require 'digest/md5' require 'socket' begin require 'dnssd' rescue LoadError end ## # ruby-growl allows you to perform Growl notifications from machines without # growl installed (for example, non-OSX machines). # # In version 4, the Growl class is a wrapper for Growl::UDP and Growl::GNTP. # The GNTP protocol allows setting icons for notifications and callbacks. To # upgrade from version 3 replace the notification names passed to initialize # with a call to #add_notification. # # Basic usage: # # require 'ruby-growl' # # g = "localhost", "ruby-growl" # g.add_notification "ruby-growl Notification" # g.notify "ruby-growl Notification", "It came from ruby-growl!", # "Greetings!" # # For GNTP users, ruby-growl ships with the Ruby icon from the {Ruby Visual # Identity Team}[]: # # require 'ruby-growl' # require 'ruby-growl/ruby_logo' # # g = "localhost", "ruby-growl" # g.add_notification("notification", "ruby-growl Notification", # Growl::RUBY_LOGO_PNG) # g.notify "notification", "It came from ruby-growl", "Greetings!" # # See Growl::UDP and Growl::GNTP for protocol-specific API. class Growl ## # ruby-growl version VERSION = '4.1' ## # Growl error base class class Error < RuntimeError end ## # Password for authenticating and encrypting requests. attr_accessor :password ## # List of hosts accessible via dnssd def self.list type raise 'you must gem install dnssd' unless Object.const_defined? :DNSSD require 'timeout' growls = [] begin Timeout.timeout 10 do DNSSD.browse! type do |reply| next unless reply.flags.add? growls << reply break unless reply.flags.more_coming? end end rescue Timeout::Error end hosts = [] growls.each do |growl| DNSSD.resolve! growl do |reply| hosts << break end end hosts.uniq end ## # Sends a notification using +options+ def self.notify options message = options[:message] unless message then puts "Type your message and hit ^D" if $stdin.tty? message = $ end notify_type = options[:notify_type] g = new options[:host], options[:name] g.add_notification notify_type, options[:name], options[:icon] g.password = options[:password] g.notify(notify_type, options[:title], message, options[:priority], options[:sticky]) end ## # Parses argv-style options from +ARGV+ into an options hash def self.process_args argv require 'optparse' options = { host: nil, icon: nil, list: false, message: nil, name: "ruby-growl", notify_type: "ruby-growl Notification", password: nil, priority: 0, sticky: false, title: "", } opts = do |o| o.program_name = File.basename $0 o.version = Growl::VERSION o.release = nil o.banner = <<-BANNER Usage: #{o.program_name} -H HOSTNAME [options] Where possible, growl is compatible with growlnotify's arguments. (Except for -p, use --priority) Synopsis: echo \"message\" | growl -H localhost growl -H localhost -m message BANNER o.separator "Options:" o.on("-H", "--host HOSTNAME", "Send notifications to HOSTNAME") do |val| options[:host] = val end o.on("-i", "--icon [ICON]", "Icon url") do |val| options[:icon] = URI(val) end o.on("-n", "--name [NAME]", "Sending application name", "(Defaults to \"ruby-growl\")") do |val| options[:name] = val end o.on("-y", "--type [TYPE]", "Notification type", "(Defauts to \"Ruby Growl Notification\")") do |val| options[:notify_type] = val end o.on("-t", "--title [TITLE]", "Notification title") do |val| options[:title] = val end o.on("-m", "--message [MESSAGE]", "Send this message instead of reading STDIN") do |val| options[:message] = val end # HACK -p -1 raises o.on("--priority [PRIORITY]", Integer, "Notification priority", "Priority can be between -2 and 2") do |val| options[:priority] = val end o.on("-s", "--[no-]sticky", "Make the notification sticky") do |val| options[:sticky] = val end o.on("-P", "--password [PASSWORD]", "Growl UDP Password") do |val| options[:password] = val end o.on("--list", "List growl hosts using dnssd") do |val| options[:list] = true end end opts.parse! argv abort opts.to_s unless options[:host] or options[:list] options end ## # Command-line interface def argv = ARGV options = process_args argv if options[:list] then begin puts 'Growl GNTP hosts:' puts list '_gntp._tcp' puts puts 'Growl UDP hosts:' puts list '_growl._tcp' rescue => e raise unless e.message =~ /gem install dnssd/ abort "#{e.message} to use --list" end return end notify options end ## # Creates a new growl basic notifier for +host+ and +application_name+. # # +growl_type+ is used to specify the type of growl server to connect to. # The following values are allowed: # # nil:: # Automatically determine the growl type. If a GNTP server is not found # then ruby-growl chooses UDP. # 'GNTP':: # Use GNTP connections. GNTP is supported by Growl 1.3 and newer and by # Growl for Windows. # 'UDP':: # Uses the UDP growl protocol. UDP growl is supported by Growl 1.2 and # older. # # You can use growl --list to see growl servers on your local # network. def initialize host, application_name, growl_type = nil @host = host @application_name = application_name @notifications = {} @password = nil @growl_type = choose_implementation growl_type end ## # Adds a notification named +name+ to the basic notifier. For GNTP servers # you may specify a +display_name+ and +icon+ and set the default +enabled+ # status. def add_notification name, display_name = nil, icon = nil, enabled = true @notifications[name] = display_name, icon, enabled end def choose_implementation type # :nodoc: raise ArgumentError, "type must be \"GNTP\", \"UDP\" or nil; was #{type.inspect}" unless ['GNTP', 'UDP', nil].include? type return type if type @host, Growl::GNTP::PORT do end 'GNTP' rescue SystemCallError 'UDP' end ## # Sends a notification of type +name+ with the given +title+, +message+, # +priority+ and +sticky+ settings. def notify name, title, message, priority = 0, sticky = false, icon = nil case @growl_type when 'GNTP' then notify_gntp name, title, message, priority, sticky, icon when 'UDP' then notify_udp name, title, message, priority, sticky else raise Growl::Error, "bug, unknown growl type #{@growl_type.inspect}" end self end def notify_gntp name, title, message, priority, sticky, icon = nil # :nodoc: growl = @host, @application_name growl.password = @password @notifications.each do |notification_name, details| growl.add_notification notification_name, *details end growl.register growl.notify name, title, message, priority, sticky end def notify_udp name, title, message, priority, sticky # :nodoc: all_notifications = @notifications.keys default_notifications = do |notification_name, (_, _, enabled)| enabled do |notification_name,| notification_name end growl =, @application_name, all_notifications, default_notifications, @password) growl.notify name, title, message, priority, sticky end end require 'ruby-growl/gntp' require 'ruby-growl/udp'