# Servicer Simple Service Object builder. ## Installation ``` gem install servicer ``` ## Basic usage Servicer provides base class for building services, and set of additional layers for changing behaviour. Simplest use case is building Command Object for API: ``` class CreateUser < ::Servicer::Base def call(current_user, params) User.create(params) end end CreateUser.call(current_user, params) #=> new User ``` In that form no layers are applied, so input will not be changed in any way. Servicer is proxying class `call` method, building new instance and calling `call` with the same params as provided (unless modified by layers). ## Layers Layers are modifying how given service object behave. They can validate input, change params, and raise errors. Simplest call would look like this: ``` class CreateUser < ::Servicer::Base layer :require_user def call(current_user, params) User.create(params) end end ``` Multiple layers can be applied and they will be executed in order of mentioning them. Some of them will require additional parameters, documentation can be found below. ### RequireUser This layer is raising `Servicer::AuthorizationError` is current user is not provided. This layer is not accepting any options. ``` class CreateUser < ::Servicer::Base layer :require_user def call(current_user, params) User.create(params) end end CreateUser.call(nil, params) #=> raises Servicer::AuthorizationError ``` ### SetDefaultParams This layer is merging received params with default values provided using deep merge (nested hash values will be merged). Values from provided params always take precedence over default values. ``` class CreateUser < ::Servicer::Base layer :set_default_values, { role: 'user' } def call(current_user, params) User.create(params) end end CreateUser.call(nil, {}) #=> user.role == 'user' CreateUser.call(nil, { role: 'admin' }) #=> user.role == 'admin' ``` ### ValidateParams This layer is validating params provided, raising `Servicer::ParamsError` if validation fails, and filtering any param that was not validated. It's using [dry-validation](http://dry-rb.org/gems/dry-validation/) under the hood, and you need to include it in your Gemfile. Please bear in mind that it's used for validating input, and not for checking user permissions. ``` class CreateUser < ::Servicer::Base layer :validate_params do required(:role).filled(:str?) optional(:age).filled(:int?, gt?: 17) end def call(current_user, params) User.create(params) end end CreateUser.call(nil, {}) #=> raises Servicer::ParamsError CreateUser.call(nil, { role: 1 }) #=> raises Servicer::ParamsError CreateUser.call(nil, { role: 'admin' }) #=> user.role == 'admin' CreateUser.call(nil, { role: 'admin', age: 17 }) #=> raises Servicer::ParamsError CreateUser.call(nil, { role: 'admin', age: 18 }) #=> user.role == 'admin', user.age == 18 ``` ## Combining layers Multiple layers can be used together in order to provide final service: ``` class CreateUser < ::Servicer::Base layer :require_user layer :validate_params do optional(:role).filled(:str?) required(:age).filled(:int?, gt?: 17) end layer :set_default_values, { role: 'user' } def call(current_user, params) User.create(params) end end ``` ``` class ListUsers < ::Servicer::Base layer :validate_params do optional(:role).filled(:str?) optional(:limit).filled(:int?, gt?: 0, lt?: 1000) optional(:offset).filled(:int?) end layer :set_default_values, { limit: 10, offset: 0 } def call(current_user, params) limit = params.delete(:limit) offset = params.delete(:offset) User.where(params).limit(limit).offset(offset) end end ``` ## License (The MIT License) Copyright © 2018 Bernard Potocki Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ‘Software’), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ‘AS IS’, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.