# encoding: utf-8 module AssLauncher module Support module Shell # Class for running {Command} in subprocess and controlling # him. # Process run command in the thread. Thread waiting for process exit # and call {Command#exit_handling} # @example # # Run command and witing for exit # ph = ProcessHolder.run(command, options) # # result = ph.wait.result # raise 'bang!' unless result.sucsess? # # # Run command and kill process when nidet # # ph = ProcessHolder.run(command, options) # # sleep 10 # for wakeup command # # if ! ph.alive? # raise 'command onexpected exit' # end # # # doing something # # ph.kill # # # run and wait command # # ph = ProcessHolder.run(command, options).wait # # raise if ph.result.success? # # # @note WARNIG!!! not forgot kill of threads created and handled of # ProcessHolder # # @note For run command used popen3 whith command_string and *args. # It not shell running. If command.args.size == 0 in command.args array # will be pushed one empty string. # For more info see Process.spawn documentation # @api private class ProcessHolder require 'open3' require 'ass_launcher/support/platforms' include Support::Platforms class KillProcessError < StandardError; end class RunProcessError < StandardError; end class ProcessNotRunning < StandardError; end # @api public # @return [Fixnum] pid of runned process attr_reader :pid # @api public # @return [RunAssResult] result of execution command attr_reader :result # @api public # @return [Command, Script] command runned in process attr_reader :command # @api private # @return [Thread] thread waiting for process attr_reader :thread # @api private attr_reader :options, :popen3_thread Thread.abort_on_exception = true # Keep of created instaces # @return [Arry] # @api public def self.process_list @@process_slist ||= [] end def self.unreg_process(h) process_list.delete(h) end private_class_method :unreg_process def self.reg_process(h) process_list << h end private_class_method :reg_process # @note 'cmd /K command` not exit when exit command. Thread hangup # @api private def self.cmd_exe_with_k?(command) shell_str = "#{command.cmd} #{command.args.join(' ')}" ! (shell_str =~ %r{(?<=\W|\A)cmd(.exe)?\s*(\/K)}i).nil? end # @note 'cmd /C command` not kill command when cmd killed # @api private def self.cmd_exe_with_c?(command) shell_str = "#{command.cmd} #{command.args.join(' ')}" ! (shell_str =~ %r{(?<=\W|\A)cmd(.exe)?\s*(\/C)}i).nil? end # Run command subprocess in new Thread and return instace for process # controlling # Thread wait process and handling process exit wihth # {Command#exit_handling} # @param command [Command, Script] command runned in subprocess # @param options [Hash] options for +Process.spawn+ # @return [ProcessHolder] instance with runned command # @note (see ProcessHolder) # @raise [RunProcessError] if command is cmd.exe with /K key see # {cmd_exe_with_k?} # @api public # @raise [ArgumentError] if command was already running def self.run(command, options = {}) fail RunProcessError, 'Forbidden run cmd.exe with /K key'\ if cmd_exe_with_k? command h = new(command, options) reg_process h h.run end # @param (see run) # @raise (see run) def initialize(command, options = {}) fail ArgumentError, 'Command was already running' if command.running? @command = command command.send(:process_holder=, self) @options = options options[:new_pgroup] = true if windows? end # @return [self] # @raise [RunProcessError] if process was already running def run fail RunProcessError, "Process was run. Pid: #{pid}" if running? @popen3_thread, stdout, stderr = run_process @pid = @popen3_thread.pid @thread = wait_process_in_thread(stdout, stderr) self end def running? ! pid.nil? end def wait_process_in_thread(stdout, stderr) Thread.new do popen3_thread.join begin @result = command.exit_handling(exitstatus,\ stdout.read,\ stderr.read) ensure self.class.send(:unreg_process, self) end end end private :wait_process_in_thread def exitstatus popen3_thread.value.to_i end private :exitstatus # Run new process def run_process command.args << '' if command.args.size == 0 _r1, r2, r3, thread = Open3.popen3 command.cmd, *command.args, options [thread, r2, r3] end private :run_process # Kill the process # @return [self] # @note WARNIG! for command runned as cmd /C commnd can't get pid of # command process. In this case error raised # @raise [KillProcessError] if command is cmd.exe with /C key see # {cmd_exe_with_c?} # @api public # @raise (see alive?) def kill return self unless alive? fail KillProcessError, 'Can\'t kill subprocess runned in cmd.exe '\ 'on the windows machine' if self.class.cmd_exe_with_c? command Process.kill('KILL', pid) wait end # Wait for thread exit # @return [self] # @api public # @raise (see alive?) def wait return self unless alive? thread.join self end # True if thread alive # @api public # @raise [ProcessNotRunning] unless process running def alive? fail ProcessNotRunning unless running? thread.alive? end end # ProcessHolder end # Shell end # Support end # AssLauncher