GemStone.saveScript('scripts/Statistics.js', function() { var $tabPanel ; GemStone.loadCSS('css/Statistics.css'); GemStone.runJsOnce('flot/jquery.flot.js', function() { GemStone.runJsOnce('flot/jquery.flot.stack.js', function() { GemStone.addTab({ id: 'newTab' , label: 'Statistics' , title: 'Work with Statmonitor files' , onAdd: onAdd }); }); }); return; function onAdd(tabPanel) { $tabPanel = tabPanel; $('.readFile').click(readFile); $('.refresh').click(refresh); refresh(); } function refresh() { GemStone.ajax('GET', 'Statistics', null, gotFiles); } function readFile() { $('#readStatmonDialog').dialog({ buttons: { Read: doRead } , modal: true , open: function() { $('#statmonPath').focus() } }); } function doRead() { var data = { path: $('#statmonPath').val() }; $(this).dialog('close'); GemStone.ajax('GET', 'Statistics/readFile', data, gotFiles); } function gotFiles(data) { GemStone.scroll($('.statmonFiles', $tabPanel)); var items = []; $('.statmonFiles tbody', $tabPanel).empty(); $('.statmonProcesses tbody', $tabPanel).empty(); $('.statmonProcesses', $tabPanel).addClass('hidden'); $('.statmonStats tbody', $tabPanel).empty(); $('.statmonStats', $tabPanel).addClass('hidden'); $.each(data['files'], function() { items.push(''); items.push('' + this['time'] + ''); items.push('' + this['platform'] + ''); items.push('' + this['gemStoneVersion'] + ''); items.push('' + this['machine'] + ''); items.push('' + this['path'] + ''); items.push(''); }); $('.statmonFiles tbody', $tabPanel).append(items.join(''));{ selector: $('.statmonFiles tbody tr', $tabPanel) , menu: statmonMenu }); $('.statmonFiles tbody tr', $tabPanel).click(showFile); $(window).resize(); // force resize to update column widths return; function statmonMenu(element) { return [ { title: 'Remove' , action: function() { remove($('td.path', element).text()); } } , { title: 'SPC Page Types' , action: function() { spcPageTypes($('td.path', element).text()); } } ]; } function remove(path) { $('div#removeStatmonDialog span.path').text(path); $('div#removeStatmonDialog').dialog({ buttons: { Remove: function() { doRemove(path, this); } , Cancel: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } } , modal: true }); } function spcPageTypes(path) { GemStone.ajax('GET', 'Statistics/spcPageTypes', { path: path }, gotStastic); } function doRemove(path, dialog) { var data = { path: path }; GemStone.ajax('GET', 'Statistics/removeFile', data, gotFiles); $(dialog).dialog('close'); } function showFile() { $('.statmonFiles tbody tr', $tabPanel).removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); var data = { path: $('.statmonFiles tbody tr.selected td.path', $tabPanel).text() // , filter: $('#statmonFilter option', $tabPanel) }; GemStone.ajax('GET', 'Statistics/processes', data, gotProcesses); } } function gotProcesses(data) { // console.log(data); GemStone.scroll($('.statmonProcesses', $tabPanel)); $('.statmonProcesses', $tabPanel).removeClass('hidden'); $('.statmonProcesses tbody', $tabPanel).empty(); $('.statmonStats tbody', $tabPanel).empty(); $('.statmonStats', $tabPanel).addClass('hidden'); /* $('#statmonFilter', $tabPanel).empty(); var items = ['']; $.each(data['statNames'], function() { items.push(''); }); $('#statmonFilter', $tabPanel).append(items.join('')); */ var items = []; $.each(data['processes'], function() { var time = this['start'] , prim = [] , crb = 0 < this['crb'] ? this['crb'] : '' ; $.each(this['prim'],function() { prim.push(this); }); items.push(''); items.push('' + time.substring(11, 16) + ''); items.push('' + this['count'] + ''); items.push('' + this['pid'] + ''); items.push('' + this['session'] + ''); items.push('' + this['type'] + ''); items.push('' + prim.join(',') + ''); items.push('' + crb + ''); items.push('' + this['name'] + ''); items.push(''); }); $('.statmonProcesses tbody', $tabPanel).append(items.join('')); $('.statmonProcesses tbody tr', $tabPanel).click(showProcess); $(window).resize(); // force resize to update column widths return; function showProcess() { $('.statmonProcesses tbody tr', $tabPanel).removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); var data = { path: $('.statmonFiles tbody tr.selected .path', $tabPanel).text() , processOop: }; GemStone.ajax('GET', 'Statistics/process', data, gotProcess); } } function gotProcess(data) { GemStone.scroll($('.statmonStats', $tabPanel)); var items = []; $('.statmonStats tbody', $tabPanel).empty(); $('.statmonStats', $tabPanel).removeClass('hidden'); $.each(data['statistics'], function() { var type = this['type'] , min = this['min'] , max = this['max'] , mean = this['mean'] , rate = this['rate'] , units = this['units'] , average , title; if (units == 'none') units = ''; if (type == 'counter') { min = max = ''; average = rate; title = rate; if (0 < average && average < 1) { var factor = Math.pow(10, Math.ceil(0 - Math.log(rate) / Math.LN10)); average = Math.round(average * factor) / factor; } else { average = Math.round(average); } if (average != 0 && units == 'milliseconds') { average = average / 10; // convert to percent var factor = Math.pow(10, Math.ceil(0 - Math.log(average) / Math.LN10)); average = (Math.round(average * factor) / factor) + '%'; title = title + ' ms/sec'; } else { average = average + '/sec'; if (average < 1) { title = Math.round(1 / average) + ' seconds between each'; } else { title = title + ' ' + units + '/sec'; } } } else { average = Math.round(mean); title = average + ' ' + units; } items.push(''); items.push('' + this['name'] + ''); items.push('' + min + ''); items.push('' + max + ''); items.push('' + average + ''); items.push(''); }); $('.statmonStats tbody', $tabPanel).append(items.join('')); $('.statmonStats tbody tr', $tabPanel).click(showStatistic); $('.statmonStats .tableBody', $tabPanel).scrollTop(0); $(window).resize(); // force resize to update column widths return; function showStatistic() { var data = { path: $('.statmonFiles tbody tr.selected .path', $tabPanel).text() , processOop: $('.statmonProcesses tbody tr.selected', $tabPanel).attr('id').substring(3) , statName: $('.name', this).text() }; GemStone.ajax('GET', 'Statistics/statistic', data, gotStastic); } } function gotStastic(data) { // console.log(data); var name = data['statName'] , id = name + data['processOop'] , flotData = data['flotData'] , options = data['options'] ; $('#tabs').append('
' + $('#statTemplate').html() + '
'); var $flotDiv = $('#' + id + ' .flot'); $flotDiv.bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) { if (item) { var point = item['datapoint'] , date = (new Date(point[0] + 28800000)).toString().substr(0,24) , value = point[1] ; $flotDiv.attr('title', value + ' at ' + date); } }); resize(); GemStone.addTab({ id: id , label: name , title: 'Graph of statistics' , onAdd: function(aPanel) { $(aPanel).resize(resize); } }); return; function resize() { $flotDiv .css('height', $flotDiv.parent().height() - 50) .css('width', $flotDiv.parent().width() - 50); $.plot($flotDiv, flotData, options); } } });