module Rabl class Builder # Constructs a new ejs hash based on given object and options def initialize(object, options, &block) @_object = object @_result = {} @options = options end # Returns a hash representation of the data object # to_hash(:root => true) def to_hash(options={}) # Attributes @options[:attributes].each_pair do |attribute, name| attribute(attribute, :as => name) end if @options.has_key?(:attributes) # Code @options[:code].each_pair do |name, settings| code(name, settings[:options], &settings[:block]) end if @options.has_key?(:code) # Children @options[:child].each do |settings| child(settings[:data], settings[:options], &settings[:block]) end if @options.has_key?(:child) # Glues @options[:glue].each do |settings| glue(settings[:data], &settings[:block]) end if @options.has_key?(:glue) # Extends @options[:extends].each do |settings| extends(settings[:file], settings[:options], &settings[:block]) end if @options.has_key?(:extends) @_root_name ||= @_object.class.model_name.element (@options[:root] || options[:root]) ? { @_root_name => @_result } : @_result end # Indicates an attribute or method should be included in the json output # attribute :foo, :as => "bar" # attribute :foo => :bar def attribute(*args) if args.first.is_a?(Hash) args.first.each_pair { |k,v| self.attribute(k, :as => v) } else # array of attributes options = args.extract_options! args.each do |attribute| @_result[options[:as] || attribute] = @_object.try(attribute) if @_object.respond_to?(attribute) end end end alias_method :attributes, :attribute # Creates an arbitrary code node that is included in the json output # node(:foo) { "bar" } # code(:foo) { "bar" } # code(:foo, :if => lambda { |m| }) { "bar" } def code(name, options={}, &block) @_result[name] = if resolve_condition(options) end alias_method :node, :code # Creates a child node that is included in json output # child(@user) { attribute :full_name } # child(@user => :person) { ... } def child(data, options={}, &block) return false unless data.present? name, object = data_name(data), data_object(data) @_result[name] = self.object_to_hash(object, &block) end # Glues data from a child node to the json_output # glue(@user) { attribute :full_name => :user_full_name } def glue(data, &block) return false unless data.present? object = data_object(data) glued_attributes = self.object_to_hash(object, &block) @_result.merge!(glued_attributes) end # Extends an existing rabl template with additional attributes in the block # extends("users/show") { attribute :full_name } def extends(file, options={}, &block) options = options.merge(:object => @_object) result = @options[:engine].partial(file, options, &block) @_result.merge!(result) end protected # Returns a hash based representation of any data object given ejs template block # object_to_hash(@user) { attribute :full_name } => { ... } def object_to_hash(object, source=nil, &block) @options[:engine].object_to_hash(object, source, &block) end # data_object(data) => # data_object(@user => :person) => @user # data_object(:user => :person) => @_object.send(:user) def data_object(data) data = (data.is_a?(Hash) && ? data.keys.first : data data.is_a?(Symbol) ? @_object.send(data) : data end # data_name(data) => "user" # data_name(@user => :person) => :person # data_name(@users) => :user def data_name(data) return data.values.first if data.is_a?(Hash) return data.first.class.model_name.element.pluralize if data.respond_to?(:first) && data.first.respond_to?(:valid?) data.class.model_name.element end # resolve_condition(:if => true) => true # resolve_condition(:if => lambda { |m| false }) => false # resolve_condition(:unless => lambda { |m| true }) => true def resolve_condition(options) return true if options[:if].nil? && options[:unless].nil? result = options[:if] == true || (options[:if].respond_to?(:call) && options[:if].call(@_object)) if options.has_key?(:if) result = options[:unless] == false || (options[:unless].respond_to?(:call) && !options[:unless].call(@_object)) if options.has_key?(:unless) result end end end