module Geokit class LatLng include Mappable attr_accessor :lat, :lng # Provide users with the ability to use :latitude and :longitude # to access the lat/lng instance variables. # Alias the attr_accessor :lat to :latitude alias_method :latitude, :lat alias_method :latitude=, :lat= # Alias the attr_accessor :lng to :longitude alias_method :longitude, :lng alias_method :longitude=, :lng= # Accepts latitude and longitude or instantiates an empty instance # if lat and lng are not provided. Converted to floats if provided def initialize(lat = nil, lng = nil) lat = lat.to_f if lat && !lat.is_a?(Numeric) lng = lng.to_f if lng && !lng.is_a?(Numeric) @lat = lat @lng = lng end def self.from_json(json) new(json['lat'], json['lng']) end # Latitude attribute setter; stored as a float. def lat=(lat) @lat = lat.to_f if lat end # Longitude attribute setter; stored as a float; def lng=(lng) @lng = lng.to_f if lng end # Returns the lat and lng attributes as a comma-separated string. def ll "#{lat},#{lng}" end # returns latitude as [ degree, minute, second ] array def lat_dms self.class.decimal_to_dms(lat) end # returns longitude as [ degree, minute, second ] array def lng_dms self.class.decimal_to_dms(lng) end # returns a string with comma-separated lat,lng values def to_s ll end # returns a two-element array def to_a [lat, lng] end # Returns true if the candidate object is logically equal. Logical # equivalence is true if the lat and lng attributes are the same for both # objects. def ==(other) return false unless other.is_a?(LatLng) lat == && lng == other.lng end def hash lat.hash + lng.hash end def eql?(other) self == other end # Returns true if both lat and lng attributes are defined def valid? lat && lng end # A *class* method to take anything which can be inferred as a point and # generate a LatLng from it. You should use this anything you're not sure # what the input is, and want to deal with it as a LatLng if at all # possible. Can take: # 1) two arguments (lat,lng) # 2) a string in the format "37.1234,-129.1234" or "37.1234 -129.1234" # 3) a string which can be geocoded on the fly # 4) an array in the format [37.1234,-129.1234] # 5) a LatLng or GeoLoc (which is just passed through as-is) # 6) anything responding to to_lat_lng -- a LatLng will be extracted from # it def self.normalize(thing, other = nil) return, other) if other case thing when String from_string(thing) when Array thing.size == 2 or raise(ArgumentError, 'Must initialize with an Array with both latitude and longitude')[0], thing[1]) when LatLng # will also be true for GeoLocs thing else if thing.respond_to? :to_lat_lng thing.to_lat_lng else raise(ArgumentError, "#{thing} (#{thing.class}) cannot be normalized to a LatLng. " \ 'We tried interpreting it as an array, string, etc., but no dice.') end end end def self.from_string(thing) thing = thing.strip match = thing.match(/(\-?\d+\.?\d*)[, ] ?(\-?\d+\.?\d*)$/) if match[1], match[2]) else res = Geokit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.geocode(thing) return res if res.success? raise Geokit::Geocoders::GeocodeError end end # Reverse geocodes a LatLng object using the MultiGeocoder (default), or # optionally using a geocoder of your choosing. Returns a new Geokit::GeoLoc # object # # ==== Options # * :using - Specifies the geocoder to use for reverse geocoding. Defaults # to MultiGeocoder. Can be either the geocoder class (or any # class that implements do_reverse_geocode for that matter), or # the name of the class without the "Geocoder" part # (e.g. :google) # # ==== Examples #, 7.0166848).reverse_geocode # => #<Geokit::GeoLoc:0x12dac20 @state...> #, 7.0166848).reverse_geocode(:using => :google) # => #<Geokit::GeoLoc:0x12dac20 @state...> #, 7.0166848).reverse_geocode(:using => # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder) # => #<Geokit::GeoLoc:0x12dac20 @state...> def reverse_geocode(options = {using: Geokit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder}) if options[:using].is_a?(String) || options[:using].is_a?(Symbol) class_name = "#{Geokit::Inflector.camelize(options[:using].to_s)}Geocoder" provider = Geokit::Geocoders.const_get(class_name) elsif options[:using].respond_to?(:do_reverse_geocode) provider = options[:using] else raise"#{options[:using]} is not a valid geocoder.") end provider.send(:reverse_geocode, self) end end end