module Rack; module Throttle ## # This is the base class for rate limiter implementations. # # @example Defining a rate limiter subclass # class MyLimiter < Limiter # def allowed?(request) # # TODO: custom logic goes here # end # end # class Limiter attr_reader :app, :options, :matchers ## # @param [#call] app # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [String] :cache ( # @option options [String] :key (nil) # @option options [String] :key_prefix (nil) # @option options [Integer] :code (403) # @option options [String] :message ("Rate Limit Exceeded") def initialize(app, options = {}) rules = options.delete(:rules) || {} @app, @options, @matchers = app, options, [] @matchers += Array(rules[:ip]).map { |rule| } if rules[:ip] @matchers += Array(rules[:url]).map { |rule| } if rules[:url] @matchers += Array(rules[:user_agent]).map { |rule| } if rules[:user_agent] @matchers += Array(rules[:method]).map { |rule| } if rules[:method] end ## # @param [Hash{String => String}] env # @return [Array(Integer, Hash, #each)] # @see def call(env) request = match_results = { |m| m.match?(request) }.uniq applicable = @matchers.empty? || match_results == [true] if applicable and !allowed?(request) rate_limit_exceeded else end end ## # Returns `true` if no :url_rule regex or if the request path # matches the :url regex, `false` otherwise. # # You can override this class, though that might be weird. # # @param [String] path # @return [Boolean] def restricted_url?(path) options[:url_rule].nil? || options[:url_rule].match(path) end ## # Returns `false` if the rate limit has been exceeded for the given # `request`, or `true` otherwise. # # Override this method in subclasses that implement custom rate limiter # strategies. # # @param [Rack::Request] request # @return [Boolean] def allowed?(request) case when whitelisted?(request) then true when blacklisted?(request) then false else true # override in subclasses end end ## # Returns `true` if the originator of the given `request` is whitelisted # (not subject to further rate limits). # # The default implementation always returns `false`. Override this # method in a subclass to implement custom whitelisting logic. # # @param [Rack::Request] request # @return [Boolean] # @abstract def whitelisted?(request) false end ## # Returns `true` if the originator of the given `request` is blacklisted # (not honoring rate limits, and thus permanently forbidden access # without the need to maintain further rate limit counters). # # The default implementation always returns `false`. Override this # method in a subclass to implement custom blacklisting logic. # # @param [Rack::Request] request # @return [Boolean] # @abstract def blacklisted?(request) false end protected ## # @return [Hash] def cache case cache = (options[:cache] ||= {}) when Proc then else cache end end ## # @param [String] key def cache_has?(key) case when cache.respond_to?(:has_key?) cache.has_key?(key) when cache.respond_to?(:get) cache.get(key) rescue false else false end end ## # @param [String] key # @return [Object] def cache_get(key, default = nil) case when cache.respond_to?(:[]) cache[key] || default when cache.respond_to?(:get) cache.get(key) || default end end ## # @param [String] key # @param [Object] value # @return [void] def cache_set(key, value) case when cache.respond_to?(:[]=) begin cache[key] = value rescue TypeError => e # GDBM throws a "TypeError: can't convert Float into String" # exception when trying to store a Float. On the other hand, we # don't want to unnecessarily coerce the value to a String for # any stores that do support other data types (e.g. in-memory # hash objects). So, this is a compromise. cache[key] = value.to_s end when cache.respond_to?(:set) cache.set(key, value) end end ## # @param [Rack::Request] request # @return [String] def cache_key(request) id = client_identifier(request) id = options[:key].call(request) if options.has_key?(:key) id = [options[:key_prefix], id].join(':') if options.has_key?(:key_prefix) @matchers.each do |matcher| id += ":#{matcher.identifier}" end id end ## # @param [Rack::Request] request # @return [String] def client_identifier(request) request.ip.to_s end ## # @param [Rack::Request] request # @return [Float] def request_start_time(request) case when request.env.has_key?('HTTP_X_REQUEST_START') request.env['HTTP_X_REQUEST_START'].to_f / 1000 else end end ## # Outputs a `Rate Limit Exceeded` error. # # @return [Array(Integer, Hash, #each)] def rate_limit_exceeded headers = respond_to?(:retry_after) ? {'Retry-After' => retry_after.to_f.ceil.to_s} : {} http_error(options[:code] || 403, options[:message] || 'Rate Limit Exceeded', headers) end ## # Outputs an HTTP `4xx` or `5xx` response. # # @param [Integer] code # @param [String, #to_s] message # @param [Hash{String => String}] headers # @return [Array(Integer, Hash, #each)] def http_error(code, message = nil, headers = {}) [ code, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' }.merge(headers), Array( http_status(code) + (message.nil? ? "\n" : " (#{message})\n") ) ] end ## # Returns the standard HTTP status message for the given status `code`. # # @param [Integer] code # @return [String] def http_status(code) [code, Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES[code]].join(' ') end end end; end