gem: fat_free_crm
osvdb: 101446
cve: 2013-7223
url: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2013-7223
title: Fat Free CRM Gem for Ruby contains multiple cross-site request forgery
  (CSRF) vulnerabilities
date: 2013-12-24
description: |
  Fat Free CRM contains a flaw as the application is missing the protect_from_forgery
  statement, therefore HTTP requests to app/controllers/application_controller.rb
  do not require multiple steps, explicit confirmation, or a unique token when
  performing certain sensitive actions. By tricking a user into following a specially
  crafted link, a context-dependent attacker can perform a Cross-Site Request Forgery
  (CSRF / XSRF) attack causing the victim to perform unspecified actions.
cvss_v2: 6.8
  - ">= 0.13.0"
  - "~> 0.12.1"