bash <<'EOS' <% require 'erb' def render(partial) partial_path = Gem.find_files(File.join( %W{chef knife bootstrap _#{partial}} )).first raise ArgumentError, "Partial _#{partial} not found" if partial_path.nil? end -%> set -e <%= %{set -x} if @config[:knife] && @config[:knife][:log_level] == :debug -%> <%= if knife_config[:bootstrap_proxy] %{export http_proxy="#{knife_config[:bootstrap_proxy]}"} end -%> export hostname="<%= @config[:chef_node_name] %>" export webui_password="<%= ENV['WEBUI_PASSWORD'] %>" export amqp_password="<%= ENV['AMQP_PASSWORD'] %>" export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive <%= render "" %> <%= render "" %> <%= render "" %> setup() { apt-get update apt-get install -y lsb-release } add_opscode_apt_repo() { echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-0.10 main" > \ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opscode.list # add the GPG Key and Update Index mkdir -p /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d apt-get update # permanent upgradeable keyring apt-get install -y --force-yes opscode-keyring apt-get dist-upgrade -y } preseed_chef_pkg() { local preseed=/var/cache/local/preseeding/chef-server.seed mkdir -p $(dirname $preseed) cat < $preseed chef chef/chef_server_url string chef-server-webui chef-server-webui/admin_password password $webui_password chef-solr chef-solr/amqp_password password $amqp_password PRESEED debconf-set-selections $preseed } install_chef_server() { preseed_chef_pkg apt-get update apt-get install -y chef chef-server libshadow-ruby1.8 } config_chef_solo() { ## Configure Apache2 to proxy SSL traffic, using chef-solo local tmp_solo="$1" mkdir -p $tmp_solo cat > $tmp_solo/solo.rb < $tmp_solo/bootstrap.json { "chef_server" : { "webui_enabled" : true, "ssl_req" : "/C=CA/ST=Several/L=Locality/O=Example/OU=Operations/CN=${hostname}/emailAddress=root@${hostname}" }, "run_list" : [ "recipe[chef-server::apache-proxy]" ] } BOOTSTRAP_JSON } enable_ssl_proxy() { local tmp_solo=/tmp/chef-solo config_chef_solo $tmp_solo chef-solo -c $tmp_solo/solo.rb -j $tmp_solo/bootstrap.json \ -r rm -rf $tmp_solo } setup set_hostname_for_${platform} add_opscode_apt_repo install_chef_server enable_ssl_proxy banner "Bootstrapping Chef Server on ${hostname} is complete." EOS