//= require mxit_rails/jquery-1.8.0.min //= require mxit_rails/jquery.cookie //= require mxit_rails/jquery.history Emulator = (function() { // history.js setup var History = window.History; // Note: We are using a capital H instead of a lower h History.Adapter.bind(window,'statechange',function(){ // Note: We are using statechange instead of popstate var State = History.getState(); // Note: We are using History.getState() instead of event.state if (State.data.url) Emulator.setUrl(State.data.url); }); var keys = { BACKSPACE: 8, ENTER: 13, ESCAPE: 27, SPACE: 32, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40, ZERO: 48, NINE: 57, A: 65, Z: 90 }; return { activeLink: 0, setCookie: function() { // Create cookies. Use only lowercase cookie names - the server expects this (case insensitivity seems dodgy) $.cookie('x-mxit-login', localStorage.getItem('mxit-login'), {path: '/'}); $.cookie('x-mxit-userid-r', localStorage.getItem('mxit-id'), {path: '/'}); $.cookie('x-mxit-nick', localStorage.getItem('mxit-nick'), {path: '/'}); $.cookie('x-mxit-device-info', localStorage.getItem('mxit-distribution-code') + ',' + localStorage.getItem('mxit-msisdn'), {path: '/'}); if (MXIT_PATH && (MXIT_PATH != '')) Emulator.setUrl(MXIT_PATH); else Emulator.home(); }, clearCookie: function() { // Create cookies. Use only lowercase cookie names - the server expects this (case insensitivity seems dodgy) $.cookie('x-mxit-login', null, {path: '/'}); $.cookie('x-mxit-userid-r', null, {path: '/'}); $.cookie('x-mxit-nick', null, {path: '/'}); $.cookie('x-mxit-device-info', null, {path: '/'}); if (MXIT_PATH && (MXIT_PATH != '')) Emulator.setUrl(MXIT_PATH); else Emulator.home(); }, home: function() { Emulator.setUrl(MXIT_ROOT); }, getUrl: function() { if (typeof($('#center').attr('src')) != 'undefined') { var url = Emulator.iframe().location.pathname; if (Emulator.iframe().location.search) url += Emulator.iframe().location.search; return url; } return null; }, setUrl: function(path) { if (Emulator.getUrl() == path) return; var url = path; if (url[0] != '/') url = '/' + url; $('#center').attr('src', url); }, editCredentials: function() { $('#center').hide(); $('#inputs').show(); values = ['id', 'login', 'nick', 'distribution-code', 'msisdn']; for (var i in values) { var str = values[i]; var value = localStorage.getItem('mxit-' + str); $('#mxit-' + str + '-input').val(value); } }, saveCredentials: function() { values = ['id', 'login', 'nick', 'distribution-code', 'msisdn']; for (var i in values) { var str = values[i]; localStorage.setItem('mxit-' + str, $('#mxit-' + str + '-input').val()); } $('#inputs').hide(); $('#center').show(); Emulator.setCredentials(); }, setCredentials: function() { Emulator.setCookie(); $('#registered').show(); $('#not-registered').hide(); if (localStorage.getItem('mxit-login')) { $('#mxit-login-id-label').html('Login'); $('#mxit-login-id').html(localStorage.getItem('mxit-login')); } else if (localStorage.getItem('mxit-id')) { $('#mxit-login-id-label').html('ID'); $('#mxit-login-id').html(localStorage.getItem('mxit-id')); } else { $('#not-registered').show(); $('#registered').hide(); } }, iframe: function() { return $('#center')[0].contentWindow; }, iframeElement: function(queryString) { return $(queryString, Emulator.iframe().document); }, collapse: function() { $('body').removeClass('collapse'); }, expand: function() { $('body').addClass('collapse'); }, expandCollapse: function(val) { if (val) { if (val == 'expand') localStorage.setItem('expanded', true); else localStorage.removeItem('expanded'); } var expanded = localStorage.getItem('expanded'); if (expanded) { Emulator.expand(); } else { Emulator.collapse(); } }, refresh: function() { Emulator.iframe().location.reload(); }, updateIframe: function() { var newPath = Emulator.getUrl(); if (newPath) { History.pushState({url: newPath}, '', '/emulator' + newPath); } Emulator.iframeElement('body').addClass('emulator'); Emulator.iframeElement('body').on('keydown', $.proxy(Emulator, 'key')); if (this.hasInput()) { $('#phone-input').attr('disabled', false); this.activeLink = this.numLinks(); } else { $('#phone-input').attr('disabled', 'disabled').blur(); this.activeLink = 0; } this.focusLink(); // Look for Rails default stacktrace and expand if it's there. Otherwise use the localstorage expanded setting if ((Emulator.iframeElement('#env_dump').length > 0) && (Emulator.iframeElement('#session_dump').length > 0)) { Emulator.expand(); } else { Emulator.expandCollapse(); } }, key: function(e) { if ((e.keyCode == keys.UP) || (e.keyCode == keys.DOWN)) { if (e.keyCode == keys.UP) { this.activeLink--; } else { this.activeLink++ } this.focusLink(); } }, hasInput: function() { return Emulator.iframeElement('form').length > 0; }, numLinks: function() { return Emulator.iframeElement('a').length; }, focusLink: function() { var num = this.numLinks(); var max = this.hasInput() ? num : num - 1; if (this.activeLink < 0) this.activeLink = max; if (this.activeLink > max) this.activeLink = 0; if (this.activeLink == num) { this.focusInput(); } else { $(Emulator.iframeElement('a')[this.activeLink]).focus(); } }, focusInput: function() { if (this.hasInput()) { $('#phone-input').attr('disabled', false).focus(); } else { $('#phone-input').attr('disabled', 'disabled').blur(); } }, submit: function(e) { if (e.charCode == keys.ENTER) { if (Emulator.iframeElement('form').length > 0) { Emulator.iframeElement('input[type=text]').val($('#phone-input').val()); Emulator.iframeElement('input[type=submit]').click(); $('#phone-input').val(''); } } }, } })(); $(function() { Emulator.setCredentials(); Emulator.expandCollapse(); $('body').on('keydown', $.proxy(Emulator, 'key')); $('#phone-input').on('keypress', $.proxy(Emulator, 'submit')) });