require 'spec_helper' describe OpenStudio::Weather::Epw do before :all do @s = expect(@s).to be_a OpenStudio::Analysis::SupportFiles end it 'should process the header of a weather file' do epw = OpenStudio::Weather::Epw.load('spec/files/partial_weather.epw') expect(epw.valid?).to be true expect( eq 'Denver Intl Ap' expect(epw.state).to eq 'CO' expect( eq 'USA' expect(epw.data_type).to eq 'TMY3' expect(epw.wmo).to eq 725650 expect( eq 39.83 expect(epw.lon).to eq -104.65 expect(epw.gmt).to eq -7.0 expect(epw.elevation).to eq 1650.0 expect(epw.header_data.size).to eq 7 expect(epw.weather_data.size).to eq 24 end it 'should read and write the weather file' do o = 'spec/files/partial_weather.epw' epw = OpenStudio::Weather::Epw.load(o) f = 'spec/files/export/weather/weather_out.epw' File.delete(f) if File.exist? f expect(epw.save_as(f)).to eq true expect(File.exist?(f)).to eq true expect(File.size(o)).to eq File.size(f) end it 'should append weather data' do o = 'spec/files/partial_weather.epw' epw = OpenStudio::Weather::Epw.load(o) epw.append_weather_data(o) f = 'spec/files/export/weather/weather_out_appended.epw' epw.save_as(f) end end