#!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' module MCollective module RPC describe Client do before do @coreclient = mock @discoverer = mock ddl = DDL.new("foo", "agent", false) ddl.action("rspec", :description => "mock agent") ddl.stubs(:meta).returns({:timeout => 2}) DDL.stubs(:new).returns(ddl) @discoverer.stubs(:force_direct_mode?).returns(false) @discoverer.stubs(:discovery_method).returns("mc") @discoverer.stubs(:force_discovery_method_by_filter).returns(false) @discoverer.stubs(:discovery_timeout).returns(2) @discoverer.stubs(:ddl).returns(ddl) @coreclient.stubs("options=") @coreclient.stubs(:collective).returns("mcollective") @coreclient.stubs(:timeout_for_compound_filter).returns(0) @coreclient.stubs(:discoverer).returns(@discoverer) Config.instance.stubs(:loadconfig).with("/nonexisting").returns(true) Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(true) Config.instance.stubs(:collectives).returns(["mcollective", "rspec"]) MCollective::Client.stubs(:new).returns(@coreclient) @stderr = StringIO.new @stdout = StringIO.new @client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) @client.stubs(:ddl).returns(ddl) end describe "#initialize" do it "should fail for missing DDLs" do DDL.stubs(:new).raises("DDL failure") expect { Client.new("foo", {:options => {:config => "/nonexisting"}}) }.to raise_error("DDL failure") end it "should set a empty filter when none is supplied" do filter = Util.empty_filter Util.expects(:empty_filter).once.returns(filter) Client.new("foo", :options => {:config => "/nonexisting"}) end it "should default the discovery_timeout to nil" do c = Client.new("rspec", :options => {:config => "/nonexisting"}) c.instance_variable_get("@discovery_timeout").should == nil end it "should accept a supplied discovery_timeout" do c = Client.new("rspec", :options => {:config => "/nonexisting", :disctimeout => 10}) c.instance_variable_get("@discovery_timeout").should == 10 end end describe "#validate_request" do it "should fail when a DDL isn't present" do @client.instance_variable_set("@ddl", nil) expect { @client.validate_request("rspec", {}) }.to raise_error("No DDL found for agent foo cannot validate inputs") end it "should validate the input arguments" do @client.ddl.expects(:set_default_input_arguments).with("rspec", {}) @client.ddl.expects(:validate_rpc_request).with("rspec", {}) @client.validate_request("rspec", {}) end end describe "#process_results_with_block" do it "should inform the stats object correctly for passed requests" do response = {:senderid => "rspec", :body => {:statuscode => 0}} @client.stubs(:rpc_result_from_reply).with("foo", "rspec", response) @client.stats.expects(:ok) @client.stats.expects(:node_responded).with("rspec") @client.stats.expects(:time_block_execution).with(:start) @client.stats.expects(:time_block_execution).with(:end) @client.expects(:aggregate_reply).returns("aggregate stub") blk = Proc.new {} @client.process_results_with_block("rspec", response, blk, "").should == "aggregate stub" end it "should inform the stats object correctly for failed requests" do @client.stats.expects(:fail) @client.stats.expects(:node_responded).with("rspec") response = {:senderid => "rspec", :body => {:statuscode => 1}} blk = Proc.new {} @client.stubs(:rpc_result_from_reply).with("foo", "rspec", response) @client.process_results_with_block("rspec", response, blk, nil) end it "should raise correct exceptions on failure" do blk = Proc.new {} @client.stubs(:rpc_result_from_reply) [[2, UnknownRPCAction], [3, MissingRPCData], [4, InvalidRPCData], [5, UnknownRPCError]].each do |err| response = {:senderid => "rspec", :body => {:statuscode => err[0]}} expect { @client.process_results_with_block("rspec", response, blk, nil) }.to raise_error(err[1]) end end it "should pass raw results for single arity blocks" do response = {:senderid => "rspec", :body => {:statuscode => 1}} blk = Proc.new {|r| r.should == response} @client.stubs(:rpc_result_from_reply).with("foo", "rspec", response) @client.process_results_with_block("rspec", response, blk, nil) end it "should pass raw and rpc style results for 2 arity blocks" do response = {:senderid => "rspec", :body => {:statuscode => 1}} blk = Proc.new do |r, s| r.should == response s.should.class == RPC::Result end @client.process_results_with_block("rspec", response, blk, nil) end end describe "#process_results_without_block" do it "should inform the stats object correctly for passed requests" do response = {:senderid => "rspec", :body => {:statuscode => 0}} @client.stubs(:rpc_result_from_reply).with("foo", "rspec", response) @client.stats.expects(:ok) @client.stats.expects(:node_responded).with("rspec") @client.process_results_without_block(response, "rspec", nil) end it "should inform the stats object correctly for failed requests" do @client.stats.expects(:fail).twice @client.stats.expects(:node_responded).with("rspec").twice response = {:senderid => "rspec", :body => {:statuscode => 1}} @client.stubs(:rpc_result_from_reply).with("foo", "rspec", response) @client.process_results_without_block(response, "rspec", nil) response = {:senderid => "rspec", :body => {:statuscode => 3}} @client.stubs(:rpc_result_from_reply).with("foo", "rspec", response) @client.process_results_without_block(response, "rspec", nil) end it "should return the result and the aggregate" do @client.expects(:aggregate_reply).returns("aggregate stub") response = {:senderid => "rspec", :body => {:statuscode => 0}} result = @client.rpc_result_from_reply("foo", "rspec", response) @client.stubs(:rpc_result_from_reply).with("foo", "rspec", response).returns(result) @client.process_results_without_block(response, "rspec", "").should == [result, "aggregate stub"] end end describe "#load_aggregate_functions" do it "should not load if the ddl is not set" do @client.load_aggregate_functions("rspec", nil).should == nil end it "should create the aggregate for the right action" do @client.ddl.expects(:action_interface).with("rspec").returns({:aggregate => []}).twice Aggregate.expects(:new).with(:aggregate => []).returns("rspec aggregate") @client.load_aggregate_functions("rspec", @client.ddl).should == "rspec aggregate" end it "should log and return nil on failure" do @client.ddl.expects(:action_interface).raises("rspec") Log.expects(:error).with(regexp_matches(/Failed to load aggregate/)) @client.load_aggregate_functions("rspec", @client.ddl) end end describe "#aggregate_reply" do it "should not call anything if the aggregate isnt set" do @client.aggregate_reply(nil, nil).should == nil end it "should call the aggregate functions with the right data" do result = @client.rpc_result_from_reply("rspec", "rspec", {:body => {:data => "rspec"}}) aggregate = mock aggregate.expects(:call_functions).with(result).returns(aggregate) @client.aggregate_reply(result, aggregate).should == aggregate end it "should log and return nil on failure" do aggregate = mock aggregate.expects(:call_functions).raises Log.expects(:error).with(regexp_matches(/Failed to calculate aggregate summaries/)) @client.aggregate_reply({}, aggregate).should == nil end end describe "#collective=" do it "should validate the collective" do expect { @client.collective = "fail" }.to raise_error("Unknown collective fail") @client.collective = "rspec" end it "should set the collective" do @client.options[:collective].should == "mcollective" @client.collective = "rspec" @client.options[:collective].should == "rspec" end it "should reset the client" do @client.expects(:reset) @client.collective = "rspec" end end describe "#discovery_method=" do it "should set the method" do @client.default_discovery_method.should == true @client.discovery_method = "rspec" @client.default_discovery_method.should == false @client.discovery_method.should == "rspec" end it "should set initial options if provided" do client = Client.new("rspec", {:options => {:discovery_options => ["rspec"], :filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.discovery_method = "rspec" client.discovery_method.should == "rspec" client.discovery_options.should == ["rspec"] client.default_discovery_method.should == false end it "should clear the options if none are given initially" do @client.discovery_options = ["rspec"] @client.discovery_method = "rspec" @client.discovery_options.should == [] end it "should set the client options" do @client.expects(:options).returns("rspec") @client.client.expects(:options=).with("rspec") @client.discovery_method = "rspec" end it "should adjust timeout for the new method" do @client.expects(:discovery_timeout).once.returns(1) @client.discovery_method = "rspec" @client.instance_variable_get("@timeout").should == 4 end it "should preserve any user supplied discovery timeout" do @client.discovery_timeout = 10 @client.discovery_method = "rspec" @client.discovery_timeout.should == 10 end it "should reset the rpc client" do @client.expects(:reset) @client.discovery_method = "rspec" end end describe "#discovery_options=" do it "should flatten the options array" do @client.discovery_options = "foo" @client.discovery_options.should == ["foo"] end end describe "#class_filter" do it "should add a class to the filter" do @client.class_filter("rspec") @client.filter["cf_class"].should == ["rspec"] end it "should be idempotent" do @client.class_filter("rspec") @client.class_filter("rspec") @client.filter["cf_class"].should == ["rspec"] end end describe "#fact_filter" do before do Util.stubs(:parse_fact_string).with("rspec=present").returns({:value => "present", :fact => "rspec", :operator => "=="}) end it "should add a fact to the filter" do @client.fact_filter("rspec", "present", "=") @client.filter["fact"].should == [{:value=>"present", :fact=>"rspec", :operator=>"=="}] end it "should be idempotent" do @client.fact_filter("rspec", "present", "=") @client.fact_filter("rspec", "present", "=") @client.filter["fact"].should == [{:value=>"present", :fact=>"rspec", :operator=>"=="}] end end describe "#agent_filter" do it "should add an agent to the filter" do @client.filter["agent"].should == ["foo"] end it "should be idempotent" do @client.agent_filter("foo") @client.filter["agent"].should == ["foo"] end end describe "#identity_filter" do it "should add a node to the filter" do @client.identity_filter("rspec_node") @client.filter["identity"].should == ["rspec_node"] end it "should be idempotent" do @client.identity_filter("rspec_node") @client.identity_filter("rspec_node") @client.filter["identity"].should == ["rspec_node"] end end describe "#compound_filter" do before do Matcher.stubs(:create_compound_callstack).with("filter").returns("filter") end it "should add a compound filter" do @client.compound_filter("filter") @client.filter["compound"].should == ["filter"] end it "should be idempotent" do @client.compound_filter("filter") @client.compound_filter("filter") @client.filter["compound"].should == ["filter"] end end describe "#discovery_timeout" do it "should favour the initial options supplied timeout" do client = Client.new("rspec", {:options => {:disctimeout => 3, :filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.discovery_timeout.should == 3 end it "should return the DDL data if no specific options are supplied" do client = Client.new("rspec", {:options => {:disctimeout => nil, :filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.discovery_timeout.should == 2 end end describe "#discovery_timeout=" do it "should store the discovery timeout" do @client.discovery_timeout = 10 @client.discovery_timeout.should == 10 end it "should update the overall timeout with the new discovery timeout" do @client.instance_variable_get("@timeout").should == 4 @client.discovery_timeout = 10 @client.instance_variable_get("@timeout").should == 12 end end describe "#limit_method" do it "should force strings to symbols" do @client.limit_method = "first" @client.limit_method.should == :first end it "should only allow valid methods" do @client.limit_method = :first @client.limit_method.should == :first @client.limit_method = :random @client.limit_method.should == :random expect { @client.limit_method = :fail }.to raise_error(/Unknown/) expect { @client.limit_method = "fail" }.to raise_error(/Unknown/) end end describe "#method_missing" do it "should reset the stats" do client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.stubs(:call_agent) Stats.any_instance.expects(:reset).once client.rspec end it "should validate the request against the ddl" do client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.stubs(:call_agent) client.expects(:validate_request).with("rspec", {:arg => :val}).raises("validation failed") expect { client.rspec(:arg => :val) }.to raise_error("validation failed") end it "should support limited targets" do client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.limit_targets = 10 client.expects(:pick_nodes_from_discovered).with(10).returns(["one", "two"]) client.expects(:custom_request).with("rspec", {}, ["one", "two"], {"identity" => /^(one|two)$/}).once client.rspec end describe "batch mode" do before do Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(true) @client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) end it "should support global batch_size" do @client.batch_size = 10 @client.expects(:call_agent_batched).with("rspec", {}, @client.options, 10, 1) @client.rspec end it "should support custom batch_size" do @client.expects(:call_agent_batched).with("rspec", {}, @client.options, 10, 1) @client.rspec :batch_size => 10 end it "should allow supplied batch_size override global one" do @client.batch_size = 10 @client.expects(:call_agent_batched).with("rspec", {}, @client.options, 20, 1) @client.rspec :batch_size => 20 end it "should support global batch_sleep_time" do @client.batch_size = 10 @client.batch_sleep_time = 20 @client.expects(:call_agent_batched).with("rspec", {}, @client.options, 10, 20) @client.rspec end it "should support custom batch_sleep_time" do @client.batch_size = 10 @client.expects(:call_agent_batched).with("rspec", {}, @client.options, 10, 20) @client.rspec :batch_sleep_time => 20 end it "should allow supplied batch_sleep_time override global one" do @client.batch_size = 10 @client.batch_sleep_time = 10 @client.expects(:call_agent_batched).with("rspec", {}, @client.options, 10, 20) @client.rspec :batch_sleep_time => 20 end end it "should support normal calls" do client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.expects(:call_agent).with("rspec", {}, client.options, :auto).once client.rspec end end describe "#pick_nodes_from_discovered" do before do client = stub discoverer = stub ddl = stub ddl.stubs(:meta).returns({:timeout => 2}) discoverer.stubs(:ddl).returns(ddl) client.stubs("options=") client.stubs(:collective).returns("mcollective") client.stubs(:discoverer).returns(discoverer) Config.instance.stubs(:loadconfig).with("/nonexisting").returns(true) MCollective::Client.stubs(:new).returns(client) Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(true) end it "should return a percentage of discovered hosts" do client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.stubs(:discover).returns((1..10).map{|i| i.to_s}) client.limit_method = :first client.pick_nodes_from_discovered("20%").should == ["1", "2"] end it "should return the same list when a random seed is supplied" do client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting", :limit_seed => 5}}) client.stubs(:discover).returns((1..10).map{|i| i.to_s}) client.limit_method = :random client.pick_nodes_from_discovered("30%").should == ["3", "7", "8"] client.pick_nodes_from_discovered("30%").should == ["3", "7", "8"] client.pick_nodes_from_discovered("3").should == ["3", "7", "8"] client.pick_nodes_from_discovered("3").should == ["3", "7", "8"] end it "should correctly pick a numeric amount of discovered nodes" do client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting", :limit_seed => 5}}) client.stubs(:discover).returns((1..10).map{|i| i.to_s}) client.limit_method = :first client.pick_nodes_from_discovered(5).should == (1..5).map{|i| i.to_s} client.pick_nodes_from_discovered(5).should == (1..5).map{|i| i.to_s} end end describe "#limit_targets=" do before do client = stub discoverer = stub ddl = stub ddl.stubs(:meta).returns({:timeout => 2}) discoverer.stubs(:force_direct_mode?).returns(false) discoverer.stubs(:ddl).returns(ddl) discoverer.stubs(:discovery_method).returns("mc") client.stubs("options=") client.stubs(:collective).returns("mcollective") client.stubs(:discoverer).returns(discoverer) Config.instance.stubs(:loadconfig).with("/nonexisting").returns(true) MCollective::Client.expects(:new).returns(client) Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(true) @client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) end it "should support percentages" do @client.limit_targets = "10%" @client.limit_targets.should == "10%" end it "should support integers" do @client.limit_targets = 10 @client.limit_targets.should == 10 @client.limit_targets = "20" @client.limit_targets.should == 20 @client.limit_targets = 1.1 @client.limit_targets.should == 1 @client.limit_targets = 1.7 @client.limit_targets.should == 1 end it "should not invalid limits to be set" do expect { @client.limit_targets = "a" }.to raise_error(/Invalid/) expect { @client.limit_targets = "%1" }.to raise_error(/Invalid/) expect { @client.limit_targets = "1.1" }.to raise_error(/Invalid/) end end describe "#fire_and_forget_request" do before do @client = stub @discoverer = stub @ddl = stub @ddl.stubs(:meta).returns({:timeout => 2}) @discoverer.stubs(:force_direct_mode?).returns(false) @discoverer.stubs(:ddl).returns(@ddl) @discoverer.stubs(:discovery_method).returns("mc") @client.stubs("options=") @client.stubs(:collective).returns("mcollective") @client.stubs(:discoverer).returns(@discoverer) @client.stubs(:sendreq) Config.instance.stubs(:loadconfig).with("/nonexisting").returns(true) MCollective::Client.expects(:new).returns(@client) Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(true) @rpcclient = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) @rpcclient.stubs(:validate_request) @request = stub @rpcclient.stubs(:new_request).returns(@request) end it "should validate the request" do @rpcclient.expects(:validate_request).with("rspec", {:rspec => "test"}).raises("rspec") expect { @rpcclient.fire_and_forget_request("rspec", {:rspec => "test"}) }.to raise_error("rspec") end it "should set the filter if it was specifically supplied" do message = mock Message.expects(:new).with(@request, nil, {:agent => "foo", :type => :request, :collective => "mcollective", :filter => "filter", :options => @rpcclient.options}).returns(message) @rpcclient.expects(:identity_filter_discovery_optimization) @rpcclient.fire_and_forget_request("rspec", {:rspec => "test"}, "filter") end it "should set reply_to if set" do message = mock Message.expects(:new).with(@request, nil, {:agent => "foo", :type => :request, :collective => "mcollective", :filter => @rpcclient.filter, :options => @rpcclient.options}).returns(message) @rpcclient.reply_to = "/reply/to" message.expects(:reply_to=).with("/reply/to") @rpcclient.expects(:identity_filter_discovery_optimization) @rpcclient.fire_and_forget_request("rspec", {:rspec => "test"}) end it "should support direct_requests with discovery data supplied" do message = mock Message.expects(:new).with(@request, nil, {:agent => "foo", :type => :request, :collective => "mcollective", :filter => @rpcclient.filter, :options => @rpcclient.options}).returns(message) @rpcclient.discover :nodes => "rspec" message.expects(:discovered_hosts=).with(["rspec"]) message.expects(:type=).with(:direct_request) @rpcclient.expects(:identity_filter_discovery_optimization) @rpcclient.fire_and_forget_request("rspec", {:rspec => "test"}) end it "should support direct_requests with discoverers that force direct mode" do message = mock Message.expects(:new).with(@request, nil, {:agent => "foo", :type => :request, :collective => "mcollective", :filter => @rpcclient.filter, :options => @rpcclient.options}).returns(message) @discoverer.stubs(:force_direct_mode?).returns(true) @rpcclient.stubs(:discover).returns(["rspec"]) message.expects(:discovered_hosts=).with(["rspec"]) message.expects(:type=).with(:direct_request) @rpcclient.expects(:identity_filter_discovery_optimization) @rpcclient.fire_and_forget_request("rspec", {:rspec => "test"}) end end describe "#call_agent_batched" do before do @client = stub @discoverer = stub @ddl = stub @ddl.stubs(:meta).returns({:timeout => 2}) @discoverer.stubs(:force_direct_mode?).returns(false) @discoverer.stubs(:ddl).returns(@ddl) @discoverer.stubs(:discovery_method).returns("mc") @client.stubs("options=") @client.stubs(:collective).returns("mcollective") @client.stubs(:discoverer).returns(@discoverer) Config.instance.stubs(:loadconfig).with("/nonexisting").returns(true) MCollective::Client.expects(:new).returns(@client) Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(true) end it "should require direct addressing" do Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(false) client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) expect { client.send(:call_agent_batched, "foo", {}, {}, 1, 1) }.to raise_error("Batched requests requires direct addressing") end it "should require that all results be processed" do client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) expect { client.send(:call_agent_batched, "foo", {:process_results => false}, {}, 1, 1) }.to raise_error("Cannot bypass result processing for batched requests") end it "should only accept integer batch sizes" do client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) expect { client.send(:call_agent_batched, "foo", {}, {}, "foo", 1) }.to raise_error(/invalid value for Integer/) end it "should only accept float sleep times" do client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) expect { client.send(:call_agent_batched, "foo", {}, {}, 1, "foo") }.to raise_error(/invalid value for Float/) end it "should batch hosts in the correct size" do client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting", :stderr => StringIO.new}}) client.expects(:new_request).returns("req") discovered = mock discovered.stubs(:size).returns(1) discovered.expects(:in_groups_of).with(10).raises("spec pass") client.instance_variable_set("@client", @coreclient) @coreclient.stubs(:discover).returns(discovered) @coreclient.stubs(:timeout_for_compound_filter).returns(0) expect { client.send(:call_agent_batched, "foo", {}, {}, 10, 1) }.to raise_error("spec pass") end it "should force direct requests" do client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting", :stderr => StringIO.new}}) Message.expects(:new).with('req', nil, {:type => :direct_request, :agent => 'foo', :filter => nil, :options => {}, :collective => 'mcollective'}).raises("spec pass") client.expects(:new_request).returns("req") client.instance_variable_set("@client", @coreclient) @coreclient.stubs(:discover).returns(["test"]) @coreclient.stubs(:timeout_for_compound_filter).returns(0) expect { client.send(:call_agent_batched, "foo", {}, {}, 1, 1) }.to raise_error("spec pass") end it "should process blocks correctly" do client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting", :stderr => StringIO.new}}) msg = mock msg.expects(:discovered_hosts=).times(10) msg.expects(:create_reqid).returns("823a3419a0975c3facbde121f72ab61f") msg.expects(:requestid=).with("823a3419a0975c3facbde121f72ab61f").times(10) stats = {:noresponsefrom => [], :responses => 0, :blocktime => 0, :totaltime => 0, :discoverytime => 0, :requestid => "823a3419a0975c3facbde121f72ab61f"} Message.expects(:new).with('req', nil, {:type => :direct_request, :agent => 'foo', :filter => nil, :options => {}, :collective => 'mcollective'}).returns(msg).times(10) client.expects(:new_request).returns("req") client.expects(:sleep).with(1.0).times(9) client.instance_variable_set("@client", @coreclient) @coreclient.stubs(:discover).returns([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]) @coreclient.expects(:req).with(msg).yields("result").times(10) @coreclient.stubs(:stats).returns stats @coreclient.stubs(:timeout_for_compound_filter).returns(0) client.expects(:process_results_with_block).with("foo", "result", instance_of(Proc), nil).times(10) result = client.send(:call_agent_batched, "foo", {}, {}, 1, 1) { } result[:requestid].should == "823a3419a0975c3facbde121f72ab61f" result.class.should == Stats end it "should return an array of results in array mode" do client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting", :stderr => StringIO.new}}) client.instance_variable_set("@client", @coreclient) msg = mock msg.expects(:discovered_hosts=).times(10) msg.expects(:create_reqid).returns("823a3419a0975c3facbde121f72ab61f") msg.expects(:requestid=).with("823a3419a0975c3facbde121f72ab61f").times(10) stats = {:noresponsefrom => [], :responses => 0, :blocktime => 0, :totaltime => 0, :discoverytime => 0, :requestid => "823a3419a0975c3facbde121f72ab61f"} Progress.expects(:new).never Message.expects(:new).with('req', nil, {:type => :direct_request, :agent => 'foo', :filter => nil, :options => {}, :collective => 'mcollective'}).returns(msg).times(10) client.expects(:new_request).returns("req") client.expects(:sleep).with(1.0).times(9) @coreclient.stubs(:discover).returns([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]) @coreclient.expects(:req).with(msg).yields("result").times(10) @coreclient.stubs(:stats).returns stats @coreclient.stubs(:timeout_for_compound_filter).returns(0) client.expects(:process_results_without_block).with("result", "foo", nil).returns("rspec").times(10) client.send(:call_agent_batched, "foo", {}, {}, 1, 1).should == ["rspec", "rspec", "rspec", "rspec", "rspec", "rspec", "rspec", "rspec", "rspec", "rspec"] client.stats[:requestid].should == "823a3419a0975c3facbde121f72ab61f" end end describe "#batch_sleep_time=" do it "should correctly set the sleep" do Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(true) client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.batch_sleep_time = 5 client.batch_sleep_time.should == 5 end it "should only allow batch sleep to be set for direct addressing capable clients" do Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(false) Config.instance.stubs(:loadconfig).with("/nonexisting").returns(true) client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) expect { client.batch_sleep_time = 5 }.to raise_error("Can only set batch sleep time if direct addressing is supported") end end describe "#batch_size=" do it "should correctly set the size" do Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(true) client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.batch_mode.should == false client.batch_size = 5 client.batch_size.should == 5 client.batch_mode.should == true end it "should only allow batch size to be set for direct addressing capable clients" do Config.instance.stubs(:loadconfig).with("/nonexisting").returns(true) Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(false) client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) expect { client.batch_size = 5 }.to raise_error("Can only set batch size if direct addressing is supported") end it "should support disabling batch mode when supplied a batch size of 0" do Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(true) client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.batch_size = 5 client.batch_mode.should == true client.batch_size = 0 client.batch_mode.should == false end end describe "#discover" do it "should not accept invalid flags" do Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(true) client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) expect { client.discover(:rspec => :rspec) }.to raise_error("Unknown option rspec passed to discover") end it "should reset when :json, :hosts or :nodes are provided" do Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(true) client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.expects(:reset).times(3) client.discover(:hosts => ["one"]) client.discover(:nodes => ["one"]) client.discover(:json => ["one"]) end it "should only allow discovery data in direct addressing mode" do Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(false) client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.expects(:reset).once expect { client.discover(:nodes => ["one"]) }.to raise_error("Can only supply discovery data if direct_addressing is enabled") end it "should parse :nodes and :hosts and force direct requests" do Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(true) Helpers.expects(:extract_hosts_from_array).with(["one"]).returns(["one"]).twice client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.discover(:nodes => ["one"]).should == ["one"] client.discover(:hosts => ["one"]).should == ["one"] client.instance_variable_get("@force_direct_request").should == true client.instance_variable_get("@discovered_agents").should == ["one"] end it "should parse :json and force direct requests" do Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(true) Helpers.expects(:extract_hosts_from_json).with('["one"]').returns(["one"]).once client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.discover(:json => '["one"]').should == ["one"] client.instance_variable_get("@force_direct_request").should == true client.instance_variable_get("@discovered_agents").should == ["one"] end it "should not set direct mode for non 'mc' discovery methods" do Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(true) client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:discovery_method => "rspec", :filter => {"identity" => ["foo"], "agent" => []}, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) @coreclient.expects(:discover).returns(["foo"]) client.discover client.instance_variable_get("@discovered_agents").should == ["foo"] client.instance_variable_get("@force_direct_request").should == false end it "should force direct mode for non regex identity filters" do Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(true) client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:discovery_method => "mc", :filter => {"identity" => ["foo"], "agent" => []}, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.discover client.instance_variable_get("@discovered_agents").should == ["foo"] client.instance_variable_get("@force_direct_request").should == true end it "should not set direct mode if its disabled" do Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(false) client = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:discovery_method => "mc", :filter => {"identity" => ["foo"], "agent" => []}, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) client.discover client.instance_variable_get("@force_direct_request").should == false client.instance_variable_get("@discovered_agents").should == ["foo"] end it "should not set direct mode for regex identities" do Config.instance.stubs(:direct_addressing).returns(false) rpcclient = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => {"identity" => ["/foo/"], "agent" => []}, :config => "/nonexisting"}}) rpcclient.client.expects(:discover).with({'identity' => ['/foo/'], 'agent' => ['foo']}, 2).once.returns(["foo"]) rpcclient.discover rpcclient.instance_variable_get("@force_direct_request").should == false rpcclient.instance_variable_get("@discovered_agents").should == ["foo"] end it "should print status to stderr if in verbose mode" do @stderr.expects(:print).with("Discovering hosts using the mc method for 2 second(s) .... ") @stderr.expects(:puts).with(1) rpcclient = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting", :verbose => true, :disctimeout => 2, :stderr => @stderr, :stdout => @stdout}}) rpcclient.client.expects(:discover).with({'identity' => [], 'compound' => [], 'fact' => [], 'agent' => ['foo'], 'cf_class' => []}, 2).returns(["foo"]) rpcclient.discover end it "should not print status to stderr if in nonverbose mode" do @stderr.expects(:print).never @stderr.expects(:puts).never rpcclient = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting", :verbose => false, :disctimeout => 2, :stderr => @stderr, :stdout => @stdout}}) rpcclient.client.expects(:discover).with({'identity' => [], 'compound' => [], 'fact' => [], 'agent' => ['foo'], 'cf_class' => []}, 2).returns(["foo"]) rpcclient.discover end it "should record the start and end times" do Stats.any_instance.expects(:time_discovery).with(:start) Stats.any_instance.expects(:time_discovery).with(:end) rpcclient = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting", :verbose => false, :disctimeout => 2}}) rpcclient.client.expects(:discover).with({'identity' => [], 'compound' => [], 'fact' => [], 'agent' => ['foo'], 'cf_class' => []}, 2).returns(["foo"]) rpcclient.discover end it "should discover using limits in :first rpclimit mode given a number" do Config.instance.stubs(:rpclimitmethod).returns(:first) rpcclient = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting", :verbose => false, :disctimeout => 2}}) rpcclient.client.expects(:discover).with({'identity' => [], 'compound' => [], 'fact' => [], 'agent' => ['foo'], 'cf_class' => []}, 2, 1).returns(["foo"]) rpcclient.limit_targets = 1 rpcclient.discover end it "should not discover using limits in :first rpclimit mode given a string" do Config.instance.stubs(:rpclimitmethod).returns(:first) rpcclient = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting", :verbose => false, :disctimeout => 2}}) rpcclient.client.expects(:discover).with({'identity' => [], 'compound' => [], 'fact' => [], 'agent' => ['foo'], 'cf_class' => []}, 2).returns(["foo"]) rpcclient.limit_targets = "10%" rpcclient.discover end it "should not discover using limits when not in :first mode" do Config.instance.stubs(:rpclimitmethod).returns(:random) rpcclient = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting", :verbose => false, :disctimeout => 2}}) rpcclient.client.expects(:discover).with({'identity' => [], 'compound' => [], 'fact' => [], 'agent' => ['foo'], 'cf_class' => []}, 2).returns(["foo"]) rpcclient.limit_targets = 1 rpcclient.discover end it "should ensure force_direct mode is false when doing traditional discovery" do rpcclient = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting", :verbose => false, :disctimeout => 2}}) rpcclient.client.expects(:discover).with({'identity' => [], 'compound' => [], 'fact' => [], 'agent' => ['foo'], 'cf_class' => []}, 2).returns(["foo"]) rpcclient.instance_variable_set("@force_direct_request", true) rpcclient.discover rpcclient.instance_variable_get("@force_direct_request").should == false end it "should store discovered nodes in stats" do rpcclient = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting", :verbose => false, :disctimeout => 2}}) rpcclient.client.expects(:discover).with({'identity' => [], 'compound' => [], 'fact' => [], 'agent' => ['foo'], 'cf_class' => []}, 2).returns(["foo"]) rpcclient.discover rpcclient.stats.discovered_nodes.should == ["foo"] end it "should save discovered nodes in RPC" do rpcclient = Client.new("foo", {:options => {:filter => Util.empty_filter, :config => "/nonexisting", :verbose => false, :disctimeout => 2}}) rpcclient.client.expects(:discover).with({'identity' => [], 'compound' => [], 'fact' => [], 'agent' => ['foo'], 'cf_class' => []}, 2).returns(["foo"]) RPC.expects(:discovered).with(["foo"]).once rpcclient.discover end end end end end