Given(/^a folder "(.*?)" is given as the input$/) do |dir| @input = dir end Given(/^an image "(.*?)" is given as the input$/) do |file| @input = file @options = {} end Given(/^an output folder "(.*?)" is created$/) do |dir| Dir.mkdir dir rescue "Directory exists, continue…" end Given(/^everything is logged$/) do require 'logger' @logger = STDOUT end Given(/^"(.*?)" is given as poster type option$/) do |type| @options[:type] = type.to_sym @options[:stroke] = '#000000' if @options[:type] == :standard end # =================================================================================== When(/^I call the collage method$/) do @output = Magick::Screwdrivers::collage @input, {:logger => @logger} end When(/^I call the scale method with widths (\d+),(\d+),(\d+)$/) do |arg1, arg2, arg3| opts = { :logger => @logger, :widths => [arg1.to_i,arg2.to_i,arg3.to_i], :date_in_watermark => true, :watermark => 'rmagick-screwdrivers' } @output = Magick::Screwdrivers::scale @input, opts end When(/^save file to "(.*?)"$/) do |file| @output.write File.join(file) end When(/^save files with origin "(.*?)"$/) do |orig| @output.each { |img| img.write("#{orig}-#{img.rows}.#{img.format.downcase}") { self.quality = 90 } } end When(/^I call the poster method with texts "(.*?)" and "(.*?)"$/) do |text1, text2| @options[:logger] = @logger @output = Magick::Screwdrivers::poster @input, text1, text2, @options end # =================================================================================== Then(/^the result is created as "(.*?)"$/) do |img| expect(@output.inspect).to match(/#{img}/) end Then(/^the result is created as an array of size (\d+)$/) do |arg1| expect(@output.size).to eql(3) end