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All rights reserved.® .NET2 RepositoryUrlgit://;lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSet%PADPADPWuց^I DEc: Oɻ9Ll Aȣβy;8ɝuBqb.oE>{7Qs &!$1% y'ϐX(~{DD@TnVZ͵_Fl1müysj 7h B/ ]': I *I3 ~ k 2Arg_CryptographyExceptionDArgument_EncodeDestinationTooSmall20Argument_InvalidOidValuek*Argument_InvalidValueFCryptography_ArgECDHKeySizeMismatchXCryptography_AsnWriter_EncodeUnbalancedStackDCryptography_AsnWriter_PopWrongTag/hCryptography_Asn_EnumeratedValueRequiresNonFlagsEnumq\Cryptography_Asn_NamedBitListRequiresFlagsEnumPCryptography_Asn_NamedBitListValueTooBig LCryptography_Asn_UniversalValueIsFixed\HCryptography_Asn_UnusedBitCountRange:Cryptography_CSP_NoPrivateKeyCryptography_InvalidPaddingMode Cryptography_SignHash_WrongSizeDCryptography_TlsRequires64ByteSeedBCryptography_UnknownHashAlgorithm! \Cryptography_WriteEncodedValue_OneValueAtATimeG PPlatformNotSupported_CryptographyOpenSSL 0Error occurred during a cryptographic operation.7The destination is too small to hold the encoded value.The OID value was invalid.Value was invalid.PThe keys from both parties must be the same size to generate a secret agreement.@Encode cannot be called while a Sequence or SetOf is still open.@Cannot pop the requested tag as it is not currently in progress.OASN.1 Enumerated values only apply to enum types without the [Flags] attribute.ENamed bit list operations require an enum with the [Flags] attribute.QThe encoded named bit list value is larger than the value size of the '{0}' enum.nTags with TagClass Universal must have the appropriate TagValue value for the data type being read or written.4Unused bit count must be between 0 and 7, inclusive.XObject contains only the public half of a key pair. A private key must also be provided.LThe specified curve '{0}' or its parameters are not valid for this platform.ASN1 corrupted data.NThe message exceeds the maximum allowable length for the chosen options ({0}).0The hash algorithm name cannot be null or empty.^The specified DSA parameters are not valid; P, G and Y must be the same length (the key size).RThe specified DSA parameters are not valid; J (if present) must be shorter than P.YThe specified DSA parameters are not valid; Q and X (if present) must be the same length.KThe specified DSA parameters are not valid; P, Q, G and Y are all required.YThe specified DSA parameters are not valid; Q's length must be one of 20, 32 or 64 bytes.dThe specified DSA parameters are not valid; Q must be 20 bytes long for keys shorter than 1024 bits.tThe specified DSA parameters are not valid; Seed, if present, must be 20 bytes long for keys shorter than 1024 bits.5Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm.7Specified padding mode is not valid for this algorithm.EThe string contains a character not in the 7 bit ASCII character set.1The key is too small for the requested operation.)Key is not a valid public or private key.+Error occurred while decoding OAEP padding.Cannot open an invalid handle.HThe length of the data to decrypt is not valid for the size of this key.RThe provided hash value is not the expected size for the specified hash algorithm.JThe TLS key derivation function requires a seed value of exactly 64 bytes.$'{0}' is not a known hash algorithm.[The input to WriteEncodedValue must represent a single encoded value with no trailing data.*OpenSSL is not supported on this platform.  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