdb->dbg->break_hook = mrb_debug_break_hook; if (args.mrbfile) { /* .mrb */ v = mrb_load_irep_file(mrb, args.rfp); } else { /* .rb */ mrbc_context *cc = mrbc_context_new(mrb); mrbc_filename(mrb, cc, args.fname); v = mrb_load_file_cxt(mrb, args.rfp, cc); mrbc_context_free(mrb, cc); } if (mrdb->dbg->xm == DBG_QUIT && !mrb_undef_p(v) && mrb->exc) { const char *classname = mrb_obj_classname(mrb, mrb_obj_value(mrb->exc)); if (!strcmp(classname, "DebuggerExit")) { cleanup(mrb, &args); return 0; } if (!strcmp(classname, "DebuggerRestart")) { mrdb_backup = mrdb_state_get(mrb); dbg_backup = mrb_debug_context_get(mrb); mrdb_state_set(NULL); mrb_debug_context_set(NULL); cleanup(mrb, &args); mrb = mrb_open(); mrdb_state_set(mrdb_backup); mrb_debug_context_set(dbg_backup); goto l_restart; } } puts("mruby application exited."); mrdb->dbg->xphase = DBG_PHASE_AFTER_RUN; if (!mrb_undef_p(v)) { if (mrb->exc) { mrb_print_error(mrb); } else { printf(" => "); mrb_p(mrb, v); } } mrdb->dbg->prvfile = "-"; mrdb->dbg->prvline = 0; while (1) { cmd = get_and_parse_command(mrb, mrdb); mrb_assert(cmd); if (cmd->id == DBGCMD_QUIT) { break; } if( cmd->func(mrb, mrdb) == DBGST_RESTART ) goto l_restart; } cleanup(mrb, &args); return 0; }