# # = GSL::Histogram3d class # # == {}[link:index.html"name="1] Class methods # --- # * GSL::Histogram3d.alloc(nx, ny, nz) # * GSL::Histogram3d.alloc(xrange, yrange, zrange) # * GSL::Histogram3d.alloc(nx, xmin, xmax, ny, ymin, ymax, nz, zmin, zmax) # * GSL::Histogram3d.alloc(nx, [xmin, xmax], ny, [ymin, ymax], nz, [zmin, zmax]) # # Constructors # # --- # * GSL::Histogram3d.memcpy(h1, h2) # * GSL::Histogram3d.equal_bins_p(h1, h2) # * GSL::Histogram3d.equal_bins_?p(h1, h2) # # # == {}[link:index.html"name="2] Methods # --- # * GSL::Histogram3d#set_ranges(xrange, yrange, zrange) # * GSL::Histogram3d#set_ranges_uniform(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax) # * GSL::Histogram3d#set_ranges_uniform([xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax], [zmin, zmax]) # # # --- # * GSL::Histogram3d#clone # * GSL::Histogram3d#duplicate # # # --- # * GSL::Histogram3d#increment(x, y, z, weight = 1) # * GSL::Histogram3d#accumulate(x, y, z, weight = 1) # * GSL::Histogram3d#fill(x, y, z, weight = 1) # * GSL::Histogram3d#increment2(x, y, z, weight = 1) # * GSL::Histogram3d#accumulate2(x, y, z, weight = 1) # * GSL::Histogram3d#fill2(x, y, z, weight = 1) # * GSL::Histogram3d#get(i[, j[, k]]) # * GSL::Histogram3d#[] # * GSL::Histogram3d#get_xrange(i) # * GSL::Histogram3d#get_yrange(j) # * GSL::Histogram3d#get_zrange(k) # * GSL::Histogram3d#xrange # * GSL::Histogram3d#yrange # * GSL::Histogram3d#zrange # * GSL::Histogram3d#bin # * GSL::Histogram3d#xmax # * GSL::Histogram3d#xmin # * GSL::Histogram3d#ymax # * GSL::Histogram3d#ymin # * GSL::Histogram3d#zmax # * GSL::Histogram3d#zmin # * GSL::Histogram3d#nx # * GSL::Histogram3d#ny # * GSL::Histogram3d#nz # * GSL::Histogram3d#reset # * GSL::Histogram3d#find(x, y, z) # * GSL::Histogram3d#max_val # * GSL::Histogram3d#max_bin # * GSL::Histogram3d#min_val # * GSL::Histogram3d#min_bin # * GSL::Histogram3d#xmean # * GSL::Histogram3d#xsigma # * GSL::Histogram3d#ymean # * GSL::Histogram3d#ysigma # * GSL::Histogram3d#zmean # * GSL::Histogram3d#zsigma # # # --- # * GSL::Histogram3d#sum # * GSL::Histogram3d#integral # * GSL::Histogram3d#add(h2) # * GSL::Histogram3d#sub(h2) # * GSL::Histogram3d#mul(h2) # * GSL::Histogram3d#div(h2) # * GSL::Histogram3d#scale(val) # * GSL::Histogram3d#shift(val) # * GSL::Histogram3d#+(h2) # * GSL::Histogram3d#-(h2) # * GSL::Histogram3d#*(h2) # * GSL::Histogram3d#/(h2) # * GSL::Histogram3d#fwrite(io) # * GSL::Histogram3d#fwrite(filename) # * GSL::Histogram3d#fread(io) # * GSL::Histogram3d#fread(filename) # # # --- # * GSL::Histogram3d#xyproject(kstart = 0, kend = nz-1) # # Creates a GSL::Histogram2d object by projecting the 3D histogram # self onto the xy-plane over the z-range from kstart to kend. # # --- # * GSL::Histogram3d#xzproject(jstart = 0, jend = ny-1) # # Creates a GSL::Histogram2d object by projecting the 3D histogram # self onto the xz-plane over the y-range from jstart to jend. # # --- # * GSL::Histogram3d#yzproject(istart = 0, iend = nx-1) # # Creates a GSL::Histogram2d object by projecting the 3D histogram # self onto the yz-plane over the x-range from istart to iend. # # {prev}[link:files/rdoc/hist2d_rdoc.html] # {next}[link:files/rdoc/ntuple_rdoc.html] # # {Reference index}[link:files/rdoc/ref_rdoc.html] # {top}[link:files/rdoc/index_rdoc.html] #