# Base `Class` for all private credentials. A private credential is any credential that should not be publicly # disclosed, such as a {Metasploit::Credential::Password password}, password hash, or key file. # # Uses Single Table Inheritance to store subclass name in {#type} per Rails convention. class Metasploit::Credential::Private < ActiveRecord::Base include Metasploit::Model::Search # # Associations # # @!attribute cores # The {Metasploit::Credential::Core core credentials} that combine this private credential with its # {Metasploit::Credential::Public public credential} and/or {Metasploit::Credential::Realm realm}. # # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] has_many :cores, class_name: 'Metasploit::Credential::Core', dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :private # # Attributes # # @!attribute created_at # When this private credential was created. # # @return [DateTime] # @!attribute data # The private data for this credential. The semantic meaning of this data varies based on subclass. # # @return [String] # @!attribute id # The id of this private credential in the database. {#id} sequence is shared across all subclass {#type}s, so # {#id} alone acts as a primary key without the need for a compound primary key (id, type). # # @return [Integer] if saved to database. # @return [nil] if not saved to database. # @!attribute type # The name of the `Class`. Used to instantiate the correct subclass when retrieving records from the database. # # @return [String] # @!attribute updated_at # The last time this private credential was updated. # # @return [DateTime] # # Mass Assignment Security # attr_accessible :data # # # Search # # # # Search Attributes # search_attribute :data, type: :string # # Search Withs # search_with Metasploit::Credential::Search::Operator::Type, class_names: %w{ Metasploit::Credential::NonreplayableHash Metasploit::Credential::NTLMHash Metasploit::Credential::Password Metasploit::Credential::SSHKey } # # Validations # validates :data, non_nil: true, uniqueness: { scope: :type } # # Instance Methods # # A string suitable for displaying to the user # # @return [String] def to_s data.to_s end Metasploit::Concern.run(self) end