require 'RMagick' require 'smklib/array_ext' class Builder::XmlMarkup # Builder Transaction ... class AbortTransaction < ::RuntimeError; end def transaction!(&block) old_target = @target @target = '' begin yield @target = old_target + @target rescue AbortTransaction => e @target = old_target end end def ignore_abort!(val = true) @ignore_abort = val end def abort! raise AbortTransaction, "abort" unless @ignore_abort end # Build Extensions ... class << self attr_accessor :environment end def get_ua env = ENV env = Builder::XmlMarkup.environment if Builder::XmlMarkup.environment env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] end def tight_table(options = {}) table({ "cellspacing" => 0, "cellpadding" => 0, "border" => 0 }.merge(options)) { yield } end #cells is an array of objects that respond to to_s def table_row(cells, tr_options = {}, td_options = {}) tr(tr_options) { cells.each_with_index { |i,k| td(td_options[k] || {}) { self << i.to_s } } } end def sortable_column_header(label, link, options = {}) #th({"x" => "y"}.merge(options)) do th(options) do if !label.empty? a("href" => link) { self << " #{label} " } else self << " " end end end def real_filename(filename) if defined?(RAILS_ROOT) RAILS_ROOT + "/public/" + filename else filename end end def get_img_size(filename) im = return [im.columns, im.rows] end def img(options = {}) if get_ua =~ /MSIE 6.*Windows/ if options[:src] =~ /\.png$/ options[:style] = "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='#{options[:src]}', sizingMethod='scale');" + options[:style].to_s options[:width], options[:height] = get_img_size(options[:src]) unless options[:width] && options[:height] options[:src] = '/images/spacer.gif' end end if block_given? method_missing(:img, options, yield) else method_missing(:img, options) end end def nbsp(count=1) self << (1..count).collect{ " " }.join end def ob2(ob, *extra, &block) # yes this is kind of ugly but makes this a soft dependancy on OdlumBox2 ob = Class.const_get('OdlumBox2').new(ob) if ob.kind_of? Hash div(*extra) do ob.render(self) { |xml| yield } end end end