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= Sublime Text Kit

Sublime Text Kit is a command line interface for managing Sublime Text metadata for multiple
projects, sessions, snippets, etc. This allows you to avoiding manual maintenance of your workspace
so you can stay focused on your own work.


== Features

* Manages project metadata (`.sublime-project` and `.sublime-workspace` files).
* Manages session metadata so you can quickly toggle between projects via the `CONTROL+COMMAND+p`
* Prints all of your custom snippets in either link:https://asciidoctor.org[ASCII Doc] or
  link:https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown[Markdown] format.

== Requirements

. link:https://www.ruby-lang.org[Ruby]
. link:https://www.sublimetext.com[Sublime Text]

== Setup

To install _with_ security, run:

# 💡 Skip this line if you already have the public certificate installed.
gem cert --add <(curl --compressed --location https://alchemists.io/gems.pem)
gem install sublime_text_kit --trust-policy HighSecurity

To install _without_ security, run:

gem install sublime_text_kit

== Usage

=== Command Line Interface (CLI)

From the command line, type: `sublime_text_kit`


=== Customization

This gem can be configured via a global configuration:
`~/.config/sublime_text_kit/configuration.yml`. It can also be configured via
link:https://alchemists.io/projects/xdg[XDG] environment variables.

An example configuration could be:

  - "~/Engineering/Organizations"
  - "~/Engineering/OSS"
metadata_dir: "~/Dropbox/Cache/Sublime"
snippets_format: :markdown

The `project_roots` key defines the root level directories where your project folders are located.
When project metadata (i.e. `.sublime-project`, `.sublime-workspace`) is generated, the name of the
metadata file will be the same name as the project folder. All project metadata, regardless of root
location, is written to the same metadata directory as defined by the `metadata_dir` key. If using
the example settings shown above and assuming the following directory structure exists…


...project metadata will be created in the `metadata_dir` as follows:


The `snippets_format` key allows you define what format to print your snippets as. You can always
override your default configuration by specifying the format from the command line:
`sublime_text_kit -s ascii_doc`. For example, this is how
link:https://alchemists.io/projects/sublime_text_setup/#_snippets[snippets documentation] is
generated for the link:https://alchemists.io/projects/sublime_text_setup[Sublime Text Setup]

=== Workflow

The following demonstrates a default Sublime Text setup:

1. Start by defining your configuration: `sublime_text_kit --config edit`.
2. Shutdown Sublime Text (i.e. `COMMAND+q`).
3. Run `sublime_text_kit --update` which will create project metadata and rebuild session metadata
   so Sublime Text has a complete project history from which to switch between via the
   `CONTROL+COMMAND+p` shortcut.
4. Launch Sublime Text and use the `CONTROL+COMMAND+p` keyboard shortcut to toggle between projects.
   Notice that you can (fuzzy type) project names to jump between them.
5. Navigate through your project workload with ease. 🎉

=== Troubleshooting

* When rebuilding your session, ensure Sublime Text is shut down or changes might not be applied
* When rebuilding project metadata, ensure the `metadata_dir` -- as defined via your configuration
  -- points to an existing directory which can contain `.sublime-project` and `.sublime-workspace`

== Development

To contribute, run:

git clone https://github.com/bkuhlmann/sublime_text_kit
cd sublime_text_kit

You can also use the IRB console for direct access to all objects:


== Tests

To test, run:


== link:https://alchemists.io/policies/license[License]

== link:https://alchemists.io/policies/security[Security]

== link:https://alchemists.io/policies/code_of_conduct[Code of Conduct]

== link:https://alchemists.io/policies/contributions[Contributions]

== link:https://alchemists.io/projects/sublime_text_kit/versions[Versions]

== link:https://alchemists.io/community[Community]

== Credits

* Built with link:https://alchemists.io/projects/gemsmith[Gemsmith].
* Engineered by link:https://alchemists.io/team/brooke_kuhlmann[Brooke Kuhlmann].