class BigbluebuttonRecording < ActiveRecord::Base include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection belongs_to :server, :class_name => 'BigbluebuttonServer' belongs_to :room, :class_name => 'BigbluebuttonRoom' belongs_to :meeting, :class_name => 'BigbluebuttonMeeting' validates :server, :presence => true validates :recordid, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true has_many :metadata, :class_name => 'BigbluebuttonMetadata', :as => :owner, :dependent => :destroy has_many :playback_formats, :class_name => 'BigbluebuttonPlaybackFormat', :foreign_key => 'recording_id', :dependent => :destroy scope :published, -> { where(:published => true) } def to_param self.recordid end def default_playback_format playback_formats.joins(:playback_type) .where("bigbluebutton_playback_types.default = ?", true).first end # Syncs the recordings in the db with the array of recordings in 'recordings', # as received from BigBlueButtonApi#get_recordings. # Will add new recordings that are not in the db yet and update the ones that # already are (matching by 'recordid'). Will NOT delete recordings from the db # if they are not in the array but instead mark them as unavailable. # 'server' is the BigbluebuttonServer object from which the recordings # were fetched. # # TODO: catch exceptions on creating/updating recordings def self.sync(server, recordings, full_sync=false) recordings.each do |rec| rec_obj = BigbluebuttonRecording.find_by_recordid(rec[:recordID]) rec_data = adapt_recording_hash(rec) BigbluebuttonRecording.transaction do if rec_obj "Sync recordings: updating recording #{rec_obj.inspect}" logger.debug "Sync recordings: recording data #{rec_data.inspect}" self.update_recording(server, rec_obj, rec_data) else "Sync recordings: creating recording" logger.debug "Sync recordings: recording data #{rec_data.inspect}" self.create_recording(server, rec_data) end end end # set as unavailable the recordings that are not in 'recordings', but # only in a full synchronization process, which means that the recordings # in `recordings` are *all* available in `server`, not a subset. if full_sync recordIDs ={ |rec| rec[:recordID] } if recordIDs.length <= 0 # empty response BigbluebuttonRecording. where(available: true, server: server). update_all(available: false) else BigbluebuttonRecording. where(available: true, server: server). where.not(recordid: recordIDs). update_all(available: false) end end end protected # Adapt keys in 'hash' from bigbluebutton-api-ruby's (the way they are returned by # BigBlueButton's API) format to ours (more rails-like). def self.adapt_recording_hash(hash) new_hash = hash.clone mappings = { :recordID => :recordid, :meetingID => :meetingid, :startTime => :start_time, :endTime => :end_time } new_hash.keys.each { |k| new_hash[ mappings[k] ] = new_hash.delete(k) if mappings[k] } new_hash end # Updates the BigbluebuttonRecording 'recording' with the data in the hash 'data'. # The format expected for 'data' follows the format returned by # BigBlueButtonApi#get_recordings but with the keys already converted to our format. def self.update_recording(server, recording, data) recording.server = server = BigbluebuttonRails.match_room_recording(data) recording.attributes = data.slice(:meetingid, :name, :published, :start_time, :end_time, :size) recording.available = true! sync_additional_data(recording, data) end # Creates a new BigbluebuttonRecording with the data from 'data'. # The format expected for 'data' follows the format returned by # BigBlueButtonApi#get_recordings but with the keys already converted to our format. def self.create_recording(server, data) filtered = data.slice(:recordid, :meetingid, :name, :published, :start_time, :end_time, :size) recording = BigbluebuttonRecording.create(filtered) recording.available = true = BigbluebuttonRails.match_room_recording(data) recording.server = server recording.description = I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.recordings.default.description', :time => recording.start_time.utc.to_formatted_s(:long)) recording.meeting = BigbluebuttonRecording.find_matching_meeting(recording)! sync_additional_data(recording, data) end # Syncs data that's not directly stored in the recording itself but in # associated models (e.g. metadata and playback formats). # The format expected for 'data' follows the format returned by # BigBlueButtonApi#get_recordings but with the keys already converted to our format. def self.sync_additional_data(recording, data) sync_metadata(recording, data[:metadata]) if data[:metadata] if data[:playback] and data[:playback][:format] sync_playback_formats(recording, data[:playback][:format]) end end # Syncs the metadata objects of 'recording' with the data in 'metadata'. # The format expected for 'metadata' follows the format returned by # BigBlueButtonApi#get_recordings but with the keys already converted to our format. def self.sync_metadata(recording, metadata) # keys are stored as strings in the db received_metadata = metadata.clone.stringify_keys query = { :owner_id =>, :owner_type => recording.class.to_s } BigbluebuttonMetadata.where(query).each do |meta_db| # the metadata in the db is also in the received data, update it in the db if received_metadata.has_key?( meta_db.update_attributes({ :content => received_metadata[] }) received_metadata.delete( # the metadata is not in the received data, remove from the db else meta_db.destroy end end # for metadata that are not in the db yet received_metadata.each do |name, content| attrs = { :name => name, :content => content, } meta = BigbluebuttonMetadata.create(attrs) meta.owner = recording! end end # Syncs the playback formats objects of 'recording' with the data in 'formats'. # The format expected for 'formats' follows the format returned by # BigBlueButtonApi#get_recordings but with the keys already converted to our format. def self.sync_playback_formats(recording, formats) formats_copy = formats.clone # make it an array if it's a hash with a single format formats_copy = [formats_copy] if formats_copy.is_a?(Hash) BigbluebuttonPlaybackFormat.where(recording_id: do |format_db| format = do |d| !d[:type].blank? && d[:type] == format_db.format_type end.first # the format exists in the hash, update it in the db if format format_db.update_attributes({ url: format[:url], length: format[:length] }) formats_copy.delete(format) # the format is not in the hash, remove from the db else format_db.destroy end end # create the formats that are not in the db yet formats_copy.each do |format| unless format[:type].blank? playback_type = BigbluebuttonPlaybackType.find_by_identifier(format[:type]) if playback_type.nil? attrs = { identifier: format[:type], visible: true } playback_type = BigbluebuttonPlaybackType.create!(attrs) end attrs = { recording_id:, url: format[:url], length: format[:length].to_i, playback_type_id: } BigbluebuttonPlaybackFormat.create!(attrs) end end cleanup_playback_types end # Remove the unused playback types from the list. def self.cleanup_playback_types ids = BigbluebuttonPlaybackFormat.uniq.pluck(:playback_type_id) BigbluebuttonPlaybackType.destroy_all(['id NOT IN (?)', ids]) end # Finds the BigbluebuttonMeeting that generated this recording. The meeting is searched using # the room associated with this recording and the create time of the meeting, taken from # the recording's ID. def self.find_matching_meeting(recording) meeting = nil unless recording.nil? or # recordid is something like: 'dd2816950ce2f1e0a928c1a5b8d5b526e9b3e32c-1381978014526' # the create time of the meeting is the timestamp at the end start_time = recording.recordid.match(/-(\d*)$/) unless start_time.nil? start_time = start_time[1] start_time = meeting = BigbluebuttonMeeting.where(:room_id =>, :start_time => start_time).last "Recording: meeting found for the recording #{recording.inspect}: #{meeting.inspect}" end end meeting end end