module ForemanVirtWhoConfigure module Api module V2 class ConfigsController < ::Api::V2::BaseController include ::Api::Version2 include ForemanVirtWhoConfigure::Concerns::ConfigParameters if >= '1.13' resource_description do api_version 'v2' api_base_url "/foreman_virt_who_configure/api/v2" end before_action :find_resource, :only => %w{show deploy_script update destroy} before_action :translate_filtering_mode, :only => %w{create update} api :GET, '/configs', N_("List of virt-who configurations") api :GET, "/organizations/:organization_id/configs", N_("List of virt-who configurations per organization") param_group :search_and_pagination, ::Api::V2::BaseController def index @configs = resource_scope_for_index end api :GET, "/configs/:id/", N_("Show a virt-who configuration") param :id, :identifier, :required => true def show end api :GET, "/configs/:id/deploy_script/", N_("Renders a deploy script for the specified virt-who configuration") param :id, :identifier, :required => true def deploy_script respond_to do |format| format.text { send_data @config.virt_who_bash_script, :filename => "deploy_virt_who_config_#{}.sh", :type => 'text/x-shellscript', :disposition => :attachment } { send_data @config.virt_who_bash_script, :filename => "deploy_virt_who_config_#{}.sh", :type => 'text/x-shellscript', :disposition => :attachment } format.json end end def_param_group :config do param :foreman_virt_who_configure_config, Hash, :required => true, :action_aware => true do param :name, String, :desc => N_("Configuration name"), :required => true param :interval,, :desc => N_("Configuration interval in minutes"), :required => true param :filtering_mode,, :desc => N_("Hypervisor filtering mode, %{unlimited} means no filtering, %{whitelist} means whitelist, %{blacklist} means blacklist") % { :unlimited => Config::UNLIMITED, :whitelist => Config::WHITELIST, :blacklist => Config::BLACKLIST }, :required => true param :whitelist, String, :desc => N_("Hypervisor whitelist, applicable only when filtering mode is set to 1. Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple records must be separated by comma."), :required => false param :blacklist, String, :desc => N_("Hypervisor blacklist, applicable only when filtering mode is set to 2. Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple records must be separated by comma."), :required => false param :filter_host_parents, String, :desc => N_("Applicable only for esx provider type. Only hosts which parent (usually ComputeResource) name is specified in comma-separated list in this option will be reported. Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple records must be separated by comma. Put the value into the double-quotes if it contains special characters like comma. All new line characters will be removed in resulting configuration file, white spaces are removed from beginning and end."), :required => false param :exclude_host_parents, String, :desc => N_("Applicable only for esx provider type. Hosts which parent (usually ComputeResource) name is specified in comma-separated list in this option will <b>NOT</b> be reported. Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple records must be separated by comma. Put the value into the double-quotes if it contains special characters like comma. All new line characters will be removed in resulting configuration file, white spaces are removed from beginning and end."), :required => false param :hypervisor_id, Config::HYPERVISOR_IDS, :desc => N_("Specifies how the hypervisor will be identified."), :required => true param :hypervisor_type, Config::HYPERVISOR_TYPES.keys, :desc => N_("Hypervisor type"), :required => true param :hypervisor_server, String, :desc => N_("Fully qualified host name or IP address of the hypervisor"), :required => true param :hypervisor_username, String, :desc => N_("Account name by which virt-who is to connect to the hypervisor."), :required => true param :hypervisor_password, String, :desc => N_("Hypervisor password, required for all hypervisor types except for libvirt"), :required => false param :satellite_url, String, :desc => N_("Satellite server FQDN"), :required => true param :debug, :bool, :desc => N_("Enable debugging output") param :http_proxy_id, Integer, :desc => N_('HTTP proxy that should be used for communication between the server on which virt-who is running and the hypervisors and virtualization managers.') param :no_proxy, String, :desc => N_("Ignore proxy. A comma-separated list of hostnames or domains or ip addresses to ignore proxy settings for. Optionally this may be set to * to bypass proxy settings for all hostnames domains or ip addresses.") param :organization_id, Integer, :required => true, :desc => N_("Organization of the virt-who configuration") if ::SETTINGS[:organizations_enabled] end end api :POST, '/configs', N_("Create a virt-who configuration") param_group :config, :as => :create def create @config = process_response end api :PUT, '/configs/:id', N_("Update a virt-who configuration") param :id, :number, :desc => N_("Configuration numeric identifier"), :required => true param_group :config def update process_response @config.update_attributes(config_params) end api :DELETE, '/configs/:id', N_("Delete a virt-who configuration") param :id, :number, :desc => N_("Configuration numeric identifier"), :required => true def destroy process_response @config.destroy end def apply_organization_filter(scope) scope.for_organization(Organization.current) end def resource_scope(*args) apply_organization_filter(super) end def resource_class ForemanVirtWhoConfigure::Config end protected def controller_permission 'virt_who_config' end def action_permission case params[:action] when 'deploy_script' 'view' else super end end private # compatibility layer for 1.11 - pre strong params patch def config_params if defined?(super) super else params[:foreman_virt_who_configure_config] end end def translate_filtering_mode mode = params[:foreman_virt_who_configure_config].delete(:filtering_mode) params[:foreman_virt_who_configure_config][:listing_mode] = mode if mode end def allowed_nested_id %w(organization_id) end end end end end