Feature: Change current working directory If you need to run some code in a different directory you can use the `cd` command. It comes in two flavors: \* First can simply use `cd 'some-dir'` \* Second can use the block notation `cd('some-dir') { Dir.getwd }` If you chose to use the latter one, the result of your block is returned. The current working directory is only changed for the code inside the block - it's use is side effect free. Background: Given I use a fixture named "cli-app" Scenario: Existing directory Given a file named "spec/cd_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'cd to directory', :type => :aruba do before(:each) do create_directory 'new_dir.d' cd 'new_dir.d' end before(:each) { run_simple 'pwd' } it { expect(last_command_started.output).to include 'new_dir.d' } end """ When I run `rspec` Then the specs should all pass Scenario: Non-Existing directory Given a file named "spec/cd_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'cd to directory', :type => :aruba do before(:each) { cd 'new_dir.d' } before(:each) { run_simple 'pwd' } it { expect(last_command_started.output).to include 'new_dir.d' } it { expect(last_command_started).to be_executed_in_time } end """ When I run `rspec` Then the specs should not pass Scenario: With block in it-block Given a file named "spec/cd_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'cd to directory', :type => :aruba do before(:each) do create_directory 'new_dir.d/subdir.d' end it do cd('new_dir.d/subdir.d') { expect(Dir.getwd).to include 'new_dir.d/subdir.d' } end end """ When I run `rspec` Then the specs should all pass Scenario: With block in before-block Running `cd` with a block does not change: \* The current directory - `Dir.getwd` \* Aruba's current directory Given a file named "spec/cd_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'cd to directory', :type => :aruba do before(:each) do create_directory 'new_dir.d/subdir.d' end before :each do cd('new_dir.d/subdir.d') do # you code end end it { expect(Dir.getwd).not_to include 'new_dir.d/subdir.d' } it { expect(expand_path('.')).not_to include 'new_dir.d/subdir.d' } end """ When I run `rspec` Then the specs should all pass Scenario: The result of the block is returned If you need to run some code in a different directory, you can also use the block-notation of `cd`. Given a file named "spec/cd_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'cd to directory', :type => :aruba do before(:each) do create_directory 'new_dir.d/subdir.d' end before :each do @my_output = cd('new_dir.d/subdir.d') { Dir.getwd } end it { expect(@my_output).to include 'new_dir.d/subdir.d' } end """ When I run `rspec` Then the specs should all pass Scenario: It changes the PWD- and OLDPWD-ENV-variable for a given block If you need to run some code in a different directory, you can also use the block-notation of `cd`. Given a file named "spec/cd_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'cd to directory', :type => :aruba do before(:each) do create_directory 'new_dir.d' end before :each do cd('new_dir.d/') do @pwd = ENV['PWD'] @oldpwd = ENV['OLDPWD'] end end it { expect(@pwd).to end_with 'new_dir.d' } it { expect(@oldpwd).to end_with 'cli-app' } end """ When I run `rspec` Then the specs should all pass Scenario: Nested cd calls If you need to run some code in a different directory, you can also use the block-notation of `cd`. Given a file named "spec/cd_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'cd to directory', :type => :aruba do before(:each) do create_directory 'new_dir.d/subdir.d' end before :each do cd('new_dir.d') do @oldpwd_1 = ENV['OLDPWD'] @pwd_1 = ENV['PWD'] cd('subdir.d') do @oldpwd_2 = ENV['OLDPWD'] @pwd_2 = ENV['PWD'] end end end it { expect(@oldpwd_1).to be_end_with 'cli-app' } it { expect(@pwd_1).to be_end_with 'new_dir.d' } it { expect(@oldpwd_2).to be_end_with 'new_dir.d' } it { expect(@pwd_2).to be_end_with 'subdir.d' } end """ When I run `rspec` Then the specs should all pass